Part: 168 Listening to Chotu Baby's First Heartbeat

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"What should I tell you, sweetie, I felt so good to hear my baby's first heartbeat. I can't describe in words even about that feeling." Mukbhi and Sidnaaz were sitting in the hall. It was the day of Sana's first sonography. She was hell excited. She asked Mukti to share her experience and listening to her experience she got even more excited.

"Right Abhi ?" Mukti asked looking at Abhi and he nodded his head putting his hand on her belly looking into her eyes. Sidnaaz smiled at them. Sidharth was also excited to hear the heartbeat of their chotu baby for the first time.

"Hubby when we will go? I just can't wait." She asked this question for the tenth time in half an hour. Mukti and Abhi laughed listening to this question for the tenth time.

"Baby, just a few minutes more." He answered her calmly for the tenth time with a smile after cupping her face.

"A few minutes more to go, chotu baby." She squealed cheerily, placing her hand on her belly making everybody smile with her cuteness.

"You are doing countdown like the baby is going to come in just a few minutes," Mukti spoke and chuckled.

"Didu, listening to my chotu baby's first heartbeat is also a very special day for me. So can't I do the countdown for this special day?" She asked raising her eyebrows looking at Mukti.

"Of course you can, sweetie pie," Mukti said pulling her cheeks making her laugh.

"I am just thinking.. that our Sana is super cute, how cute her chotu baby will be ?" Abhi asked this question looking at them.

"Our chotu baby will be cutest like her Mumma." Sidharth said putting her hand on her belly and kissed her cheeks softly making her blush.

"But What If the baby is an angry hulk like you, Sidharth." Abhi laughed loudly saying this and Sidharth glared at him. Mukti giggled while Sana was also angry.

"Abhi jiju, my hubby is not angry hulk. He is very sweet, loving and caring." She said putting her head on his chest. Sidharth smiled while embracing her in his protective arms and he kissed her head.

"Didu, ask your husband to never call my hubby angry hulk or else I will never talk to him." Sana warned Abhi indirectly. Sidharth was giving a victory smile to Abhi.

"Sana, he is sweet, loving and caring only for you. For others he is an angry hulk, don't you know?" Abhi tried to fight back like a kid with Sana. Sidharth shook his head in disbelief.

"Jiju, again you called him that. Now I am not talking to you." She stood up from the sofa getting angry at him.

"Hubby, let's go for the sonography." She said sternly and Sidharth immediately stood up. She started walking toward the door and Sidharth was walking behind her. Abhi called her but she didn't listen to him.

"Abhi, I am also not talking to you because you made my sweetie angry." Mukti also walked from there getting angry.

"What I did ?" Abhi asked himself getting up from the sofa.

"You tried to tease a pregnant woman." His mind answered him and he went behind Mukti after kicking the table angrily.


Sidnaaz settled down in the car and Sana was sitting with a angry pout. Sidharth said holding her hand.

"Baby, relax. Abhi was just teasing me. By the way, he was saying right, I am short-tempered and I have anger issues. Even I am scared what if our chotu will be also angry hulk like me ?"

"Hubby, you are not angry hulk and why are you saying like this that you are scared? I want our chotu baby to be like you. You are the best and perfect. I love you so much, hubby." She spoke lovingly putting her hands on his cheeks. Sidharth smiled at her.

"I love you more, my baby." He confessed and pecked her lips. Next moment Sana captured his lips, pulling him closer to herself by holding the collars of his shirt. Sidharth kissed her back passionately while his hands slid up into her top and started massaging her twins making her moan inside his mouth.

"You are amazing, baby." They broke the kiss and he spoke brushing her lower lip with his thumb. She was breathing heavily looking at him after their passionate kiss.

"I want to kiss you again but not now because we are getting late." Sidharth started the car engine while saying this.

"Hubby, let's go... I am so excited. I just can't wait more." Sana clapped her hands excitedly and Sidharth smiled at her. He took her hand in his hand and kissed the knuckles after bringing them close to his lips. Sana smiled in response.


Sana was lying on the hospital bed and Sidharth was standing beside her holding her hand. It was clearly written on their face that they both were going crazy with the excitement. They just can't wait to hear the heartbeats of their baby for the first time.

The doctor pulled up her top and about to apply the gel on her belly but she stopped when Sidharth interrupted her. "Be careful doctor, please." He spoke concernedly. The doctor just blinked her eyes looking at Sidharth and started rubbing the gel all over her belly. Sidnaaz looked at each other like an excited kid. The doctor then started rubbing her belly with the device while their excitement was increasing with each passing second. The doctor was trying to find the heartbeat.

"Look at the screen, Mr and Mrs Shukla. You can see your baby." The doctor pointed at the monitor which was kept on their side. Sidnaaz instantly moved their eyes toward the screen and they both smiled contently seeing the image of their baby. Their breath got stuck in their throat and their heart stopped beating for a moment when for the first time they heard the heartbeat of their baby. It was so magical. The sound was so peaceful. Both of their eyes became moist seeing their chotu baby and listening to his heartbeat for the first time. The feeling was a pure bliss for Sidnaaz. They both looked at each other having smile on their face and happiness in their eyes.

"Thank you so much baby for this. Thank you so much for fighting with me for our chotu baby. Now I just really can't wait to hold our chotu baby in my arms." Sidharth leaned down and kissed her forehead and thanked her through the core of his heart. He was really thankful to her for fighting with him and didn't let him kill their baby. He was thankful to her for allowing him to become a father. He couldn't even describe in words what he was feeling at that moment.

"I am so happy, hubby. Didu was right, this feeling is so beautiful and indescribable. I am feeling so good. It feels so good to feel a heart beating inside me." Sana spoke happily putting her hand on his face. Sidharth sucked her lips softly and lovingly, cupping her face. It was a thankful kiss to the chotu baby's Mumma from chotu baby's father. The doctor first widened her eyes when she looked at them and then she smiled seeing their love.

"Mr and Mrs Shukla, the baby is growing healthy, so now you don't need to be worried." Sidnaaz were lost in looking into each other eyes. They came on the earth back listening to the doctor's words. Sidharth became happier listening to this.

"I'm not worried a bit even because my hubby is taking extra care of me." Sana spoke proudly and happily entwining her hand with his hand. They passed each other a cheerful smile.


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