Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Sebastian King.

The name itself was rarely spoken aloud, and could make grown men cringe and cower in fear.

At the age of twenty-one, he ruled the most dangerous gang, and London to be honest. Rumor has it that he has insiders on the police force, and knows what is happening everywhere else before the rest of police.

Now, to say something even slightly disrespectful to him could get you killed.

So, to be as utterly stupid as I was, and hit him- well, I might as well go out and dig my grave right now, that is, if Sebastian doesn't kill me first and dump my body into a bin in an alleyway.

"You're just as impulsive as people say you are." Sebastian said, with his hand still tangled painfully in my hair.

"You're not as scary and tough as people say you are," I spat out, refusing to give into the quaking fear that was taking over my very being.

His dark eyes narrowed and within mere seconds, I was pushed onto the ground, staring into the barrel of a gun. I've been in many life-threatening situations; trust me, but never have I been so utterly defenseless.

Through the corners of my eyes, I watched as Sebastian's men pulled out their guns, pointing them at my brother, Nate, and Will. My throat tightened and I felt my vision start to darken.

"Not scary and tough, eh?" Sebastian hissed out, kneeling down so that he could get up into my face.

My hard, cold exterior that I prided myself in slipped for only a fraction of a second, but that didn't stop an evil smirk from slipping onto his face. Even as he tucked his gun into the back of his pants, I found myself unable to move, in fear that he would whip his gun out and blast my head off.

"You really are a stubborn bitch," he said, amusement shining in his eyes.

Straightening up to his full height, he motioned for his men to lower their guns, and said something to the man at his left.

"Danny, why don't you and I have a little chat? It's about what we discussed earlier this week." Shifting slightly, I was able to see the way Danny paled and glanced at me nervously.

What the hell is going on right now?

Danny's spoken to the Sebastian King before?

Danny shakily nodded his head, and began to take cautious steps towards his office at the end of the hallway to the right of me. The green-eyed accomplice of Sebastian followed him, and Danny looked back to Nate and Will, jerking his head for them to follow.

I stood up, expecting to be included in this meeting, but found myself being pulled back into a hard chest by the blonde haired boy that had stayed behind.

"Sorry babe, but you'll be staying with me." The scruff on his chin scratched the side of my face and I held my breath as he pushed me towards the couch.


I quickly sat down, unable to settle into the couch due to the nerves that were keeping me on edge.

So many thoughts were going through my mind. Why in the world had Danny met with Sebastian King before?

"You look nervous." The blonde haired man stated, eyeing me.

The sound of his voice tore me away from my thoughts, and I jerked forwards, nearly falling off the couch in the process. I could have sworn that I saw a ghost smile shadow over his lips as he made his way over to me.

Crouching in front of me, I refused to flinch away from him, not wanting so show him how scared I really was.

"You're a very well known girl, you know that right?" He asked, placing his hands on my knees.

Pushing away his hands, I narrowed my eyes. "Oh really? Then you should know that I'm not one to piss off."

The guy surprised me by laughing, and sat down next to me, throwing his arm behind me.

"You should have known the same thing about Sebastian King."

I internally winced at the sound of his name and bit my lip, growing very uneasy by the minute.

"You're lucky he didn't kill you right then," he admitted, turning his head to face me.

"I know," my voice was soft and barely audible.

"So tell me, how did you not realize it was Sebastian? Or did you, and you're just as reckless as they say?" He asked, looking almost impressed.

Rolling my eyes, I frowned. "Who the fuck has been saying all these things about me?" I snapped in annoyance.

He laughed before shrugging, "People."

Fed up with the guy, I pushed my body as far away from his as possible, not wanting to be near him anymore.

"So who are you?" I finally asked, after realizing that I had absolutely no idea who he was.

He raised his brow in disbelief. "You don't know who I am?"

"Obviously," I muttered, shrugging my shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.

"Callum, my name is-"

"Callum Bell!" I couldn't help myself as I blurted out his name, my eyes wide with shock. He too looked surprised at first, before a smirk settled on his face.

"So you have heard of me," his eyes glinted and he leaned back into the couch, obviously happy with himself.

"So the- the guy with Sebastian must be Mason Walker," I spoke quietly, almost to myself as I made the realization.

