Part: 142 His Message To Chotu baby (Full Part)

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Sana walked into the Mukti's room and said, pinching her arm. "Didu, same pinch." Mukti didn't understand why she said same pinch to her. She narrowed her brows in confusion.

"Didu, I'm pregnant." She said, making a curved shape above her belly with her hand and Mukti's eyes widened in shock.

"You are kidding, right?" Mukti asked, thinking that she might be joking. She nodded instantly.

"Sana, this is not a good topic to joke about, Okay." Mukti was not ready to believe that she was pregnant. This made Sana upset.

"Didu, I'm really pregnant." She said sadly, looking at her.

"I thought after listening about this, you would hug me. But you.." she said disappointedly, Mukti felt a pang of guilt.

"Sweetie, I am happy for you. It just that you are too young. That's why I was thinking that you might be joking." Mukti explained to her, placing her hand on her face. Then she hugged her. For her, it was still unbelievable to accept that she was pregnant. She was also shocked thinking that why Sidharth planned the baby so soon.


"What! Are you serious? This is a prank, right?" This was the reaction of Navya and Cabir when Sana told them that she is pregnant.

"No, I am really pregnant. This is not a prank." She said, getting annoyed because no one was believing her. They both laughed loudly, making Sana confused.

"Sana, we caught you. You don't need to do this acting anymore." Navya said and Cabir nodded her head agreeing to her words. Sana felt even more upset and frowned when no one was believing that she was pregnant.

"Is this written on my forehead that I can't get pregnant? Why Nobody is believing me ?" She shouted at them and stormed out of the room before they could say something or stop her.


"Sidharth, you need to relax. If Sana is ready to take the responsibility and the Doctor said that there are no complications. Then you need to accept her pregnancy wholeheartedly and support her. In this condition, she needs your full support." Abhi tried to make Sidharth understand that he should accept it.

"You are right but what if because of this decision, something happened to her in future, then? It's not easy, Buddy. She is my baby and everyone knows that she is not ready to take that pain now." Sidharth shared his problem with him. Abhi was completely understanding him.

"Sidharth, I know. It is too early. But you need to accept it and just pray for the best because Abortion is not a good option. A mother can never kill her baby. The emotions of a mother are attached to the baby, only a mother can understand. Putting your all tension on the side, get ready to welcome a little bundle of joy." Abhi was trying his best to Sidharth feel better because he could see that his best friend condition.

"Hubby." Sana strolled into the room and they both looked at her.

"Congratulations, Sana. I am so happy for you." Abhi said, hugging Sana. She became happy to see his reaction. His reaction was different from others. Within a second, all her anger flew away and a gleeful spread across her face. They broke the hug and she shared her happiness with him.

Abhi glanced at Sidharth for the last time and walked out of the room. He ambled to Sana and asked her to take some rest. She didn't deny it and lay down on the bed immediately because she had promised him that she would listen to him. Sidharth sat on the sofa to do some work on his laptop.

"Hubby, you know when I was a kid. I used to think a lot that from where do the babies come. Sometimes I used to think that Pandit enchants some mantra in marriage and after one year god give the baby to couples. Sometimes I used to think, Doctor gives the baby." She was lying in bed and suddenly said looking at him. She was cutely telling him what she used to think in her childhood about the babies. Sidharth smiled at her, moving his eyes from his laptop to her.

"Hubby, what you used to think ?" She asked, getting excited to know his answer.

"I never get time to think about all this." He spoiled her all excitement and his eyes were still on his laptop. She made weird faces but she was looking super cute. Seeing his hubby busy, she started doing something on her phone.

"Hello, my chotu baby. You know Mumma loves you so much and she is so happy to know that you are going to come into your mumma's life and going to complete her life. Your Mumma feels so good to feel you inside her. Your Mumma can't even describe in words that how much she is excited for you. I am just one month pregnant and now only I badly want to take you in my arms. The wait is surely going to make me crazy." Sana was recording the video on phone for her baby.

