Part: 40

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(Part: 40) Mine (Sidnaaz)

Sana was running to the main door and bumped with Sidharth. As her head hit with his solid chest, she complained, rubbing her head. "Aahaa, why your body is so solid, it hurt me."

Sidharth opened his mouth to say sorry but stopped as he remembered that he is angry with her. He just walked from there without saying anything.

"Mr Attitude Shukla, I'm also not less than you, let's see who will win." She stamped her foot in frustration on the floor.

"Aaha..." She cried because in this she hurt herself only. She went from there with a sad pout.


"Didu, Bhai, meet my friend Pari." Sana introduced Navya as Pari to Mukti and Cabir when they were sitting at the breakfast table. Sidharth was also present there. As he heard Sana's voice, he moved his eyes to Navya.

"Please, please, hubby, don't recognise her." Sana was constantly praying, Cavya and Mukti were also tensed and waiting for Sidharth's reaction.

He didn't say anything, he just moved her head down and got busy eating breakfast. They all took a breath of relief. Sana was extremely happy and started her overacting.

"Didu, you know she is my best childhood friend. I share everything with her, my best buddy Pari." They settled down. Sana was talking more than eating and making already angry Sidharth angrier.

"Sana, will you please eat breakfast?" Sidharth asked, glaring at her. She nodded her head negatively.

"No, I'll not, Mr Angry Shukla." She shouted in attitude.

"Cabir Bhai, I want to talk with you in private." She got up from her seat and led cabir to corner. Sidharth was glaring at her suspiciously. Cabir was confused.

"Cabir Bhai, you have seen now, Sidharth didn't recognize Navya, our plan became successful." She whispered and giggled in Cabir's ear. Cabir also smiled at her and thanked her.

"But Sana, Sidharth will doubt us, we shouldn't talk like this." As Cabir said, Sana nodded her positively.   They were about to go back but stopped as they saw Sidharth standing in front of them.

"What's going on?" Sidharth asked, wondering he would get the answer.

"Aap se koe matlab, Mr A A M Shukla." She growled at him. Sidharth and Cabir gave each other a confused look because they didn't understand the meaning AAM.

"AAM means Mr. attitude angry Monster Shukla." She said in attitude and left from there, holding Kabir's hand after giving a big name to her hubby.

To irritate Sidharth more, she was drinking water again and again rather than eating breakfast.

"Mukti, ask your sweetie sister to eat breakfast also," Sidharth said indirectly to Sana only. 

"Didu said to your brother, I won't listen to him until he doesn't apologise from me." Sana curled her lip.

"Mukti said to Sana in clear words, it was her mistake, not mine. So it will be good for her if she accepts her mistake." Sidharth stood up, glaring at Sana and stormed to his room. Sana was sitting there with a sullen pout.

"Sweetie, what happened between you both?" Mukti asked worriedly and Sana told Mukti everything.

"How could he shout on me like this?" She pouted disappointedly.

"Sweetie, I think, you shouldn't have broken his phone. You should apologise from Bhai." Mukti tried to explain her. 

"No, I won't, Didu." She denied and stood up. Before Mukti could say something more, she left from there in fury.

So what do you think, what will happen next?

Love Mehak

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