Chapter Seventeen: To The Source

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Ever since the thing passed by SoraSpot, everything was calm. Well, other than the broken buildings and newly-made beasts running free. With the roars and growls and screams in the distance, Aurora wondered if anybody could hear the loud panting of the Blueberry Beast. She called him B.B for short, and he was so much like a pup! A pup that was bigger than she was, had no skin and fur, no organs, and looked more like a dragon. It didn't matter. He was hers. Hers to love, to keep, to remember. Right now, she was actually riding him like a horse! He was so fast, managing to outrun any hostile creatures that saw them along with whimpering.

*Quick note: Holy shit, that's 118 words.*

They got to a cabin that looked exactly like the skeleton's home in Snowdin. Except the no-snow, non-Christmas-like appearance, of course. The roof had a large hole in it, but other than that it was fine. B.B lowered his skull, allowing the wolf to slowly slide to the ground. She patted him on the snout and went to the door. It was unlocked (Thank god, this Papyrus was lazy.), so she went inside. She could tell it hadn't been any long time since they got to the surface, because she could still smell new wood and paint. But she did notice the television was cracked, the couch was burnt and ripped, and the table was broken in two.

"Was it like this before the Source came?" Aurora asked B.B, walking outside. The beast shook his head and hissed, Me an' Papyruzz fight..." Then he looked up at the roof. Aurora could tell he didn't want to talk about it... which meant he didn't want to do it. But Aurora wanted to know... and it would help B.B if he told it. She beckoned to him to lower his skull, which he did, and as she gently stroked his muzzle she asked, "Can't you tell me what happened? It would help... me and you."

B.B hissed a little, then exhaled a long sigh. He lifted his skull before telling her, "He... zzorta... changed... One zzencond he wazz normal. The ozzer, he wazz different. Perzzonality..." Aurora was silent. Then she asked, "What did you do to him?" The answer was so stale, with no emotion at all, "I killed him." Aurora let out a soft, shaking gasp in reply. She went back into the cabin without speaking back to him, went upstairs, and into B.B's old room. There was some sort of orange/red wolf on the bed, which jumped off and out the window, which was already broken. Most of the room was broken, run-down. When Aurora went back outside, she didn't bother even using the stairs. She jumped off the railing, landed, and went back to B.B.

But instead of the beast standing beside the entrance, he was hissing and growling at something behind the house. Aurora ran to him, trying to figure out what was happening. It was some sort of black bull, with bright red eyes. How did he get here? Aurora thought, taking a step closer. It opened its mouth, sort of like that alien from Stranger Things (Aurora had to suffer through that when she was on the surface). Then it took a step back and faded away. The wolf and the skeleton both looked confused. B.B let down his skull for Aurora to climb back on, then went towards the loud sound of buildings crumbling and falling.

I decided to stop here, cuz I'm lazy to do anything else.

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