When she was saying all this to her baby, putting her hand on her belly, lost in her own world, somebody was there who started admiring her. That somebody was her hubby, who loved everything about her. His heart felt something different, seeing her happiness and excitement for the baby.

"Abhi was right about a mother connection with her baby is something which nobody can understand," Sidharth murmured to himself.

"Hubby, do you want to join me? I am making a video Diary for our chotu baby, in which I will share my all the experience with my chotu baby." She asked Sidharth to join her, pausing the video. Sidharth thought for a moment then he ambled to her, leaving his all the work. He sat beside her.

"Chotu Baby, now your daddy will say something." She said, starting the video again and then put the camera in front of him. Sidharth was getting nervous speaking in front of the camera. He was sometimes sitting his hair and clearing his throat but he was not saying anything. Every minute, Sana was thinking that now he would speak but he didn't speak a single word from five minutes.

"Chotu baby, I think your daddy is Camera-shy and the fun part is that this thing your mommy comes to know, now." She laughed, saying this after putting back the camera in front of her.

"I'm not shying, Okay. It just that I'm not understanding what to say." Sidharth instantly denied that he was shying in speaking in front of the camera.

" How could Sidharth Shukla accept that he is Camera shy? I can understand." She laughed loudly, saying this.

"My hubby is a Camera shy, Na.. nena.. na.." she teased him. For the first, she got something to tease her hubby and she was not wasting this opportunity.

"No, I am not." Sidharth said a little loudly. He was not ready to accept it.

"And I will prove it." He challenged her, coming close to her face.

"Give this to me." He said, snatching the phone from her hand.

"Now be quiet, okay." He said before starting the video. Sana nodded her head meekly and sat, placing a finger on her lips cutely.

"Hey! chotu baby. Daddy is here," he said after clearing his throat.

"Your Mumma thinks that I am a Camera shy but she thinks wrong. Actually, I was not understanding what to speak before and your Mumma thought something else." Sidharth said making the poppet of Sana. He was not Camera-shy and he proved it.

"Okay, so for your daddy, you are a beautiful surprise. It said truly that the best things happened unexpectedly and the unexpected things are always sweeter. Your Daddy needs some time to accept the fact that he is going to become a daddy. I just only want to tell you that your daddy will be always there for you like your shadow. Your daddy will always try to give all the happiness of the world. Sometimes we will fight but never get upset with me because your daddy will always think good for you. Just remember one thing, your daddy will always going to love you in every circumstance till he takes his last breath." Sidharth's words brought tears in Sana's eyes, seeing his love for their baby.

She became dazed and just hugged him tightly. Sidharth hugged her back, having a smile on his face.

"What did you think that I am not happy with the baby. I am happy but it just that more than this I am worried for you my baby. I want you and our baby both in my life." He said, holding her face with his both hands after breaking the hug. His thumb was caressing her cheeks lovingly.

"My heart is burning, thinking about what can happen to you by keeping our baby. You don't know but your hubby is getting so weak, thinking about this. He just wanted to see you absolutely fine." He shared his fear with her.

"Hubby. We both will go through this, together. I am not alone, you are with me. I know, you will take proper care of me. I have full trust in you. Just trust me, as long as you are with me, nothing will be wrong. You need to understand that we are connected through our hearts. If one heart stops beating, the other will automatically stop beating. You don't need to be get worried about losing me because we are never going to lose each other. We will be together till our last breath. I am saying the truth, if something happens to you in future, I will come behind you to meet you in heaven. Our love story is not going to end after our death also.  So stop worrying about me and start thinking about our chotu baby." She explained to him after clasping his face. Listening to those heavy words from his baby's mouth made him utterly speechless.

"Yes, you are right. Not even our death can separate us." He murmured and then they both got lost in each other, closing their eyes and touching their forehead.


So how do find the update?

How do find the idea of making a video diary?

How do find Sidharth's message to his baby?

Love Mehak

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