Part: 17

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I forgot to put party scene in the update before.

"Didu, what I should wear for tonight party?" Sana asked sadly. Sidharth had thrown the small party because he had opened a new company on Sana's name. He wanted to gift something big to his wife and he didn't find something better than this.

Mukti placed a hand on her face and gave her a sweet smile. "Sweetie, don't worry, you can wear any of my dress." As Mukti said, Sana smiled widely. Mukti hated sharing her dresses with others, but Sana was special for her.

In the evening, Sana got ready for the party. She was wearing a blue beautiful gown. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. She was looking phenomenally beautiful in that gown and increasing the beauty of the gown. She did a bit of makeup because she was naturally beautiful. Sidharth stepped into the room and as her eyes fell over his wife, he got mesmerized after seeing her.

He ambled toward her, gazing at her fondly, and he had a smile on his face. "How am I looking hero?" she

twirled in delight to show off her dress to him. He got lost in her utterly. He was gone in the world where there was no one, there was only his Sana.

"Sidharth." As she shook him, he came out of his world and looked at her blankly.

She narrowed her brows in confusion and pouted sadly at him. "Am I not looking good?" She asked like a cute baby.

"No, I mean you're not only looking good, but you're also looking breathtaking beautiful as like a fairy came on earth," he moved close to her face and whispered huskily. As her warm breath caressed her lips, electricity rushed down her spine.

Next movement he sucked her lower lip and in response she sucked his upper lips, placing her hands over his face. Their lips were moving in rhythm and their soft and sweet kiss turned into a wild kiss. They were eating each other lips. It was their first wild kiss and they both were enjoying the kiss. Sidharth pulled her closer to himself by grasping her waist and they deepened the kiss.

After breaking the kiss, they gazed into each other eyes deeply. Her eyelashes moved down and she blushed.

As Sidharth's eyes fell over the mirror, his facial expression changed. "But you will not wear this dress," he said in a cold tone because he had seen in mirror that her dress was backless and he couldn't permit her to wear that dress because he thought that no one had any right to see her body except him.

"But why? You like my dress, then what happened?" She asked sadly.

"I don't want any argument, you are not wearing this and that's the final." As he strictly denied and she frowned.

"Okay, fine, then I won't go to the party, I will remain here and will never talk to you." She sat in front of the mirror and crossed her arms around her chest and made an angry pout. She was more stubborn than him and he knew about that.

"Don't touch me?" She shouted at him as he held shoulders. He was standing behind her. He smirked, gazing at her through the mirror.

"You can wear this dress." As he agreed, she moved eyes her at him and smiled widely through the mirror.

"But with open hairs," as he opened the bun, her long back hair fell over her back and covered her back. This was his plan. She nodded her head innocently, didn't understand why he did that.

He put her hair over one side of her shoulder and leaned over her back and as his lips caressed her back, she closed her eyes in response. She was shivering with his touch like always and she was feeling good. He was kissing all over her back. She was enjoying it, her eyes were closed.

"Aahhaa..." she moaned, fisting her dress as he gave her love bite on her back, marking her back of his. He stood straight and set her hair properly on her back.

Sana was wondering in the confusion that why she felt good after that. She should feel pain after that bite, but why she felt good. That question was eating up her mind.

"Baby, this called love bite, is it paining you? I am sorry." He apologised concernedly and she shook her head.

"No, in fact, I felt good, you don't need to say sorry." She said looking at him from the mirror. He smiled broadly and kissed her cheek after leaning down.

"Give me ten minutes, then we will go downstairs together for the party." She nodded her head with a bright smile and Sidharth left after smiling back at her.

"Wow sweetie, you are looking beautiful." Mukti complimented her after entering inside. She hugged her tightly.

Sana thanked her, hugging her back. After that Mukti took her outside. She became nervous after seeing lots of people at the party.

"Sweetie, you sit here, I am just coming." Somebody was calling Mukti, so she left after making Sana sit on the sofa.

"I am feeling so wired here, I don't know where didu has gone? I should go inside the room and come back with Sidharth." She stood up and strolled toward her room, but before that she bumped with a person and from his hand, a glass of wine fell. Sana bit her lower lip on her mistake.

