Chapter Nine

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


Izuku couldn't move. Did his childhood bully really just say that? He turned around and was shocked to see that Katsuki had pink on his pale cheeks and looked genuinely guilty.
"You-huh? Wha-Did you just-" Izuku fumbled with his words, not being able to form a sentence, or comprehend what the anger management reject had just told him.
"Izuku," Katsuki repeated stepping closer to the said boy. "I mean it. I'm not asking you to forgive me, considering everything I've done... But... Just think about it?"
"Kacchan..." Izuku muttered, blushing. He then gave a smile. "I already have forgiven you,"

* * * * *

When Izuku woke up, he saw Nora hovering over him expectantly.
"Jesus!-" Izuku fell off the bed. "Nora, don't do that!"
"I'm sorry! It's just that Kashikoi has woken up, now," Nora apologized sheepishly, helping Izuku up.

At this news, Izuku threw on a random outfit, after shooing Nora out of the room, grabbed the laptop and Nora, then ran straight to the Nurse's Office. There, he saw Kashikoi sitting up and reading a book (of course).
"Kashikoi!" Izuku cheered, jumping up and hugging the boy tightly.
"Hello, Izuku,"

After a couple more minutes of talking with all of his Personas, Izuku asked for some privacy, which was granted, and began talking with Kashikoi about the matter at hand.
"Kashikoi. There is one audio file that I think is the most important. The thing is, it won't allow itself to be fixed,"
"Could you show me?" Izuku nodded, opened the laptop, began the process of fixing the audio, then let the pop-up appear. "I can fix this file, but it'll take some time,"
"Are you sure? You just woke up-"
"Listen. If I don't do something, I'm going to go crazy. So let me do this and you do something else," Kashikoi interrupted. Chuckling, Izuku nodded.
"Recovery Girl? When can he leave?"
"He can leave now," She answered, smiling. "As long as he changes the bandage every two to three hours. With his lack of sleep he got from watching the Villains, he didn't have enough stamina for me to heal him with my Quirk,"
"Of course!" Izuku chirped and helped Kashikoi walk back to the dorms, the laptop under the original boy's arm. "Are you feeling better?"
"Somewhat. Recovery Girl took good care of me,"
"That's good. So, how long do you think the corruption thing will take?" Izuku questioned the injured boy that he was helping. The two now saw the dorms down the path.
"Maybe around two or three hours. There's some more complicated hacking I need to do to fix it. I'll start doing it the second I sit down, cause I'm going crazy without doing anything,"
"Alright. I'll be listening to the audio that's been fixed,"

By the time they finished their conversation, the two had arrived at the dorms. There, Izuku sat him down on the couch. Everybody else, except the few who were getting a snack from the fridge, had gone doing stuff; whether it be in their rooms, or somewhere else, or even training, it doesn't matter. Now, back to the two boys.

Izuku handed the laptop to Kashikoi, then rummaged through his room, and found what he was looking for; a new notebook. He then walked back to the couch and sat down, taking his phone out and plugging his headphones in. The two began doing what they were assigned by themselves - Izuku listening to the audio, planning strategies, plans of attack, defenses, the list goes on and on. During this time, he had gotten a hand cramp and accidentally dropped the pencil, holding his red hand.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Owwww!" Izuku whined. He gently pushed one of his fingers back, but that increased the pain. There was only one thing left that could heal his hand. He quickly ran to the kitchen, turned on the hot water tap, waited for it to become a little warmer, then put his hand under it. After keeping it there for about thirty seconds, the tightened muscles his hand felt more relaxed. When he turned the tap off, and dried his hands, he flexed his hand. It felt better. He sighed in relief and decided to take a short break from writing so that he doesn't cramp his hand again.

When Izuku returned to the couch, he spent five minutes just flexing his hand and watching what Kashikoi was doing. From the looks of things, he was almost finished. After ten more minutes, Kashikoi startled the writing Izuku, which made the latter fall onto the ground.
"Done!" Kashikoi shouted. Groaning, Izuku gave a slight glare at his friend.
"You scared me!"
"So, you're done with the corrupted file?" Izuku asked, now sitting himself back down onto the couch.
"Mm-hmm. Here, plug your headphones in and hand me an earplug,"

Izuku did as told as Kashikoi clicked 'play'. The recording played as so:
"Shigaraki, what is this meeting about?" A bored voice asked.
"This is about our plan on that stupid broccoli kid!"
"Alright, alright. Fucking hell. Chill, dude," You could practically hear him put his hands in the air.
"Shimura, please calm down," Kurogiri spoke in a calm manner, wiping a glass as he looked at the blue-haired, hand-wearing man. "Imperium, how have you been doing with furthering your Quirk?"
"Well, dear misty bartender, I can now change spirit's perception of the world with just a snap of my fingers,"
"Alright. So, this is my proposal. We proceed with our original plan of attack," Shimura began. "But, we must somehow split the broccoli kids from each other and keep them busy until Imperium comes and changes them,"
"I like that. But how will we split them all up?" Imperium questioned the man-child.
"We'll use Kurogiri's portal like at the USJ and split everyone up in different parts of the city,"
"Alright. Who shall be joining us on this mission?" Kurogiri asked, the light thump of a glass on a shelf sounding.
"I think we should use the people we used for Bakugo's kidnapping. They got the job done, as well as wreaked havoc among the students and teachers," Shigaraki explained.
"When will the mission be held out?"
"In five days. Shigaraki, go get the ones that are included,"
"Alright. I will go gather them now,"

Izuku and Kashikoi looked at each other, worried expressions on their faces.
"This isn't good,"


If you have any requests for a oneshot, I have a oneshot book :P

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