Chapter Four: Inside The Mind

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Aurora woke up. Or she thought she did. The world felt... different. First of all, it was dark. Plain dark. Midnight dark. Abyss dark. Aurora tried to stand up, but it always felt like she was floating. She waved her legs in a walking motion, not touching any ground. This is a dream, Aurora told herself. She waved her paws around, trying to find any auras. There was only one. It filled the entire room. The aura of evil. Aurora growled, recognizing a strange mix in the aura. "Dhruv? Is that you?" A bright cyan-colored light shined in front of her. "How lovely you remembered, love." A voice said.

Suddenly, the cyan light expanded. It turned into a mist. Suddenly, a monster just like Aurora appeared in front of her. This one had large dragon wings with sky blue scales and azure blue membrane. His navy-blue horns were swirled. And this one had electric blue fur. "Love, look in a mirror. I see your dream of being like me," the wolf said, a silver mirror appearing in his paw. When he held it up to Aurora, she saw that the patterns on her fur were... gone! "Why do I dream about this? I mean, do you know?" Dhruv grinned, "Because you want to be like me, love. But you cannot. You must be yourself."

Dhruv placed a paw on Aurora's shoulder. It wasn't even a heartbeat until he dug claws into her fur. "This isn't about the patterns, love. This is about Sans. Papyrus. Everything is different. Everything is corrupted." Finally, the wolf let go. Blood trickled from the new wound Dhruv had given her. Aurora's breathing became uneven. The wolf monster went on all fours, looking into Aurora's eyes. "Even Sora is in danger. Everybody except those without lungs." And with that, the blue wolf disappeared, blue mist surrounding Aurora. This mist spread, turning the blackness into something else. A forest.

A snowy forest. Snowdin Forest, Aurora realizes, the blood trickling into the snow. Pain struck her body whenever she moved her arms. But she was forced to get up and move towards anything. There was a faint red light in the distance. Suddenly, a blue mist reformed. This time it had Sans. Blue dust scattered as the Sans took a step. Aurora looked at him weakly, "Sans..." she winced. The Sans turned, his eye sockets blank. A bone struck Aurora in the leg, pain striking her entire body. She muffled a scream. The Sans turned into blue mist again, and the red light temporary blinded Aurora.

When her sight came back, without all the purple dots everywhere, she was in Hotland. Aurora fell to her knees, wincing in pain. Tears came to her eyes and fell from them. She heard a faint call, "Auraaaaaa... Auraaaa..." Aurora burst into tears, knowing who was calling her. A blue mist mixed with some red formed in front of her, showing an Amalgamate made of Sans and Papyrus. Sixbones... went into her mind. The aura of evil filled her body, making her cry more.

The Sixbones Papyrus reached for Aurora, and Aurora reached for him. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, and Sixbones turned to dust. Aurora let tears come out. But soon, they weren't tears. They were melted fragments of her body. Of her fur. She continued crying herself into an Amalgamate. Sixbones appeared again. Both struggled to pick what remained of Aurora. But she quickly became part of them. Each skull turned more wolf-like, and Aurora's paws hung from the middle.

It's just a nightmare... just a nightmare... echoed through Aurora's mind. Finally, she woke up in Sans' and Papyrus' house. Sora was shaking Aurora. "Aurora okay?" Sora asked, seeing that her friend was awake. Aurora nodded, realizing blue and orange flames flickered from her eye sockets and around her face. Sora made a stern face, "Aurora lying!" Aurora sat up, the flames dying away. She grinned, picking up Sora. "Don't ya worry, Lil' dragon," Aurora laughed, "I think you were havin' a nightmare. I'm gonna try to call Sans."

Aurora had placed her phone on the table in front of the door. She checked it. "Damn it! Still won't turn on!" Aurora slammed her phone back onto the table. She cursed under her breath and looked at Sora, "Wanna go back to Hotland?" 

"Sora want to make sure Papyrus okay!" was her reply. Aurora put on a blue hoodie from Sans and opened the door. Sora followed. The two females were walking until she saw it. There was a large black web blocking the way to the river. "Aurora okay?" Sora asked. Aurora put the hood up, but it didn't hide her shocked expression. Dark purple electricity traveled through the web. Suddenly, a black shadow of Aurora with bright blue eyes looked at the two.

"Did you think it was over?" The shadow growled, an electric blue grin spreading across his face. "My, my! We're just getting STARTED!" And with the final word, the shadow jumped towards Aurora. Sora's eyes turned wide. Aurora was thrown back as the Shadow kicked her, then it turned towards Sora. "Say goodbye, dragon," the shadow hissed, it's right arm forming into a knife-like form. Aurora reacted quickly.

And the last thing she saw was the knife-hand going right for her.

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