«Chapter 4» Guilt

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Valt gasped and woke up to find himself, back in the house. The house he used to live. But. It didn't seem like the beautiful and happy home to him anymore. This house is just a copy. He knew it. There is a difference between home and house. Home is filled with happiness, love and something called family. But house is nothing but bricks, paint and furnitures. Valt got up, feeling afraid. He walked around the house, trying to find a way to get out. But his efforts to escape did not avail. Tired, he sat on the wooden floor, staring at the sky. He took a closer look at the sky to see a slight orange colour. Eyes widened, he ran. He ran to the kitchen and took a knife and then ran to the garage and searched through the desk to find a torch. He opened the curtains to see the sun setting. He had some time left. Some time left to hide

He ran to the basement, as fast as he can and turned the lights off. He knew what to do. He turned the torch on and walked through the basement and went towards an old book shelf. He held the torch towards the books, trying to find something specific. When he did, he pulled the book and the book shelf moved, revealing a passage. He went in and the shelf behind him closed automatically. The passage or tunnel was dark with no lights. He walked in further and further till he found the underground base which his father built for them for emergencies. He looked back at the way one last time before he closed the door and walked to a chair. He sat on it and let out a sigh. It feels heavy for him. Too heavy to handle. He slowly closed his eyes, trying to relax finally but. Something didn't let him.

A black tall figure, was standing next to him, unusually close enough to make him feel uncomfortable. It touched his cheeks and came close to his neck and just stood there while Valt tried to stand up in discomfort but he couldn't. He felt sick by his stomach. He didn't know why but he just did. So he just let it be. A feeling of sadness ran through him as the figure continued to make him more uncomfortable. He tried to get it away from him but couldn't do it. It felt like he is trapped. Even if he was safe from the man in the veil, it felt like he was trapped. The feeling of sadness made him feel sick for unknown reasons.

Soon tears fell down remembering his faults and flaws. He soon started to say something. “Why... Why do they.. Do this to me?...” he asked to himself. He didn't know why he is getting his memories dug up again but it feels terrible. Terrible that he caused everything. Now it almost feels like the shadowy black figure is bringing his memories back. Making him feel guilty of nothing. Maybe.. He is guilty because his parents died because of him. Because of his voice. Or maybe because his siblings are left on their own and he can't even visit them anymore.

Oh he really want to die right now. He can't handle this guilt anymore. He looked around, as the black figure lifted his hand up to his hair. Without consciousness, he started to pull his hair forcefully while his other hand was placed on the table where there was a knife with it. Without any hesitation, he took the knife in a hurry and stabbed himself by his neck.


Valt was woken up by the sounds of people panicking and ambulance. He closed his eyes once again, falling into deep slumber. After a while He slowly opened his eyes to see a nurse with him. “Sir Aoi is awake!” she shouted. A white albino fused in and hugged him tightly. Valt hissed in pain as he noticed bandages around his neck. Shu realised what he did and undid the hug and looked at him in a serious expression

“Why did you tried to kill yourself Valt?...”


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