"What the hell? Do you have any manners? Don't even know how to walk properly also." She opened her mouth to apologise, but before that, he rebuked her for her mistakes. Sana shivered with fear and everybody was staring at her.

Mukti and Abhi rushed to them, but before they could speak anything, Sidharth came there and held the person's collar, he looked at Sana with sorrowful eyes. She was on the verge of crying. She looked back at him innocently. He frowned as he moved his eyes from Sana to that person. He was killing that person with his look.

"Mukti, take Sana inside," Sidharth said in a cold tone, still glaring at the person, his eyes were spitting fire. The person was trying hard to remove his hands. Sana last time glanced at Sidharth before walking into her room with Mukti.

"How dare you shouted on my wife?" He punched hard on his face. Everybody was shocked to hear that Sana was her wife because she was a young girl. But they were unaware that in love age difference doesn't matter.

"You bastard, I will not leave you." As he again hit on his face, he fell on the floor. "This is for making her cry."

"Sidharth, relax, calm down." Sidharth was about to kick him, but Abhi held him from behind and tried to stop him.

"I am sorry, Mr Shukla, I didn't know that she is your wife." He apologised and Sidharth gave him hell angry looks, trying to come out from the grip of Abhi. Cabir also came there and asked the guest to leave and that person also left.

"Sidharth, please try to control your anger, he didn't know that Sana is your wife." Abhi was trying to make him understand, but Sidharth was not in the mood to listen.

"I don't care, Abhi. I will not leave him so easily, he insulted my Sana, how dare he." As he shouted, Abhi and cabir looked at each other helplessly because it was not easy to make Sidharth understand.

Sidharth stepped into the room and saw Sana, sitting with Mukti. As she looked at her Sidharth, she rushed to him and hugged him tightly. He also hugged him back. Mukti left from there, leaving them alone. Sidharth hugged her tighter, he was feeling better in her arms and his anger was also vanishing.

"Sidharth, I am sorry, I by mistake bumped with him." She apologized after breaking the hug. Sidharth nodded his head negatively.

He clasped her face. "Baby, it's not your fault. Don't be sorry." he said calmly. "that bastard will get what he deserves, he will be punished, "Sidharth said in a cold tone.

"But it was my mistake, not his mistake. Why he would be punished, what was his mistake?" she asked innocently and Sidharth shook his head in disbelief after seeing her innocence.

"Baby, his mistake was that he insulted you. He made you sad, he shouted on you." Sidharth explained her and Sana thought about his words by placing her one finger on her chin. His lips curved into a smile after seeing her cute antics.

"Sidharth, then forgive him because he shouted on me because it was my mistake." Sidharth closed her eyes in disbelief after listening to her and didn't argue with her more because he knew that she was stubborn.

"Okay fine, I forgive him." He agreed in front of her, but he would never forgive that person for insulting his wife.

"Sidharth, he is a police inspector, what he is doing in your house?" She innocently asked from Sidharth when they were coming downstairs for dinner.

"Baby, he is my friend, Abhimanyu and Mukti's boyfriend." As Sidharth told her, she opened her mouth in o shape.

"Oh, that's why he didn't arrest you that day, because he knows that you are not bad." She said cheerfully and Sidharth smiled at her.

He moved closer to her face and asked, "how I am?"

"You are my hero, you saved me and my parents." She squealed cheerfully and rushed to them, they all were sitting in the hall. He became upset after listening to her words because he couldn't save her parents.

"Hello, Abhi jiju." She shook her hand with Abhi, smiling broadly.

"Didu, why haven't you told me about my jiju? I know I am the youngest in the family, it doesn't mean, nobody will tell me anything." Everybody laughed loudly.

"Sana, you're so cute." Abhi pulled her cheeks. " I know I am cute, jiju." She giggled.

"Now first let's have dinner, then we will talk," Sidharth said and then they all went to have dinner.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch? Now you can sleep with me, mujhe tumahri arms mein sona, bhut acha laga hero, (I love to sleep in your arms.)" She said cutely after lying in the blanket when Sidharth was about to lie down on the couch. He smiled widely after listening to her words.

