Chapter 40

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A/N: I've got to become more consistent in updating, I'm so sorry guys!

Kirstin is live...

"I love watching that number explode!" She giggles. "Woo!" She smiles over-cheesy then relaxes to watch the comments for a moment. "I'm just gonna wait a couple of minutes for maximum effect.
     Her eyes dart from the screen.
     "Who are you talking to?" Can be heard off screen.
     "I told you I was going live."
     "I don't know what that is."
     "It means- no, you know what, I'm gonna talk about you anyways so you can come learn about this." She waves someone over, "Come see."
     Kirstie readjusts on the sofa, smiles at the phone then turns to Avi as he sits down beside her.
     "This is going to be like teaching a newborn, bear with us," she jokes. "This number is how many people are watching us right now."
     Avi's eyes widen and he tries to leave but Kirstie doesn't let him.
     "We're gonna talk about Instagram and twitter, set the record straight," she tells him.
     "Oh, that's actually a good idea," a hint of a smile ghosts his face.
     "Of course it is," she flashes another winning smile at the screen. "Okay, so first things first, for anyone who doesn't know, this is Avi Kaplan, super talented, Grammy winning musician, say hi Avi."
     "Hi," he says with little to no enthusiasm.
     She laughs a little at his lack of 'try'. "So I'm not gonna outright say it because why should I have to announce anything to anyone, right?" She turns to Avi who looks back at her with a slight frown. "Right," Kirstie confirms for herself as she turns back. "So I guess this is a PSA of sorts, it's about Avi's Instagram and Twitter because anyone who knows him knows he wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole and yet-" She looks over her shoulder, "What are you doing?"
     Avi is almost leant on her, his beard brushing her bare shoulder as he angles forward, "Trying to read what's on the screen, but it's moving too quick."
     "They're just questions people are asking and comments they're making, don't stress about it too much, we'll respond to them later." Kirstie's focus once again becomes the screen, and Avi leans back getting comfortable as Kirstie starts talking again. "So basically, what I was trying to say is that Avi doesn't like social media, so you?"
     "Nope," he responds.
     "No, and most people know that. My point though is that there is a verified Twitter account and a verified Instagram account in his name, but they're not him, not you right?"
     "Not me," he confirms.
     "There we go, confirmation from the source himself," she gestures over her shoulder. "Someone started the rumour that I'd talked him into social media, but I haven't even tried because that's a losing battle," she giggles.
     Avi chuckles in response. "My old manager tried for years to get me to join but it's just not for me."
     "So if any of you follow it, you should unfollow it and report it because it's not legit and we're trying to get it taken down," Kirstie explains.
     "Not that any of them are likely to follow it anyways."
     "Why?" Kirstie turns to him again.
     "Because we're talking to your fans right? And your fans hate me," he shrugs.
     "They do not hate you," she scoffs with the shake of her head. "I'll admit there's been some bad stuff online, but right now... look," she points at the screen. "Positive, positive, positive- okay that person just has a heart full of hatred, but positive, positive, positive, positive," she smiles.
     Avi leans forward again, "Oh," he is pleasantly surprised and a small smile etches itself onto his face.
     "Yeah 'oh'," she nudges him with a giggle. "See, and now that we have the important bit out of the way we can answer your questions, so ask away... nothing mean or too personal, it'll get ignored," she shrugs. She glances at Avi, "Ready?"
     "Is that too personal?" Avi asks of the very first question he spots.
     Kirstie sighs, "Well I saw that coming, but they're gonna keep asking if we don't answer."
     "Anyone who asks that question clearly hasn't seen my fake account," he chuckles.
     "Clearly," Kirstie agrees. "So you can answer that if you want, up to you," she looks at him.
     Avi nods slowly, "Yes Kirstie and I are together, dating."
     "And that is all we'll say about that," she pipes in before Avi can say the same thing but rudely. "Now we sit through the response to that," she tells Avi with a giggle, "Until we get more questions."
     Avi's eyes watch the comments roll in, for every bad comment there are two good comments, he has to smile, this isn't so bad so far.
     "Tyrion and Sansa are doing well so far, thanks for asking," Kirstie nods. "That person asks that every time and every time I make sure to tell the truth," that last statement is directed at Avi, to which he nods. "Oh that question is for you Avi, what's your favourite colour?"
     "Green," he answers simply.
     "Mine's red, but you all knew that," she smiles. "How about you tell them the rest of your faves too Avi," she taps his leg.
     "Like what?"
     "Barbeque," he answers before she could even list a second thing.
     She giggles, "Movie?"
     "The Hobbit."
     "TV show?"
     "Game of Thrones."
     She cracks up, she knew he'd say that. And when she composes herself she says, "And if we were to contain to something that could realistically live in the zoo?"
     "Then it would be a lion," he smiles. "That was honestly the best way around my answer ever," he chuckles.
     "I had that response ready because I knew you'd say dragon," she playfully rolls her eyes. "Tell the people your dragon conspiracy theory."
     He scoffs, "It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact."
     Kirstie holds back her laughter, "If you say so. Tell the world," she gestures at the screen.
     "Dragons are real," he says with no hesitation. "Well: were. You see, they're extinct, St George slayed the last one. Oh, but no bones you say, well a dragon incinerates when it dies as a last attempt to hurt whoever or whatever it was that hurt them."
     Kirstie watches him with bemusement. "He's not crazy, but he believes that whole-heartedly," she says as she turns back to her phone.
     "I think about it a lot."
     "Of course you do," she laughs. "Okay, here's another question for you Avi: why are you so afraid of technology?" She snickers, covering her mouth.
     Avi lets out a big sigh, shuffling forward on the couch, "Let's get something straight. I am not afraid of technology, okay, I have a laptop, I use Netflix, I have a phone," he pulls his phone out from his back pocket to show them, "See."
     "And that, for those of you who don't know, or are just too young to recognize it, that's an iPhone 6," Kirstie waves her hand under it like an advertising model. "Somehow it's still working, and with a fully intact screen, this dear children is accident technology," she teases.
     "It's not that old," Avi rolls his eyes.
     "Do you know what number they're up to now?"
     "Like... eight," he is very unsure of his answer.
     Kirstie snorts with laughter, "Oh darling no, no mines a 12, and the 13 is out now, but I don't have that yet because I only just replaced my 11 after I broke it so I don't deserve an upgrade yet. But 13 Avi."
     His eyes widen, "Oh."
     "Don't stress it sweetie, I'll get you an upgrade for Christmas."
     "But mine still works."
     "I'm gonna say barely because I've seen the amount of times you've thrown it from your line of sight or dropped it on purpose."
     He shrugs, "And it still works."
     "Technophobe," she jabs his shoulder.
     "Am not- I'm sorry, what does that say?" He points at the screen.
     "Avi why do you let your sister ruin your relationships," Kirstie's eyes widen as she trails off on the last word.
     "Okay, this is over."
     ...Kirstin's live chat has ended

A/N: :O What is Avi gonna do now? 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


PS. When I asked you guys for questions a while back, this was what it was for, and Newport63, your question took the cake XD XD

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