Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kirstie strides back into the KO building, just as confident as always, no one here needs to know that anything is up.
     She makes her way to the orange room, what she needs is in there, at least it usually is, so it better be. The door is open so at least whoever's in there isn't in full on work mode. Although one of the people in there is someone she doesn't want to see right now.
She ignores him and the person he's talking to, though both men go quiet as she steps up to the bookcase. She finds the songwriter registry of KO Studio's and flicks to the H's, alphabetical by last name. "Homes, Hopper, Hoying comma Scott," she speaks quietly to herself and slams the book shut, it's just as she expected. "Matt, is Scott in today?"
     "Ahh, yeah, he's recording, overtime too. I'm waiting for my meeting with Kev," he's speaking like he knows the atmosphere is awkward. But he doesn't know what happened because there's no way Avi told him.
     "Thanks Matt," she gives him a smile as she replaces the book. Her smile drops as her eyes meet Avi's, neither of them say anything and she leaves the room.


Kirstie peeps through the little round window of recording studio one, empty, at least no lights are on. They're not in studio two either, that's weird if they're in studio three, which rarely gets used. But there they are, Scott and Kevin. She doesn't know whether to wait or just go in; they're only sitting in there chatting. She goes for the in between and knocks. Hovering at the window she waves when they look over.
     Kevin motions her in, "What can I do for you Kirstie?"
     "Oh sorry Kev, I'm not here to see you," she glances at Scott.
    "Me?" The blonde points to himself with confusion.
     "Yes, you," Kirstie nods. "I have a song in my head and I need help writing it."
"Your boyfriend is a Grammy winning songwriter, why would you ask me for help?" Scott frowns.
     Kirstie briefly glances at Kevin who raises an eyebrow at her, like he's waiting for her answer too. She knows he's Avi's best friend so if there is one other person who could possibly know it'd be Kevin, especially since Kirstie and Mitch still aren't on speaking terms.
She could say 'because I don't even know if Avi is my boyfriend anymore,' but she doesn't, she instead says, "I want a different perspective," she pulls on the biggest smile she can muster. "And I know you write your own songs, at least most of them, I checked and you're in the register, please?"
     "Sure, my session with Kevin's over anyways, I could take a look," he stands up, Kirstie had forgotten how tall he is, he towers over her, what a day to wear flats. "Orange room?"
     "Oh no-no, no," she responds quickly, her head rapidly shaking from side to side.
     Scott's face scrunches up in confusion, "Why?"
     "Occupied," she forces out.
     "Um okay, we could sit at a table outside, or the one in the kitchen?" He suggests.
     She's quick again, "Not the kitchen, he might go there."
     "Who?" Scott sighs.
     "No one, don't worry about it. Let's sit outside." She leaves the room without Kevin saying another word to her or her him, unfortunately he's become collateral damage in the standoff.