"Oh, okay." He rushed to her and lay down. He took her into his arms carefully and covered both of them with the blanket. After that, he kissed her hair.

"You don't even know, Sana, how I feel when you sleep in my arms, my all tension and stress vanished away, I love you so much, baby." He kissed her ear and she smiled, hugging him tighter.

"Tonight, will you not give me a kiss?" She asked cutely and directly. Sidharth smiled broadly after listening to her words.

"I just gave you on your ear." He said teasingly, He knew that what she wanted but he loved to tease her.

"No, not that one, I am talking about lip kiss." She closed her eyes and smiled shyly, fisting his t-shirt, and he was just smirking.

Next movement, as she felt his lips on her lips, she instantly opened her eyes in response and kissed him with equal flavour. Both of their lips were moving in rhythm, the kiss was full of love, no lust. Sidharth always poured all his love in his kiss, he kissed her softly because he didn't want to hurt her in any manner because he cared about her a lot. She was enjoying the kiss, he knew and that's why he was kissing her or else without her permission he would not do anything. He had waited for her eight long years, but he still cared about her feelings.

Next morning, Sidharth was the first one who woke up first. He smiled brightly as he saw his cute wife sleeping, hugging him like babies sleep, hugging their teddy bear. Her one leg was wrapped around his waist and her hand was wrapped around his chest. She was sleeping cutely, her mouth was open a little. Sidharth wanted to kiss her lips hard, but couldn't disturb her peaceful sleep. He carefully removed her hair from her face which was coming on her face, he started kissing all over her face, not leaving an inch also.

"I can watch you like this my whole life, I find so peace and comfort while seeing you sleeping cutely, I promise, I will protect you till my last breath and never hurt in any manner." He whispered, caressing her hair and gazing at her fondly.

"God, please help me in controlling my anger, uff this is so difficult, don't know why I get so angry on small matters." He thought, getting angry with himself.

As his phone vibrated, he immediately picked up the phone. "No, I will come late, postpone the meeting." He cut the call. For the first, he had postponed the meeting, only for Sana because he didn't want to disturb her sleep, he didn't want to go by leaving her alone and the main reason was he wanted to gaze at her.

After an hour Sana woke up, rubbing her eyes like a baby and Sidharth was smiling at her. From an hour he was gazing at her like an idiot. He didn't move his eyes away from her face for a while also. His every act were clearly showing how much he loved her. He didn't get bore of seeing her while sleeping, he didn't get bore of listening to her talks, he didn't get irritated with her cute and crazy acts.

"Morning, my hero." she hugged him even more tightly and Sidharth also hugged her back carefully.

He kissed her hair and wished her, "Good Morning."

"You know today I saw a very very beautiful dream, do you know," she asked cutely and Sidharth nodded his head in response. "I am so stupid, I have seen a dream, how you will know." She giggled adorably. Sidharth was just gazing at her, having a smile on his face. He was falling in love with her more and more with each passing second.

"I saw that we both were on the cloud and you were singing for me, it was so beautiful." She happily told her dream to him.

"But I know my dream will never going to be fulfilled, we can't go on the clouds, they are so far from us," she stretched the word so. "and you're not a singer, you will never sing," she said like she was asking 'will you sing' and Sidharth understood that.

He clasped her hand and told her through the core of his heart, "no, it is not impossible, I promise you that I will fulfil your every dream, not only this, I will fulfil your every dream."

Sana smiled cheerfully, showing her all teeth to him. He loved her that smile.

"Wow, you will sing for me, I am so excited, thank you so much, you're best." She came over her and hugged him tightly. After breaking the hug, they gazed into each other eyes. He kissed her forehead and she moved closer to his face before slamming his lips. Sidharth also responded to her with equal flavour, pouring his all love. He grasped her hair carefully, not so tightly and kissed her harder. He raised his face and deepened the kiss. Sana was like always enjoying the kiss and indeed of oxygen, they broke the kiss and Sidharth kissed her collar bone and in response, she fisted his t-shirt.

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