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A/N: We are getting very close to the end now, and believe me the end will come once I get my Sims to cooperate because right now it's starting to feel like they're really trying for a baby rather than it being an accident... believe me it's beyond frustrating, I have never had this much trouble trying to get a Sim pregnant :/

None the less I hope you like the updated tour poster :D Note the "world tour" line is gone and she's added another special guest ;D

The small circle of people that know about baby Kaplan grows when Kirstie decides to tell May. It makes sense to her because May is an expectant mom too and so they can go through this and the tour together completely on the same page. Kirstie does have a few nerves though, what if May is mad at her over this? It isn't unreasonable to think that she might be mad, right?
     When Kirstie gains the courage, the week tour starts, May had just two days ago announced that she is expecting. Kirstie is going to hold off on the announcement for as long as she possibly can, she's just hoping her baby isn't fat so that they can make it to the end of tour then announce.
     May isn't mad or upset; she's excited, she's glad that she and Kirstie can go through this experience together. This is the kind of thing that forms friendships for life. May even considers the possibility of staying on the tour with Kirstie and they talk about it constantly, getting more excited about the idea. There will be two opening acts, but before they can make it official on the tour break May's doctor puts her on the bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy with fears that things aren't exactly going to plan. It's better to be safe than sorry.
     So the rest of Kirstie's tour remains as originally planned with Citizen Queen becoming her opening act. She loves those girls, she gets along with them really well, but at the same time she knows she would have gotten along with them better had she not fallen pregnant. She feels like it's changed her, all this serious planning for the future with Avi, it's a good change though and she's happy. And the fact that Avi has stuck to his word and stayed on this tour with her is amazing.
     Kirstie hopes she's figured out the perfect way to keep her fans sated for when she has to tell them she won't be extending the tour, that she's not adding any further legs. She's filming a documentary of the tour; it's going to document dealing with her pregnancy on the road and Avi's agreed not to hide from the cameras, so hopefully her fans get to know him and grow to like him.
     Avi has adjusted to the cameras better than anyone could have ever hoped, he's not shying away, he's talking to them, Kirstie calls it a miracle. He'd never tell anyone, but he's actually enjoying it, plus Kirstie promises him that he can look over the footage and bar anything particularly personal that he doesn't want people to know, this comforts him.
    On the road Avi is keeping himself busy by writing new music and he's in contact with Kevin every day, except those two days where he adamantly refused to talk to his "former" best friend. They'd never had an argument like this, but it is patched up quickly when Avi realizes that there is absolutely nobody better to be dating his sister than Kevin, and so they've moved on.
     As for the becoming a Dad thing, Avi is over the moon about it, to date he's read three parenting books and comes up with a new boys name and a new girls name every day to discuss with Kirstie. They still haven't agreed on any names, nor do they want to find out the gender ahead of time. It is safe to say though that Avi is more excited than Kirstie, not that she's not excited, he's just more excited.
     Tour is going as well as can be expected, and also as expected the public is starting to notice the expansion of Kirstie's stomach. Unfortunately for the popstar she popped early and before the end of tour the rumor mill is whirling. Kirstie manages not to say anything about being pregnant; she doesn't address any rumors, what she does do however is call Avi husband or hubby on live streams, twitter and Instagram, everything, and the first eight times were not on purpose. She ended up having to address it, well deciding she should address it and make Avi join her in a livestream to show off their rings. This drives the fans nuts, good and bad. Of course the big question is "Why get married so soon?" And Avi getting the hang of reading the questions now answers first, "Because we love each other, so why wait?" Kirstie hesitates because while it is true what he said, the baby growing inside her contradicts it just a little. What are the fans reactions going to be when she announces the pregnancy and the fans put two and two together?
     The label hates the dark hair, but Kirstie's fans LOVE her new natural look and so the label has to accept the change for the stroke of genius it is. It makes sense, she's the only dark haired solo female artist at KO Studios, and she has become (impossibly) more recognizable.
     The entire tour is a whirlwind and Avi doesn't entirely hate it. Sure he's still homesick, but being with Kirstie and Tyrion and Sansa (they had to bring them too) made it so much easier and completely bearable because now they're his home. And despite his major reluctance and resistance Avi is enjoying joining Kirstie on stage for a few songs. They sing 'Title,' 'Can't Sleep Love' and 'No One Needs to Know,' each night, the audience's seem to be enjoying it too. The phones still bother him, but it's Kirstie's show so it's Kirstie's rules. She does however jokingly say Avi's spiel every night before he sets foot on the stage, so at least there are fewer phones.
The tour speeds by quicker than anyone expects, they're in Texas before they know it. Just five shows left and then Kirstie puts her career on hold for who knows how long, but it's what she wants to do.
     With everything happening so quickly, this is the first time Kirstie has brought Avi to Texas and it's about to be the first time he meets her Mom. This was supposed to happen months ago but it just didn't fall right. And Kirstie wants to tell her Mom about the baby in person since she didn't get to with the marriage, so there's that too. Avi's parents were ecstatic about their first grandchild and Kirstie hopes her Mom is the same and not bitter about being told with only four months to go. Kirstie may have popped early, but her belly is by no means big, in fact at the last scan they noted the baby is underweight. Argument ensues, Avi's fear for both Kirstie and their baby is intense but Kirstie insists she's eating properly. She's eating six small meals a day rather than three big ones and Avi is there for most of them. Now Kirstie is being watched just a little more closely by the entire crew.
     Seeing as the show tonight is in Fort Wayne, Kirstie's hometown, this is where she'll make the announcement, not quite the end of tour, but damn near close enough. She'll be on a buzz because she'll have just told her Mom who will no doubt already know, just from seeing any pictures of her daughter recently.
     And Kirstie's right, her Mom has it figured out and is over the moon, she's even talking about moving to California just to babysit.


Kirstie centers herself on the stage, just as she always does before introducing Avi. She smiles at the chanting, letting it sink in a moment longer than usual before she starts to talk.
     "Fort Wayne, you're my home," she pauses for the cheering. "So it's only right that I do this here. I could have tweeted, I could have posted a picture on Instagram, but I didn't. Tonight I'm taking a leaf from my husband's book and I'm being real and honest and I'm not hiding behind social media. This is too important for 140 characters and too personal for a caption, this is life," she pauses there for a moment, locking eyes with Avi in the wings.
     He nods for her to continue, giving her a reassuring and warm smile.
     "So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've got some news," her hand comes to a rest on her protruding stomach, not that it's obvious today under her practically shapeless dress. And again Kirstie waits, she can't say she's not loving the drama of this moment, she can even see Avi smirking in the wings. And she can't hide her glee as the crowd start to murmur and get louder; someone screams "SHE'S PREGNANT!" And the place erupts as she nods, "I'm having a baby!" She shouts into the microphone and the audience get even louder. Kirstie turns to face Avi and holds her arms out motioning for him to join her out here, on stage.
     "Without further ado, my husband, love of my life and father of my child: Avi Kaplan!"
     And Avi walks out onto the stage, guitar in hand, but he passes it off to a member of the band and strides up to lock lips with his favourite person in the world in front of thousands of recording phones.
     What a god-damn turnaround.

A/N: How'd you like that, Avi and Kirstie with a little bit of role reversal XD

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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