Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: This is for you dragongirl710 :)

Kirstie passes Avi her notebook, "You should have been the first one to see this, I'm sorry I did what I did," she apologizes.
     "I already said I forgive you Kirst, you need to stop apologizing."
     She sits down as close to him on the couch as she can, "Yeah, but I did it like that because I knew it would hurt you. Like I went in with that intention to hurt you... I'm such a bitch."
     "Okay yeah, it hurt a lot, but you were mad, you thought I had hurt you, it's only normal to want to hurt me back. But it doesn't even matter because I forgive you," he really emphasises those last three words. He opens the notebook, "Can you sing this for me like you did for everyone else?"
     She shakes her head, "No, I don't like how I sang it, I want it to be different. It's a happy song so it shouldn't ever be sung like that again."
     Avi nods, "Fair enough."
     "But I don't want it overdone either."
    "What do you mean?" He looks up from the lyrics.
  "Well when you're producing music, what does Kevin do for you?" She asks, kind of nervous.
     "Tells me it sounds good, or crappy, makes a couple of suggestions," Avi shrugs, "Let's me use the studio," he jokes.
   Kirstie smiles, "Do you think he'd let me do that? I just, I want this song to be different."
     "Aren't you contractually obliged to not have any individuality?" he raises an eyebrow.
     "Can I use that?"
     "That line, that line is so clever."
      "If you can make that work in a song then sure," he nods, "It'd work more in your favour than mine anyways," he shrugs.
     "Thanks," she smiles.
     "So how did you want to make it different?" He glances at the lyrics again.
     "Read it first then you tell me what genre you think it should be, I don't want what I say clouding your opinion."
     His eyebrows shoot up, "We're talking different genre here, wow, okay, I'm game," he nods as he gives the words his full attention.
     Kirstie bites her lip as she waits, the silence killing her.
     "Is this the whole song?" Avi asks.
     "Um, I think it maybe needs another verse or you know, just something," she rings her hands.
     Avi nods in agreement.
     "What do you think?" She asks, her heart racing, why is she so nervous? It's just Avi. Oh wait, it's because she's written about him, about being with him, marrying him and having children with him, she's really jumped the gun on this one.
     "I'm having a hard time seeing it as anything but pop," he speaks slowly and Kirstie's heart sinks. "That's just because it's yours though and I've only ever heard you sing pop, otherwise its country isn't it?"
     Kirstie's face lights up, "Yes, yes it is, oh my gosh, you see it!"
     Avi smiles at her joy of such a small thing.
     "So if I want to make it country you have to help me."
     "Why me? You're pretty persuasive, I reckon you could talk Kevin into it," Avi shrugs.
     "No because you do country and can just help me in general, make a demo to show them the potential, yeah!"
     Avi shakes his head, "I don't do country Kirst, I do folk music."
     "Okay Avi, let's be real, what's the difference?" She is genuinely asking.
     "What's the- are you kidding me!"
     "No," she snorts, trying to contain her laughter to his reaction.
     "Well to start with country is a style of folk, it comes under the umbrella of folk," he explains.
     "So country music is folk music, so again... what's the difference?" She is messing with him, but she still honestly doesn't get it.
     "The difference is that folk is the tree and country is just a branch, along with celtic and bluegrass and Cajun, old time and the blues, it's a big thing," he stresses.
Kirstie contains her giggles well, "And which one is your music, since it god-forbid can't be country?"
     Avi sighs, "No Kirst... No, it's not that it's not country, I mean it's not, it's more bluegrass if I have to pick one, but it's more of a mix you see, which is why it's folk," he smiles, thinking he's finally explained it.
     Kirstie leans on her hand, "So if country music is folk music," she watches him for confirmation.
     He nods.
     "And your music is folk music," she waits again.
     "Yeah," his head keeps going.
     "Then your music is country music!" She turns to him, proud and with a huge grin.
     "Kirstie," he groans. "Don't make me regret what I bought you," he half chuckles.
     "Ooo, I almost forgot about that," she grabs his arm, "What'd ya get me? What'd ya get me?"
     "What is my music?"
     She pauses with confusion then clicks with what he wants her to do, "Your music is folk, mostly bluegrass with a little bit of everything under that folk umbrella," she mimes the shape of an umbrella. "But folk if we're being blunt," she smirks, "and specific."
     Avi laughs, "Perfect." He reaches for the little box in the pocket inside his leather jacket. "Now before I give this to you, just know I'm not proposing," he gives her one quick nod.
     Just that word 'proposing,' even though he said he's not, it makes her heart beat like a jackhammer, and he's obviously gotten her a ring. Her cheeks flush red as she's presented with the box and takes it.