I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen it before. Mason and Callum were the next in the ranks after Sebastian, and were always by his side, known for assisting him while taking down gangs and finishing up jobs.

The three of them were indestructible.

Now aware of whom the man really was, I found myself moving further away, pressing my body up against the arm of the couch.

"Is little Miss Evelyn scared now?" He teased, a dark smirk gracing his expression.

Wiping my face clean of emotion, I stared him dead in the eye. "You don't scare me."

"Is that so?" Callum asked, moving closer and closer. "Because you seem to be trying really hard to pretend like I don't."

Remaining void of emotion, I deepened my glare. "Who said I was pretending?"

His lips twisted in a sinister sneer, and he opened his mouth, ready to snap at me and most likely threaten my life.

"Now, now, Callum, don't let her act get to you." I felt the color drain from my face at the sound of Sebastian's voice. Standing up, I whipped around, to face the rest of the guys.

"Danny, mind telling me what's going on?" My voice was cold and harsh, and I found my anger getting the best of me.

"Evie, I need to talk to you," Danny said quietly, "It's important."

Danny was never quiet and nervous, and I felt the anxiety building up in the pit of my stomach.

Moving around the couch, I slowly made my way over to Danny, careful to not get too close to Sebastian. Moving past them all, I followed Danny down the hall and into his office.

The second the door closed, I allowed myself to finally breathe.

"Danny what is going on? Why have you met with-"

Danny lifted up his hand, silencing me. "I've been on edge lately, and we both know that."

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically, "Personally, I think you've been just a ray of sunshine recently."

"Our gang isn't what it used to be."

I faltered, confusion and concern taking over.

"What do you mean?"

Danny looked down, licking his lips nervously. "Smaller gangs have started joining together, building up an army practically. I didn't see this as a problem until they started intruding on our drug deals, attacking my men."

"What does this have to do with-"

"I'm getting there." Danny's eyes met mine and a pleading look flashed through his eyes.

"The power we once had, i-it's not there anymore. Sure, we are still one of the most feared gangs, but not for long."


"Sebastian offered us protection." Danny finally said, his eyes wide, almost begging me to understand.

I remained silent, unable to think of something to say.

"These gangs that are forming against us, they think that if they take down 'London's Eyes,' they will be able to rule London." Danny ran his hand through his hair, looking around the room frantically.

"They were plotting to kill us. Me, Nate, Will," His eyes met mine, "You."

I collapsed into the chair behind me, a whirlwind of emotions numbing me to the bone.

"I didn't have a choice." Danny whispered, "I had to agree to Sebastian's proposition."

My head snapped up and I met Danny's guilty eyes.

"Our safety in exchange for..." I trailed off. "What? Danny, what did you agree to? Danny?"

Danny's mouth opened and closed like a fish's, and his eyes were filled to the brim with guilt.

"Danny, you're scaring me," I whispered, grasping the sides of the chair tightly.

Danny shook his head and stood up. "I failed Evie. I failed. I promised out parents that I would protect you and I failed."

"What do you mean?" I cried out, shaking as I stood up. "Danny you're not making any sense!"

"I'm sorry, I-I just, Evie I'm so sorry." The sound of the door opening behind me made my body stiffen.

"Why don't you go wait outside, Danny." It wasn't a question, but a command. Danny's eyes widened and he looked from Sebastian to me, a horrified expression on his face.

"Now." Danny stumbled past me, narrowly avoided my hands that reached out for him.

Once he left the room, I heard the door fully close, as a presence come up behind me.

"You really shouldn't be so bitter, my sweet Evie," he whispered, making me shiver and freeze over. "I mean, here I am being the good guy, offering your gang protection, yet you still treat me so horribly." His hand grasped my side, pulling me back into reality.

Pushing myself away from him, I backed away so that there was at least three feet between us.

"But for what?" I managed to ask, despite my shaken state.

Crossing his arms, he pouted his lips slightly. "What do you mean for what?"

A sour laugh escaped my lips and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"There is no way that Sebastian King offered protection, or anything for that matter, without wanting something in return." My voice was lethal, and I gave him a cold look.

That didn't stop him from letting a small smile appear.

"You truly are something, huh?" I didn't respond, but only continued to give him the cold glare that seemed to just naturally shield my eyes.

