Part: 131 It was planned

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"Mr Sidharth Shukla, your wife has been met with the accident a few hours ago." A person saying this, cut the call immediately and he gaped in shock. He was dumbfounded. He was not in a condition to say anything. The word accident started echoing in his ears. Negative thoughts was coming into his mind. His breath became uneven, his mind stopped working. He felt like he lost everything. He felt like he lost her.

"No, nothing can happen to my baby. She is fine. If I am breathing and my heart is still beating. This means that she is fine. Yes, she is absolutely fine. I need to see her." He tried to calm down himself, saying this.

Then he asked the driver to take him to Airport fast. He tried to call everyone in the house but shockingly nobody was picking up his calls. He was scared and constantly praying for her. He didn't want to lose her at any cost. She was his everything. He was nothing without her. The bad thoughts brought tears into his eyes. The worst thought of losing his baby was killing him a bit by bit. He was regretting badly for leaving her. He started blaming and scolding himself for leaving her. His eyes wanted to see her fine. His lips and hands wanted to feel her. His ears wanted to hear her sweet voice and soothing heartbeat. If something happens to her, he will also die.

It was getting difficult for him to spend two hours on the plane. The thought of losing her was killing him. He was getting restless, his mind was just only thinking about her. Her beautiful face, talking to him, coming in front of his eyes. The time, he had spent with her was playing like a movie in front of his eyes. At that moment, he wanted to think positive but couldn't. It was getting difficult for him to think positive.

"Hubby, please, come back. Please.. " her last words echoed in his ears and tears rolled down his cheeks. The next moment, he started crying, making a sound like a small baby. He was hell scared to lose the most precious gift of his life. He never cried like this before. He was crying like this for her. He was going crazy, thinking about her. He was feeling like he would lose his mind if he didn't come to know that how she was.


The whole way, from the Airport to his home, he was trying to call everybody but nobody was picking his calls and this was making him crazier. He was crying badly, thinking about her and constantly praying for her. As the car stopped in front of his house, he opened the door, hastily climbed down the car and rushed into the home. He was shocked to find everybody chilling, sitting in the hall. He slowly walked toward them.

Abhi was the first one who saw Sidharth. "Sidharth.." Listening to his voice, everybody looked at Sidharth. They were shocked to find Sidharth. His red eyes, his pale face and his wet cheeks made them anxious. It was vividly visible that he was not fine.

"Sa-Sana has met with the accident." He stammered and difficultly completed his sentence, fresh tears rolled down his cheeks. They all were shocked, listening to his words.

"What? Who told you this? Sidharth, there is some misunderstanding. She is absolutely fine. A few minutes ago only, she went into her room." Abhi told her, making Sidharth confused. He didn't get relief, listening to his words. He wanted to see her fine with his own eyes. Without saying anything to anyone, he ran toward their room.

He opened the door and sighed with profound relief as he saw his baby fine, sitting on the sofa. As she saw him, her eyes shimmered and she stood up. He rushed to her and took her into his strong arms. She also hugged him back, closing her eyes and smiling contentedly. She felt so good to be in his arms again. He was hugging her more and more tighter, tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks. He was thanking God for keeping his baby fine. He wanted to keep her safe in his arms forever. He was feeling like if he breaks the hug, he will lose her. He was pulling her closer to himself, his lips were drawn to beatific smile.

Sana called him. "Sidharth.." As he heard her pleasant voice, he came on the earth back. Her voice gave peace to his heart. He broke the hug and they gazed at each other intensely, having so much love in their eyes.

"Thank god, you are fine baby." He said after clasping her face and started kissing every inch of her face crazily. Sana was enjoying his soft kisses, having a smile on her face. She sucked his upper lip after cupping his face. In response, he sucked her lower lip.

"Hubby, I am sorry for the prank." She apologised, making Sidharth hell shocked. He stared at her in shock and utter disbelief. He removed his hand from her face and took a few steps away from her, staring at her incredulously. He was thinking that this was the prank of somebody else, his baby couldn't do this. His baby couldn't hurt him because she knew that how much he loved her. But he was wrong, she did this. Everything was planned by her.

How do you find the update?

What do you think, how will Sidharth react?

What Sana did, is it right in your P.O.V.?

Love Mehak

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