Another Way

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Creed couldn't lie to himself, the things he felt for Song were real, that combined with the truth that he owed her an explanation, he sighed again.

"They want me to invade the Shadows dimension. The SSS have hit a dead end and are desperate for a solution. My number got picked," he said pointing to number 1496 tattooed on his wrist. "I'm supposed to try and invade their stronghold after they start their rounds to gather information if possible, but most know that the minute I go through the Gate, my soul will be consumed and I will die. This isn't what I want, but I don't have another option." Creed explained.

"So you want to push me away?" Song asked.

"No, I'd rather you lose someone knowing that I'm not perfect for you, than for you to lose someone you love. I don't want you to feel the same pain, like when you learned of your mother. Forgive me." He took her hands and gently kissed them.

Song hugged him and said, "Well, it's too late for that."

"Song don't," he pleaded.

"If you put your mind to it, I'm sure there's something else you can do."

"Not really. Listen to me, once I go there, I'm not coming back. I don't want you to feel pain. That would kill me. So let me go, forget me and let me die."

"Or you just don't go."

"I'm an SSS member, what do you mean 'just don't go'?"

"You're smart, I believe that you can find another way to get the job done." Song explained.

"Only because my amber-eyed beauty asked me to. I'll think about it some more, maybe I will be blessed to think of something brilliant just because I talked to you," his hands were still holding hers. Creed looked Song in the eyes so deeply, so long, it gave her faith and eased her mind.

"You're not going to leave for the Gate, right?"

"No, I'm not and I'll see you tomorrow and many more days to come."

"That's good, meet me back here tomorrow, I might have some good news for you, okay," she said.

"Alright I will. Now, I have to get ready to make the biggest excuse for abandoning a mission, so I'll be going." Creed was about to walk out the door, but he stopped, "Song, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean any of it, so please don't take any of that to heart."

Song went to the door and said, "I know, I've seen better liars. Just don't ever do that again."

"I won't."

As Creed left the house, Song realized how dark things were becoming, the SSS is a secret society with strong, irreplaceable Shadowhunters and they are so desperate for these dark nights to end. Things must be bad anytime they are willing to send one of their own to an inevitable death. The hunters must not be able to cover enough ground by day. Tomorrow, her and Onyx just had to find some lead, that could be a critical turning point for their side.

Song was lost in thought as her father approached her from behind. She turned and was about to greet him, but he demanded, "Who was that who just left?" He asked gently holding both of her hands.

"My friend, Creed."

"Friend?" He traced over the area where Creed's lips had been not long ago. "He's quite a talented hunter. I've been watching the two of you as of late. I know every time he comes and goes. I can tell whenever you've been in his presence. He must be something, to hold your heart like this, the way I'm holding your hands."

"Dad- I," Song stammered.

"I know, you don't know what to say, and you don't understand what you feel, but I do. I've felt it before." He let go of her hands and gently pat her head. "For once, I must say that I'm not to sure about one of your friends, he's a member of a secret society that I can never trust again."

"The SSS?"

"Song, please," he got on one knee before her, "don't get involved with them, they are bad news, I already lost someone dear to us because of them." Her father said.

Song knew that he meant, her mother, as tempted as she was to ask him what happened, but she knew that wouldn't be fair to him. So many things in life had been unfair to him and Song didn't want him to revel in a past that neither of them could change.

"Don't worry dad, I wouldn't join them, I don't like the way they do things. Creed was just telling me about how they want to send him to the Shadows dimension to gather information to stop their progress, but he doesn't want to go. If he goes he won't come back."

"Well, he's right because that's a suicide mission, one step in there and his soul is gone. I can see that you care about him, but be careful. I loved you long before that young man ever met you. If something happens to you, it will hurt him, but it will kill me. I loved you first, remember that. Your mother and I," he paused, "we loved the idea of you being in our world. Then when you were born and you changed everything: us, our needs, wants and desires. So be careful. Whenever you're wondering if something is a reckless choice, remember me, you're all that I have left."

"I promise, I won't be reckless."

"Alright, it's not that I don't trust you Song, It's just I love you and your mother too much to take chances, I don't want to lose you. Now, I would like to formally meet this interesting young man, I want to know what he's made of."

"I know you will see more than I see, but I hope what you see is good. What you say goes, I know you want what's best for me," she smiled at her father and embraced him. She loved him so much. He lost and sacrificed so much for her. She would be careful, for she didn't want him to feel loss anymore. After minutes of embracing they let go of each other. Song looked deeply into his eyes before her father turned to go up stairs. There was so much pain and love it could have broke her heart. She would never know how much she reminds him of her mother. This is why she had to keep fighting, so many people have lost so much. Would she look like that if she lost Creed forever? Probably so. Deep within in her she knew there had to be another way, she didn't want him to die. She didn't want a world where she couldn't see his gray eyes or hear his voice ever again.

Tomorrow her and Onyx were going to find something, there had to be a hole somewhere, there had to be something that everyone's overlooking. I wonder if Onyx's parents were right about Capital Q. Song thought to herself. Song wanted to hope that they were wrong, because if Capital Q is a feeding ground for Shadows, Bliss could be in danger, if she wasn't already.

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