Scott rests on his elbow on the table. "I thought your album was done, like literally in the awaiting the executive nod."
     "It is, this is for my next album. It'll be the first album that I'm actually involved in the songwriting process." Kirstie taps her pen on her song writing notebook, yes it's the same one Avi gave her but she's trying not to think about that.
     "Rhyme little with little."
     "What?" Kirstie frowns.
     He pulls the notebook away from her and with his own pen he starts scribbling on the page. "Take a little, break a little, it works." He slides the book back to her. "I think it's really dope that that're letting you write your own stuff, I know that your contract is pretty tight."
     "It still is," she plays with her pen, "But Kevin's working on it. I figure if I can get a few songs written before they start asking about the next album then they're not just gonna roll me, you know." She stops to write something on the page. "Can I say 'never learn nothing?"
     Scott pulls the page back as she finishes writing. "Sometimes I gotta learn lessons the hard way, sometimes I never learn nothing at all," he smiles. "This is," he draws a curved line from the newest lyric to the top of the page, "A first line, right here."
     "Really?" She leans over.
     "Yeah, it's perfect. So how many songs do you have so far?" He adjusts his chair so that he and Kirstie aren't so close together.
     "Um, well two, once this one's finished. But the first one is very different and I'm not even sure about it anymore," she frowns.
     "So you have one then? Unless you want me to look at the other one while we're here?" He offers.
     She shakes her head, "Oh no, no, Avi helped me with that, it got totally finished, I've actually recorded it and it was going to be a bonus track," she explains and puts her pen down to lean back in her seat, slouching a little. "But then it wasn't, it's something else."
    "Okay, well I think this one is pretty much done, did you want to take it to Avi to look at?" He's digging and he hopes she doesn't pick up on it yet.
     "No, I'm not gonna take it to Avi," she folds her arms.
     "So I'm curious then-"
     "I'm not going to tell you anything Scott, you're my ex, this is already so weird," she takes a deep breath to hold back brewing tears.
     "Then why'd you ask me to help you?"
     "Because, god!" She tips her head back so she didn't have to look at him anymore. "I don't know, maybe because you're familiar, fuck."
     "Are you and Avi actually dating, or have I read too much into what's been going on online?"
     "I don't know!" She cries, letting a few tears roll.
     "He's on social media now, everyone assumes you've talked him into it, so how can you not know?" He speaks sympathetically and reach's for her hand.
     "He's not on social media, it's not him!" She pulls away.
     "He's verified."
     "Well clearly that means fuck all!" She snaps. "Avi hates social media, it's not him."
     "Okay, sorry I brought it up," his hands go up in surrender. "But somethings going on here, I know we're ex's and I know it's weird but I'm worried about you right now Kirstie, what's wrong?" He tries to speak in a way that she doesn't take anything the wrong way and freak out.
     Kirstie sighs. "I say 'I don't know,' because Avi and I had a big argument last night and he drove off... I swear to god Scott if I see that anywhere online I'll come for you because no one else knows except probably Kevin and he wouldn't tell," she rushes her words, watching Scott with accusatory eyes.
     "I won't tell," Scott assures her.
     She nods, "Good. So because of that I don't know where we stand right now. His motorbike and a bunch of his stuff are still at mine, so he'll have to talk to me eventually. But that's what this song is about, well kind of, it's like a major exaggeration and tied in with my previous relationships, no offence," she faces him full on.
     "I don't take offence, I'd be more worried that you were still heartbroken over me," he jokes, chuckling so she'll know.
     She smiles just a little, "Yeah. No, you know me and you could have been really good friends if it weren't for the Kirstan's and the Hoyinators," she observes.
     "Oh totally, your friend Mitch seems like a great guy too, and I'm sure you'd get along with some of my friends too."
     "A big, huge ultimate friend group," she giggles.
     "Exactly! The kind that can go on group holidays and shit, gay, straight, whatever, you know," he says.
     That stops Kirstie short, the smile doesn't drop because she doesn't let it, but her mind is racing. Is he trying to tell her what she's suspected for a long while now? First he mentions Mitch specifically by name as a 'great guy.' Then he mentions 'gay, straight, whatever,' whatever indeed, if Scott is gay then he should just say it.
     "But unfortunately it can't be like that, like we can't even let people know we wrote this song together or they're gonna think the worst..." Scott pauses. "Well not the worst, dating you wasn't the worst, but the fans will read into it. And I'm totally over that side of our potential friendship.
     "Me too," Kirstie agrees, but her head is going 'over it because he's gay and would rather be shipped with a boy, Mitch for example. "I'll still credit you though."
     "Of course, in a footnotes footnote," he jokes.
     She laughs.
     "Hey Kirstie, can we talk?"
     Kirstie spins around and Scott jumps up from the table, his knee hitting it and the chair clattering back. "S'up," he mumbles.
     Avi eyes the blonde man for a second before his attention is back on Kirstie.
     She doesn't answer.
     Behind her back Scott motions for Avi to sit down in the vacant seat as he backs away with the slightest of limps.
     Kirstie turns to watch Scott leave as Avi sits in the vacant chair.
     She looks at him out of the corner of her eye, "I didn't say you could sit."
     "Well tough luck because we need to talk."

A/N: Oooo, what do you think Avi is going to say to Kirstie?

Also fun fact, I have officially finished writing this on paper, all that's left to do is type it up for you guys to find out what happens in the end... as always is with a story XD
     So there is about 18 more chapters to this story and I hope you like them all :)

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