Chapter Fifteen: Shade

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Did you miss me? No? Well that's fine. Nobody misses a potato.


Aurora sighed. It seemed like forever since she had once sat with Sans, enjoying a natural day. But then Dhruv had to come and screw with it! Aurora felt more tears coming as she stepped into the Throne Room. The first thing she noticed was the bright blue petals of all the flowers. That's super strange, Aurora thought, It's always yellow. The petals are never blue! It would take years just to take out all the yellow flowers! She took another step towards the throne, its back facing her. At the corner of her eyes, she saw the flowers move slightly. Huh!? Aurora looked down, facing a flower. Then all the flowers stared at her. Okay, okay... Waaaaay super strange! Super weird! A hissing sound echoed softly.

Then the bright, pointed, blue petals turned a deep black, the hissing sound becoming immense. Aurora stepped back, tripping on a vine. She yelled for help, but she knew that she wasn't going to get any. The wolf continued to scream, hoping to get some help. Right at her hind paws, a bright red trident was stuck in the ground. Please be Asgore, please be Asgore... Aurora thought. But the trident was trapped from vines, pulled from the ground, and thrown at the wall. In its place was... a six-petaled yellow flower... With a face. "F-Flowey!?" Aurora yelped, the vines wrapping around her arms and pushing her up.

Flowey smiled, "Glad you're here, Aurora! Dhruv told me sooooo much 'bout ya! Hey, Dhruv! What should we do?" Aurora saw vines form around the throne's legs and turn it around, showing Dhruv on the throne. He smiled, waving his fingers at Aurora. Then he said, "I missed you, love." Aurora let out a cry of outrage, but the thornless vines were tightening around her neck, making it softer and making Aurora weaker. She let out a small groan as Dhruv teleported in front of her. "Shame that you still have enough Soul-Power to keep me from transforming you," he growled, lifting Aurora's chin to look her in her eye sockets.

Flowey came closer. "Do ya think we can do anythin' with 'er? I mean, use 'er or anythin'?" Dhruv glowered at Flowey. The blue wolf turned before growling, "What the hell do you mean 'we'? I've been doing all the work here, even after I promised you a Soul!" Aurora let out a stronger cry, the vines loosening from Dhruv's speech. They didn't do much. They didn't even stir. Flowey scowled, "Oh, yeah? Well, I've been doin' your crap work for this entire day! I can't take anymore of your bossing-arounds, Dhruv! I mean, look what I did to the flowers!!!!" Aurora felt all the vines becoming more limp.

Dhruv stood taller, still glaring at Flowey. When Flowey opened his mouth to Insult, Dhruv grabbed the stem right under Flowey's head. "W-wait... Wh-what are y-you doing?" Flowey yelped. But the wolf didn't answer. He pulled Flowey from the soil, thus releasing Aurora from the vines. Flowey was dead, and Aurora was free. She jumped on Dhruv. The blue wolf let out a scream, before easily throwing the she-wolf at the throne. Aurora felt something warm catch her, causing her to look up into pale, white eyes. She jumped away, her eye sockets wide. There was Shade... Aurora's Chara.

Shade smiled. He had pure black fur, blue horns that were now above his ears, and three patterns near his white eyes, just like Aurora's. While Aurora's patterns were blue, orange, and purple of the Skeleton Fires, Shade's were white, black, and red. Those were Monster Souls, Chara's Soul, and Frisk's Soul. Three different Soul colors for each wolf. "Wh-Why are you here? I swear, you were banished a long time ago!" Aurora yelled at him. Shade shrugged. The she-wolf felt Dhruv's paws grab her arms and pull her to her hind paws.

"Did you really think you could run away?" He hissed, throwing Aurora at the throne. Shade teleported off of it and besides Dhruv, his pale eyes wide. Aurora felt her Soul get affected by the Blue Attack, making her unable to move. She tried to, of course, but quickly failed to do so. Dhruv stepped closer, his grin widening. "Y'know... I wanna do you a quick favor. I'll let you travel to a new AU. Not an UnderTale AU. A Game AU. Something that spreads far from the Code. Where Souls and Monsters don't exist. Aurora fell limp, giving up, "Where?"

Dhruv smiled, Shade behind him. "Sorry, Aurora. You're going to Universes Combine..." Aurora let out a scream, pain wrapping around her as if the vines came back, and bright lights swallowing her vision.


I found this really old book Joey's friend made called Universes Combine. So... There you go!

Universes Combine is by 

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