Chapter Twenty Four

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


Izuku began to sweat under the watchful gaze that belonged to the Shadow Hero - Yukito.
"So?" Asked the messy-haired ravenette. Izuku noticeably tensed, thinking of what to say in this situation. He leaned back against the door that was previously opened and looked like a deer in headlights.
"U-um," Yukito Asahara sighed, his golden yellow eyes looking over emerald green ones that held fear and nervousness.
"How about you start with what she was doing here?"

Izuku took in a deep breath once he realised that the Hero known as Phantom had no ill intent towards him, only if he said something activate any red flags.
"W-well. While I was out with the rest of 1-A, she came up to us to give us a warning about the League, but before she left, she slipped me a note that told me to meet her at midnight," He took a slight pause to make sure Yukito was following. "So, I went because I thought that anything I would learn would be a great asset. If it was just showing me my Personal, then I could see how far along they were, but the note said that she felt differently and she didn't know what it was, so she wanted to talk to me cause she, for some reason, trusted me. Here,"

Yukito read the note that Izuku had just a second ago handed him. His brows furrowed as all the information was absorbed into his brain. Looking up at the greenette before him, he nodded.
"Alright. So, I went to the park to meet her and we talked for a bit. She promised to tell me everything as long as we were somewhere private, so I brought her here. We went to my room to avoid everyone in case they woke up, which evidently didn't work out very well. She ended up telling me everything that happened after the League took Kashi, Sora and Hazama and I asked her if she knew anything about Imperium's Quirk. Toga told me everything she knew which wasn't much, but was at least something different from what we already knew and-"
"What did she say about his Quirk?"
"A-ah! Right! She said that it has the ability to sort manipulate and brainwash a ghost or some sort of spirit. A-anyway, we ended up talking and thinking over all the information we knew. Toga then mentioned the audio files so we ended up listening over them all and sorting them into two different folders that were either irrelevant or clues to Imperium's Quirk. We wrote down different things that we thought were important and started to decode everything," Izuku yawned once he finished explaining.

Yukito nodded and gave Izuku a gentle smile before ruffling his already messy head.
"Go get some rest, kid," Izuku nodded and went over to the sleeping people on or in front of the couch. There, he saw Jack still slightly cuddled up to Katsuki, who had a small smile on his face. Grinning, the tired greenette took out his phone and took a picture. Then, he lay down and closed his eyes, cuddling up to Katsuki's other side, involuntarily forming a Midoriya sandwich.

* * * * *

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Izuku bolted upright as he dazily looked around to find the source of the tell and his tired emerald green eyes landed on Jack, who had a crimson coloured face as he stared at a soundly asleep ash blond next to him. It was a wonder that he didn't wake u-oh wait, he's waking up now.
"Mm. Wha...?" He asked tiredly. "Who the hell is so loud?"
"Jack, you ass," Nora commented, throwing a pillow at his blood red face and shoving another one onto her own and turning onto her side. A few seconds later, soft snores were heard as her breathing evened out, her chest lightly rising and falling.
"Bakugo! You dick!"
"Language!" Chibi shouted, mustering a glare towards his brother (technically).
"Jack, what's wrong? Why'd you scream?"
"First of all, I didn't scream, I shouted. Secondly, Bakuhoe here thought it was okay to cuddle me in his sleep!"
"Oh, that," Izuku muttered, tiredly rubbing his eyes as he leaned against said blond. Katsuki ran his hand through his hair as he smirked with a pale pink coating on his cheeks.
"Oh, come on. You gotta admit you liked it at least a little," Jack grumbled under his breath as he stared down at his crossed lap.
"I-I may... Have a l-little..." He mumbled. Nora suddenly shot up.
"WOAH! Did I hear that right?!"
"Oh, my god. Shut up," Jack groaned, covering his red face.
"THE Jack is embarrassed and - what's more! - he even admitted to liking being cuddled!"
"For fuck's sake, Nora! Shut up!" He told her, chucking a pillow at her, only for her to shuffle to the left and dodge it.
"Yo," Yukito came up to the arguing teenagers and gave a closed-eyed smile as he put up his right hand in a makeshift greeting.
"Phantom!" Chibi exclaimed, running up to said man and jumping on top of him, knocking the male to the ground.
"Woah, there. Today, we're planning a rescue,"
"Umm, aren't we still only Heroes-In-Training?" Nora asked, unsure if they should be doing this as they weren't considered Heroes yet.
"While you guys were with the rest of your class, I and the rest of the assigned Heroes were having a meeting nearby with Nezu, where we decided that you need to have some experience in a rescue. You have the knowledge of what it's like in a fight from the first attack in the USJ, to the camp, to the most recent attack. We all believe you're ready," Unsurely, Nora nodded.

A few minutes later, Yukito had told them all the information they would be needing for the day as they were expected to meet with the other Heroes, Nezu and class 1-A to discuss a plan later that day.


I may or may not have stolen a little bit of Kakabaka's personality and out it into Yukito. Eheheh.

So yeah
He's gonna look a bit like Ren Amamiya from Persona 5 and have a bit of Kakashi's personality from Naruto (which I am fucking obsessed with)

Anyways baibai :3

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