Its Ninja O'clock

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Ana:Wow second part already?!

Nomi:How did we got stuck with her?

Randy:No idea

Nomi:Ugh let's just get this over with

Ana:Mood swing?

Both:*face palm*

Ana:What I can be an idiot sometimes

Both:Let's just start this!!!

Ana:Okay jeez no need to shout!*click *

Another ordinary day for Randy again as the usual,he did his daily routine again and this time his really running late he was hurrying up then his phone rang

"What the juice,now?!"He said panicking picking his phone and answering it and greeted him a loud scream

"Cunningham!!!Were the juice are you?!Your running late!"Howard yelled at him on the phone angrily

"I know!!you don't have to rub it on my face!"He shouted back

"You better get here before 10 minutes!!"He shouted again at him

"How am I supposed to do that?!"He yelled in a bit of high pitched voice you know Randy right his like that sometimes

"Just do your ninja-ing or whatever and get your butt over here!!"He yelled and cut the line Randy is panicking right now and as the usual he fell again on the stairs

"Ugh!Now I really need to do it,I'm going on ninja mode"He said and pulled out his mask out of his pocket and put it on his face and he was ready to go well of course he putted his glasses away

"Okay,let's go,Ninja sprint Ninja sprint,Ninja Block!"he said and ninja block on a bit of high-pitched voice you know how he always goes like that he almost hit the tree!what a shoob,hehe sorry if you guys got affected

He ninja sprinted all the way to school and he was not even sweating his powers kept him from getting tired,every time Randy turns into the Ninja his like a whole different person the one he would ever dreamed about all the attention he wanted all the fame and glory he can never have as a nerd though he can't tell anyone which he thinks is so wonk,and with the nomicon to tell him riddles even his big brain couldn't get makes things harder for him,While Nomi every time he became Nomiconhis totally a different person his no longer a bit childish and his always strict to the ninja though he still loves to have fun

After that he his behind a tree and put out his mask and wore back his glasses he sighed and looked at the clock

"Shoot!!Only five more minutes!!"He yelled at himself and started running again and since he doesn't have the suit on he got a bit tired he run all the way there he run as fast as he could so he wouldn't be late and without noticing he bumped into someone and they both fall to the ground

"Ow!that hurts,oh yeah it hurts,right at the back"Randy whined touching his back rubbing it he was angry that time but his anger was replaced by embarrassment when he knew who he bumped into

"Oh,Sorry Randy I didn't see you there"He said to randy and who is he?You ask its none other that Nomi Noritsu,Nomi giggled when he saw Randy's face was so red he stood up and lend a hand Randy was too shy to accept his help

"Oh come on don't be shy its alright"He said smiling at him he smiled back at Nomi and stood up with the help of Nomi oh what happiness,and he was filled with joy and shyness

"Oh shoot!Were running late!!"Randy said panicking and seeing him panicking was cute for Nomi

"Come on Randy let's hurry up"Nomi said grabbing Randy's hand running as fast as he can Randy blushed a little though and shyness took over him again,then the door was about to close but then they reached it and they both accidentally rolled and fell

"Yes we made it in time!"Nomi said laughing raising both his hands in fist of course his back is on the ground and his legs were on the wall

"That was a close call that was so bruce!"Randy said an stood up as well as Nomi and they both went to there own seat,randy sighed sweating

"So,Cunningham what in the juice happened?"Howard said

"Well,I was running late and turn into the ninja then after that I was still running late and at the hall way I,well accidentally, bumped,into Nomi"He said

"You bumped into Nomi and didn't even apologize?!"He said 'oh shoot I forgot!'Randy thought

"I'm sure its fine"He said

"Really?Are you sure because his coming here"He tricked Randy again

"What?!"Randy then turned around again and found himself embarrass

"Hahaha!Twice Cunningham twice!"He laughed and Randy was not amused

"Mrs.Driscoll Randy and Howard are chatting loudly!!"Doug said and point the obvious again they both rolled there eyes

"What have I tell you Doug!"Mrs.Driscoll said

"Seriously Doug?!Pointing the obvious again great job Doug!"Howard said being sarcastic again

"Thats just him,Zing!"Bucky said

~•McFist industry•~

"Viceroy!"Mcfist yelled

"Yes what is it this time?"He asked

"Make a deadly,robot that could finally kill the ninja a big one think big!"He said telling loudly as usual

"Yes sir"He said muttering things,after awhile he finished the one that McFist asked for

"Hey,Viceroy!Is it ready yet?!"McFist said walking in and was in shock

"Ooh!!What is that?!"He said

"Oh,this is killer dog 2000,he can easily get the ninjas scent from a mile away"He said

"Ooh!So cute!What do you think we should call him?!"McFist said because the dog is cute

"Sir,its a killer robot,we control it to destroy the ninja!"Viceroy said

"Who's a good boy?"McFist said

"Are you even listening?!"Viceroy said

"No!"Mcfist said,and viceroy sighed

"I'm just going to get thaw ninja and I'll be using killer dog 2000"He said

"Yes doggy make me proud!"Mcfist said and Viceroy face palmed

~•Back to Class•~

"And that's how you clean a dog"Mrs.Driscoll said,well if you get the idea of what she's talking about you'll get it

"Aahh!!Shnasty!"Randy said well its actually cleaning you get the idea

"Oh,you said it man I'm never doing that!"Howard said

"But we have to Howard"Randy said parting his back and they both laughed and joked around

"Mrs.Driscoll!Howard and Randy making fun of the lesson!"Doug said it again

"Havent we already discussed about this Doug!"Mrs.Driscoll said,then Steven played his instruments again

"Seriously?!Doug again?!Shut it Doug shut your pie hole!"Howard said,then added shoob

• Randy's POV •

I just rolled my eyes and giggled well laughing I guess,Ten Ma'am gave us another pop quiz damn!

