Part: 165 Pregnancy Mood Swings (Full Part)

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One month passed away very quickly. Sana was now four months pregnant. She started gaining weight and a tiny baby bump could be clearly seen. With each passing day, her excitement was increasing. Sidharth was taking extra care of his baby and his excitement was also increasing. He was becoming more and more overprotective for her. He tried to keep her happy always. She kept him awake till late at night or she woke him up in the middle of the night. She asked him to do weird things and he did, having no other option because he couldn't deny his baby's demand. They both talked to their chotu baby and made videos for him. One more life was growing inside her, it was the most beautiful feeling for a mother.

Sana woke up late in the morning. She was rubbing her eyes and calling her hubby. She looked on her side, the place was empty. She made a sad pout and then her eyes fell on a folded piece of paper and a red rose which was kept on her side. She stood up and sat taking the support of the bed after picking up the note and rose flower. She smiled and inhaled the fragrance of rose after taking it close to her nose. She kept the rose on the side table. Then she unfolded the paper. Something was written on it with the blue pen.

Good morning, my baby.

I am sorry that I am leaving you alone on the bed. I have a really important meeting and I don't want to wake you up from your peaceful sleep.

I will be back till the afternoon. Till then take proper care of yourself and our chotu baby. Now get up, brush your teeth, take a bath and do breakfast.

Miss you my baby

Take care

Your loving, hubby

Sana was smiling, reading the note. She always felt blessed to have a husband like him. He never failed to make her feel special and lucky. She kissed the paper where your loving hubby was written and smiled.

"Chotu baby, your daddy is so sweet. I want you to become like your daddy in future. If you're a girl, then take care of your husband like your daddy and if you're a boy then take care of your wife like your daddy. Okay, baby. Did you understand?" Sana asked from her chotu baby, placing her hand on her belly and her eyes were looking at her belly.


Sidharth was in the conference hall, he was giving the presentation. His phone vibrated which was kept in his pocket. He went in the corner to check the caller id. Automatically a smile spread across his face seeing the name which was flashing on the screen 'my baby'. He felt like ending the meeting and run immediately to meet his baby.

"Excuse me. I just come, it's an important call." He came outside to attend the call. He could never ignore her calls no matter how much busy he was.

"Hubby, come fast. I need you right now." She cried out as he put the phone over his ear and smile vanished away from his face within a second. He became worried for her.

"Baby, first stop crying and tell me what happened." He asked her to stop crying but she cried louder which broke his heart.

"Hubby, just come fast. I need you now." She spoke between her sobs. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to compose himself.

"Okay, I am coming within few minutes. You just stop crying, please, baby. You know that it is not good for our chotu baby." He said concernedly after opening his eyes.

"I will try not to cry but you come fast." He sighed listening to her words.

"I am just coming." He hung up the call saying this and immediately walked into the conference hall.

"I am sorry, gentlemen. We have to end this meeting here only. I have urgent work. I have to leave now." Sidharth said and dashed out.

In no time he reached home. He saw Mukti, Navya And Mishti sitting in the hall.

"Where is Sana ?" Sidharth asked about her worriedly from them, making them tensed too.

"Bhai, I checked a few minutes ago. She was taking bath. What happened?" Navya got up from the sofa and asked worriedly. Sidharth shook his head and ran toward his room.

He stepped into his room and saw her sitting on the bed. Only the towel was wrapped around her body. Her wet hair was on one side. She looked at him and their eyes met. Her eyes had become red because of crying. She stood up, pouting at him sadly. He reached in front of her taking long steps.

"What happened, baby? Why were you crying ?" He asked concernedly, cupping her face and she was just giving him sad looks.

"I am not getting fit in my favourite dresses. I want to wear them." She sadly told him her problem and he widened his eyes. He was shocked knowing that she was crying badly on phone because of this problem.

"Were you really crying because of this ?" Sidharth asked unbelievably, removing his hand from her face and she hummed, nodding her head in yes innocently. He frowned because he came back home leaving his important meeting in the middle. But he composed himself within few seconds when he realised that she was pregnant.

"Baby, you are pregnant. Getting fat in pregnancy is normal and in starting, you were so excited to become fat. Now, what happened?" He asked calmly, cupping her face again. She didn't say anything, silently she just stared at the dress which was kept on the bed.

"Okay, the problem is that you can't able to wear your favourite dress, right?" He asked and she instantly nodded her head at him.

"Don't worry... I have a solution to your problem." As he spoke, her eyes twinkled and a small smile spread across her face.

"I will ask the designer to stitch your all favourite dresses in large sizes." She smiled broadly, listening to his word. He instantly smiled seeing her smile. He could do anything for her one smile.

"Hubby, you are best." She said and hugged him happily, burying her face in his chest. He hugged her back, having a contented smile on his face. After few minutes, they broke the hug.

"You know, chotu baby, I think your daddy is a magician. Like a magician, he always finds a solution to my every problem." She talked to her chotu baby, putting a hand on her belly. Sidharth smiled at her.

He knelt in front of her. "Daddy, just can't wait to hear your heartbeat for the first tomorrow." He spoke to his chotu baby, holding her waist and his eyes were looking at her belly. He kissed her belly and she smiled in response, moving her fingers through his hair.

"And mommy too. She is so excited to see your glimpse for the first time." Sana said, putting a hand on her belly. Now Sidharth smiled at her. They both were excited for the first sonography where they would able to hear their chotu baby's heartbeat and they would also able to see him on the screen for the first time. He got up and pecked her lips happily. He couldn't express his happiness. He wanted to thank her for carrying their little bundle of joy inside her.

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