"You're smart," he finally said, "Smarter than your brother was." He let out a short laugh and shook his head. "You should have seen his face, when I told him how I would help. His eyes lit up and for a minute there, he didn't look like a hopeless excuse of a gang leader."

My hands were now tight fists, and my body trembled as my heart rate increased.

No one spoke about my brother like that.

"But then, when I told him what I wanted in return," Sebastian continued, his eyes locked onto mine, "Danny didn't know what to do. He nearly went on his knees begging me to pick anything else. It was really, really pathetic."

That's it.

I flung my body at Sebastian, swinging my fists left and right as I tried to attack that son of a bitch. He stepped to the left, avoiding my fist, but wasn't prepared for the kick I sent his way. I managed to lay in a few more blows before he predicted my next move and caught my wrist in an iron like grip.

In one swift motion, he was able to pin my back to Danny's desk, knocking over quite a few things in the process.

Being bent in an uncomfortable angle, where my feet barely touched the floor, Sebastian leaned his body over mine, holding down my wrists with his strong hands.

"I can't tell if you're extremely stupid, or incredibly brave." He breathed out, his lips only inches away from mine.

It bothered me how calm he was, not even out of breath, while I panted underneath him, my back aching in pain and my head still hurting from earlier.

"You're an asshole." I spat out, my anger still fueling me.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and pushed my body further into the desk, making a loud whimper escape my lips. The pain in my back had reached an all time high and it took everything inside of me to keep me from screaming out in agony.

It's funny really, how for a girl with my kind of reputation had such a low threshold for pain.

But then again, I normally was never in these situations, being overpowered by someone else.

"Extremely stupid, I see." Sebastian spoke after what seemed like years of silence. Without warning, he pulled away from the desk, bringing me up with him. His arms wound tightly around me, but I noticed how he placed one of his large hands on my lower back- specifically over the area that had been pushed into the desk only moments before.

"You see, Evelyn," his voice was soft, but demanding my attention. "Unlike your brother, I don't allow disrespect. There's a reason why my gang is number one in London, and will always remain that way until the day I die."

My body shook as he spoke, "You see, I can promise to keep your gang safe, and make sure those petty little gangs do no harm, but yes, I will want something in return."

He leaned away for a moment, taking in my full appearance.

"Mason is absolutely brilliant when it comes to tracking down people. You could have a ten hour head start on him, leave the country, and get a full makeover, but he still would find you in less than an hour."

At this point, I had no idea where Sebastian was going with any of this, but, I stayed silent and allowed him to speak. As long as he wasn't hurting me anymore, I would listen to whatever he had to ramble on about.

"Callum has friends on the police force-"

So the rumors are true...

"And can have a search warrant on anyone he was with a snap of his fingers." Sebastian finished, leaning closer, so that our bodies were flush against each other.

"W-Why are you telling me this?" I asked, mentally cursing myself for sounding so weak.

His eyes glinted evilly, "Sweet Evie, have you really not realized it yet?"

My throat tightened and I fought to remain expressionless.

"You want to know what I wanted in exchange for the London's Eyes safety?" He asked.

"Yes." My voice was hard and I knew I had surprised him with my sudden composure.

A smirk appeared and he dipped his head down, so that his lips were hovering by my ear, and I was tilted back slightly, like a rag doll in his arms.

It all came to me before he actually told me for a fact. The guilty looks from Danny, and how he wouldn't be able to protect me now. The warnings about Mason and Callum, not to mention the secretive looks that had been going around ever since I met Sebastian King.

"N-No!" I choked out, pushing away from him. It was pretty obvious that he allowed me to get away, for his strength greatly over powered mine.

"Yes, Evie, I knew you would put it all together."

I shook my heard repeatedly and found myself gasping for air.

This isn't happening. It's all just part of some awful nightmare.

"No, no, please no." I whimpered, leaning against the desk for support as my heart thundered within my chest.

"You." My blue eyes met his nearly black ones.

A cry left my lips and I raised my hands to cover my ears, knowing that he was about to crush me with his next few words.

"I want you, Evelyn Claire Summers."

I couldn't help the sob that slipped through my trembling lips as my body sunk to the floor.

And you want to know what the worst part of it all was?

Knowing deep down, that no matter what, there was no way out.


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