"Hey nerd,answers now!"Bash said god why is he sitting next to me why can't Nomi be the one sitting ne-okay what the juice am I thinking?!

"Stop picking on him!"Nomi said luckily his behind me I must admit he saved me a lot of times then out of nowhere a robotic dog with a color?

"What the juice?!"I was shocked that robot ate the window in our class and destroyed the wall all of my classmates runner away and screamed in terro they mostly scream in terror,then I saw Nomi got a pissed off look in his face and runner away

"Holy!What's that?!"Mrs.Driscoll said then said for all of us to go out

"A killer robot!"Theresa said running away as well as the others

"Howard I think its Ninja o'clock!"I said to him

"I don't care anyways"He said

"I know buddy!"I said patting his shoulders and nged into my ninja suit luckily no one was there to spot me

"I'm gonna bounce so yeah"Howard said and runned away the I saw the killer dog outside

"Smokebomb!!This is no place for you do-"I said smoke bombing then the dog kicked me and I hit the wall everyone was cheering on me though

"Stop being a shoob ninja!"Howard said god his annoying

"That's gotta hurt Ninja"Someone said and from that voice I know that's nomicon I whined in pain,then the robot got me and shaked me like a toy!

"W-W-Woah!!"I said,Nomicon then facepalmed

"Really Ninja,The only way to defeat an enemy is to expect less"Nomicon said again gosh another riddle he then jumped up and use a scythe and hit the dog on the eye  from the look of the dog this is another of McFists doing,I took out my ninja sword and run to the Robot

"Ninja sprint,Ninja sprint,ninja sprint,Ninja slice!"I said and Nomicon got out of the way and then the robot blocked my ninja slice and then

"The killer dog gots my scarf!uh oh,woah!!"Then the dog pushed me to the ground and pour out some goo on me

"Shnasty!!"I said trying to block the goo coming out from its mouth,then people said ew

"Stop getting womp ninja and get up!"Howard said easy for you to say

"Expect less expect the unexpected Ninja!"Nomicon yelled as he grab the robot his scythe which haves chains on it and grabbed it back

"How am I suppose to expect less?!"I asked Nomicon and he rolled his eyes,Then finally I got it he means that if I expect less I will find a way to kill the robot

"So you mean I expected this killer robot is easy to defeat that I'm getting my butt kicked and instead of trying to kill this robot I should find its weakness!"I said to Nomicon still holding back the killer dog

"Bingo,Ninja that's it woah!"Then the robot kicked him to the wall then Steven played his instrument again

"Shut it Steven!"I said but flute girl over here likes that kid no idea why so I need to find a weak spot it came running to me then

"Oh,boy"I said and it kicked me hard I stood again and rubbed to it again and then

"Ninja electro balls!Ninja jump"I said and jumped just to find its weakness right at the back and

"Ninja tengu fireball!!"I said and hit its weak spot then the robot slowly collapsed and explode

"I think this dog just became a hot dog!Get it"I joked

"Not funny ninja!"Howard said
and then I found everyone cheering for me and Nomicon,speaking of Nomicon he walked to me

"Ninja!Nomicon!Ninja!Nomicon!"They all cheered then the girls started squealing am I too attractive,yes I am I'm the ninja

"Ninja we need to go now"He strictly ordered

"Oh come on Nomicon!Lighten up,were the cheese right now"I said to him

"Were only here when needed let's go!"He said again

"Oh,come on don't be a shoob"I said then girls kept getting louder,Nomicon seems pissed off I guess he doesn't love to get a lot of attentions,he then lifted me up the ground and carried me bridal style

"Sorry ladies,but we need to go"Nomicon said and used my smoke bomb and he jumped high and we reach the roof top and i heard girl saying uh and I blushed a little his embarrassing me

"Nomicon you seriously didn't need to carry me!I can go by myself"I yelled at him

"Really?I said we should go and you don't want to and that's my way for me to make you shut up and for us to go already!"He said strictly again and I just noticed just now!!

"Hey Nomicon what's with the new look?Hmmmm?"I asked him because his not wearing his mask anymore his eyes where seen but his nose and lips weren't, only his hair and eyes were seen and he looks very familiar though his cape is still there

"You do know I can read your mind"he said

"And plus I just changed my looks because I'm tired of wearing my mask"He said and I oh in understandment then someone opened the door

"Oh hey Cunning-I mean Ninja!"Howard said seriously?!

"This is Nomicon Howard"

"So this is your friend who knows your identity and the ninja?really?"Nomicon said

"I don't like you"Howard said pointing at him well he was close to us

"Not my problem"He answered back I bet they won't get along well and I bet I can't leave this two for 5 minutes without them arguing I got in between them and then and broke them up

"Okay,so let's just be okay,okay, I think you guys met at the wrong foot but hey,its alright buddy"I said and Nomicon backed away

"Tsck,I'm leaving"He said and jumped off then I took off the mask and put on my glasses back

"Let's go already!"Howard said I trilled my eyes and nodded

• Nomi's POV •

I jumped away and hide behind the window and changed into my casual clothes

"Howard is the one who know his secret?!"I muttered angrily Running inside the school I lowered my head and then without noticing I bump and heard someone said ouch and groaned

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there"I said to him looking just to find myself shocked

"Oh sorry I didn't she you there too"He said and laughed a little

"We seriously need to stop bumping with each other"I said giglling and found him blushing

"Yeah"He said,such a cutie

Ana:Okay second part done I could've done this yesterday if this could've been done faster and if I didn't fell asleep writing this

Nomi:So this is how you do it


Nomi:Not yet,accuracy is needed

Ana:Yeah so bye guys hope you like this o(*^▽^*)o

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