Chapter 1 - Flinch

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A/N :

Hey guys! It's Ali! I hope you all enjoy this book!

I'm posting this off an iPad (I normally post off my phone) so if any spacing, spelling, or grammar is off please tell me and I'll correct it once I get home. I'm using my school iPad and my school disabled the normal auto-correct.

Alright, that's all!


I hate this.
This is so boring!
I just wanna go homeeeeee!
This. Sucks.
I just want this period to be over! Then I can go to Chorus!
I screamed in my head. 'I HATE THIS!'
Suddenly I saw Jack, he sits in front of me and to my right, flinch.
It was really cute...
I sighed to myself and started singing It's Quiet Uptown in my head. Suddenly I saw Jack sit up and look around. He glanced over at me for a moment before looking back at the board. I was confused but kept singing in my head.
When I stopped singing and began actually paying attention I heard something... familiar.
A gasped quietly to myself, that was the part of the song I had left off on!! But where was it coming from?
I looked around the room to see Jack mumbling and tapping the beat on his desk, I went wide eyed with surprise and confusion.
There's no way...
After class I decided to test my theory, maybe I misheard him. I put step one of my plan into motion, I started singing to myself. Jack quickly came up next to me and singing with me. When the song ended he smiled brightly at me, I opened my mouth to say something but a few of his friends called him over.
I sighed and put my head down as I walked. Suddenly, I felt someone gently grab my shoulder. I turned around to be faced with Jack grinning down at me.
"Hey! Ashlynn, right?" I nodded. "You like musicals too?" I nodded again as a grin crept onto my face, Jack's eyes lit up. "Me too! Maybe we can sit together at lunch and sing?!" It took me a moment to process what he was saying, "um... yes! I-I would love too!" I exclaimed. "Alright! See you then, cutie!" He winked at me and ran off.
I stood there dumbfound.
What just happened.
"Did he...? Did I...? Cutie...? ME!?!" I asked myself.
What is happening?!
Little did I know our little "lunch date" would never happen.

A/N :

Did you guys like it?

Until next week!

- Ali 💓

P.S. Future Ali heere! I fixed the spacing! Still comment about any grammar or spelling though! Thanks! Bai!

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