     "Open it," Avi smiles.
     Kirstie opens the box to a beautiful silver ring that the little diamonds sit in the form of a flower that is centred by an aquamarine gem that is bigger than the others. "Oh wow, I love it," she gasps. "Why?"
     "Why? Well because I really care about you, to apologise for what Esther did. And when we were up at the cabin and you promised you wouldn't let her get to you and then you joked about a promise ring. So this morning it kind of hit me, like why the hell not, you deserve a promise ring, so here it is," he smiles.
     "Oh I am gonna wear the hell out of this, I freaking love it," she gushes with tears in her eyes.
     "Believe it or not, but one of your fans helped me pick it out."
     "You ta-wait what, how... explain," she stutters.
     "There was one other customer in the store, she kind of butted in, so nervously and then she was actually helpful, so. She's a fan of yours and she's all about wanting you to be happy, she's actually a kind fan, like I was surprised."
     "There are a lot of kind fans Avi, sometimes they're just harder to find," she shrugs. "But it's fans that support relationships that are near impossible. They either ship you with someone else or want to date you themselves."
     "Have you ever had a fan kiss you on the mouth?" Avi asks.
     She shakes her head, "Not as of yet, have you?"
     "Yeah," he sighs. "That's why I asked, it's happened twice," he chuckles.
     "Should I be worried?" She laughs with him.
     "No, no I tend to steer clear of teenagers you know," he jokes.
     "Oh ew, how did it happen though? You don't even talk to the fans," she frowns.
     "No I talk to them, I love talking to them, I mean not when stuff like that happens but. No I talk, I go to the back door, I could spend all night there talking to the fans," he smiles.
     Kirstie nods, "Just no pictures."
     "None," he agrees.
      "I can't do backdoor, I'd get swamped," she frowns. "I do meet and greet instead, which kinda sucks cause it means only the rich fans are there, and some of them are great, but some of them aren't and um..." she laughs, "Have you ever been groped? Like by a fan," she can't stop laughing.
     "Wow, no, I can't say that I have," Avi half laughs.
     "My bodyguard threw him out so quick," she's in hysterics.
     "He seriously thought he could get away with that?" Avi asks in surprise.
     "I've had my ass touched a fair few times too, but you can never be sure if that may have been an accident," she shrugs.
     "Why do people think they can do that though?"
     She shrugs again, "Some people make the 'that's my wife' joke and then take it too far."
     "Mmm, I've gotten that joke," he nods slowly.
     "I'd like to meet a celebrity who hasn't," she jokes. "Do you think it's an entitled rich kid thing?"
     "I think it's an entitled thing, not necessarily a rich thing," Avi replies.
     "But like I said, I only ever meet the rich people because they charge so much for my tickets, and especially my meet and greets, it's insane," she slumps back in her seat.
     Avi turns so he's completely facing her, "How much do your tickets cost?"
     "They start at 120 dollars and only go up, meet and greet is like, it's just insane."
     "And yet your concerts sell out, meet and greet would too right? My tickets are 25 to 50 dollars and I sometimes don't even sell out a theater, let alone a stadium. The cost is because of demand, that's actually something to be proud of," he gives her a small smile.
     She half smiles back. "But it makes me feel bad. Avi I was one of those kids who didn't get to go see my favourite singers live because we couldn't afford it."
     "That sucks, I mean I was lucky I guess, my family weren't rich exactly but it didn't matter, all my favorites were like me, not in high demand, cheap tickets," he chuckles.
     Kirstie's smile grows a little, "When's your next concert, I demand to see it," she jokes.
     He laughs, "I actually have a small tour planned in the near future."
     "Wait, what? When?" Kirstie frowns. "How did I not know?"
     Avi shrugs, "It's a couple of weeks away but it's no big deal, don't worry about it."
     "No it is a big deal, you're leaving me," she pouts.
     "Aww come on Kirst, not an hour ago you were mad at me," he jokes.
     "Yeah but now you've given me a gorgeous ring and so I don't want you to leave my sight," she smiles smugly.
     "Okay then, I have good news; it's only a two week long tour, so in four weeks it'll be like it never happened," he smiles.
     "You're gonna be gone for two whole weeks?" She gets louder.
     "Wow, okay, calm down Kirst, it's seriously not even a big thing. You know if you're not busy you could actually come along?" He offers.
     Kirstie's eyes light up.

A/N: So I finally updated this XD I didn't realise I had this chapter finished on paper I forgot I finished it XD But now I can't promise another update any time soon, but who knows right :)

Do you guys think Kirstie will be able to go on Avi's tour with him? And if you think she could would it be a good or bad thing?


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