Chapter Twenty One

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Anything to do with the Personas (Quirks, Personalities, etc) belongs to Anime_MultiPlay_, except Nora


As the group made their way back to the rest of the class, Katsuki held Izuku's hand tightly and reasuringly. After they returned, Katsuki put Izuku onto his lap and ignored those around him.
"Deku...?" Katsuki asked, seeing the distracted look on his face. Snapping out of his trance, the mentioned boy looked at the one that spoke.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around the smaller one's waist and rested his head on Izuku's fluffy hair.
"I-I'll tell you at home.." Izuku stuttered in embarrassment. Katsuki just hummed and closed his eyes, silently listening to anything around him.

The on looking class watched the two interact with smiles on their faces. Although, some were a little scared because of how relaxed the taller one was.
"It's amazing how calm Bakugo is around Midoriya," Mina whispered to Sero quietly enough that the one they were speaking of didn't hear them. Neither did the small greenette in his lap. Half an hour later, the class agreed to meet up again in two days and began to make their ways to their respective homes (temporary home for most, however).

On the way, Izuku was still in thought, which did not evade Katsuki's attention. He was concerned and took the shorter teen's hand.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Hmm? O-oh...! I-I'm okay!"
"You sure?" Izuku hesitated and looked down at the concrete sidewalk.
"M-maybe... I don't know,"
"What's wrong?"

Looking around, Izuku gave Katsuki the reason without the use of his words.
"Oh. At home, then?"
"Yeah," Katsuki nodded and held Izuku's hand, pulling him alinf as they caught up to the three greenettes in front of them.
"When we get back home, can we play a game?" Chibi asked,sensing the tension. Everybody directed their gazes at Chibi, making him shuffle around on Jack's shoulders.
"Sure. I think it'll do us all some good. Y'know, with everything going on and all," Jack muttered.
"Jack's right. Today was the first time we got a break and a chance to relax since that night," Unknowingly, all of them had started referring to the night that the League Of Villains had struck and changed half of the Personas as 'that night'.
"I'm in. But, when we get back, I have to do something first," Izuku said, then redirecting his gaze to Katsuki.
"Ugh. Fine. What game?"
"Mario kart! We can have a movie marathon and eat popcorn and, and, and...!" Jack chuckled and pet Chibi on his head.
"Alright. Calm down, little buddy. First we gotta buy the damn stuff,"
"We're near that grocery store. We could go inside and get some stuff," Nora offered.
"I'll join you," Izuku told her. The green haired girl looked at him incredulously, silencing asking if it was a good idea to leave both Jack and Katsuki alone. "Chibi can keep the peace,"
'That's an awful lot of trust to place into a, what? Four year old?' Katsuki thought, glancing at the toddler version of his boyfriend. A single bead of sweat trickled down his face as the tired looking boy grinned down at him with a small peace sign.

Izuku and Nora entered the store, then ran back out.
"We forgot. What do we all want?"
"Hot chocolate and cookies! Chocolate chip!"
"Anything spicy and coke,"
"Ramen and soda," The male and female nodded, then proceeded to walk into the semi-crowded grocery store.

Izuku looked at its interior and the first thing he noticed was it was a lot bigger than it actually looked from outside. He sighed.
"Split up?" Nora asked, covering her mouth at how dejected her original copy was.
"Yeah. I'll get the stuff for Kacchan and Chibi," Izuku muttered, prolonging the ending of the sentence, almost as if he was hoping that if he didn't finish the single worded sentence, then he wouldn't have to go shopping.
"Why do you hate shopping?"
"It made you didn't it?" Nora gasped dramatically, resting a hand on her chest and the other on her forehead, the back of the hand in contact with the forehead. She pretended to fall backwards as if the 'hurtful words' became solid and ended up running into her.
"Such cruelty!" She gasped, then they both began to laugh.
"Let's j-just get the... Haha.. Snacks," Izuku laughed and they split up, ignoring the amused stares of Japan's residents.

Izuku walked down aisle after aisle, looking for the cookie section. At long last, he ended up finding it. Silently praising the Lord, Izuku looked at the different assortments of flavors and designs. There were All Might shaped ones (there were a lot of those), which were intricately designed according to the label and box's picture, some Endeavor boxes, UA High School designed ones, and then the plain ones. He chose the All Might and plain chocolate chip cookie boxes, two of the former and one of the latter then proceeded to get the cocoa for the hot chocolate.

After that, Izuku began to search for some spicy food. Not finding anything that wasn't a large meal, Izuku ended up getting a small easy-to-make spicy cup of ramen. Lastly, the young greenette walked over to the store's drinks section and picked up a large bottle of coke for his lover and anyone else that wanted the drink.

When the young Hero-In-Training reached the check out counter, he noticed Nora at till 9, already paying for the food she got for the anger manifestation.
"Hey, Nora," Izuku greeted, walking up to the, surprisingly, empty till.
"Hey, Izu. I'll just finish paying for this then you can pay for what you got," Nora said, grinning at him. Nodding, the mentioned boy waited until his genderbent copy finished putting her things into a bag before he started sliding things over to the woman, who then began to scan the items. Once everything was payed for, the duo walked outside to the three waiting for them.

Izuku looked at the quiet trio with a grin.
"Ready to go?" He asked. The three nodded and stood up from sitting on the bricks that surrounded some trees and plants.

Sighing, Izuku began to feel the note in his pocket. 'What do you want me to know, Toga?'

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