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"Careful." Chris murmured as I was lowered into my wheel chair a few days later. Everything was still sore, my stomach especially.

"I'll be right back alright? I'm gonna go get your discharge papers." He murmured, kissing my cheek.

He left the room and I sat there in my chair thinking. My eyes were a bit less swollen than they had been a few days prior, but everything was still a bit painful. I was given morphine a couple of times, and honestly, I never slept so soundly, but now I could only have Advil. 

As I sat in my wheelchair and looked around my hospital room, I started thinking. But mainly....I thought about what happened the other day. Brandi, Amber, Josh, Cairo, Jack and Evan had just left. Chris was at work and would be here within the hour, but Leo came to visit. I remember wanting to get up to go visit the cafeteria, but no one was there to walk with me, so I was just going to wait for Chris. I clicked on the tv and not too long later heard a sharp rap at my door.

"Come in." I said

He stepped in with flowers and a stuffed bunny, my favorite animal.

"Oh...hey Mr. Calavry. What brings you by?" I asked

"Just wanted to see how you were doing, and bring you some get well gifts."

"Oh, well thank you." I said politely

He gingerly set the things down on the table across the room and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Uh how are you feeling?"

"Sore...but hey, it could've been worse. I truly thank you for what you did."

"It's nothing, I have no doubt you'd do the same for me." He smiled

"No disrespect, but we'd both be in here."

He chuckled and came to sit by my bed.

"Yeah, about that. Chris talked to me a few days ago. I hear you need some fighting lessons?"

"Yes, since Chris thinks I can't handle myself." I sighed

"He loves you, and he wants the best for you. He wants your protected is all." He said more to himself

And correct me if I was wrong, but I felt there was something unspoken in his words. But I wouldn't dare ask. I just agreed .

"And honestly...I'm glad that you have someone that is worried enough about you to try making sure you're safe."

"Yeah. So when's my first lesson?" I asked him

He smirked.

"When you've healed I'll set up something up. And our sessions will usually be on weekends."

"Sounds cool."

He leans back and sets his attention on the TV.

" have you been Mr. Calavry?"

"I have been well. I mean, the practice and club are going well, everything's wonderful." He said dryly, eyes still on the tv.

"You sound so enthusiastic." I said

He chuckled.

"Well what do you want me to say Ellie? Life hasn't been all that great."

"How come? You're Collinsville's most eligible bachelor, you're well off, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure you'd want to hear about it."

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah. But honestly....I have no reason to even be even a little upset."

"Why is that?"

He sighed and stood up roughly. The flicker of movement caught my attention and I looked over at him. His green eyes stared into mine intently and he stood there at the foot of my bed looking as if he was fighting an inner battle. He paced, he stuck his hand into his suit pants, and finally settled on putting his hands on his hips.

"Are you having an episode?" I teased

He smirked softly

"No...just a realization. Look....I have to tell you something Ellie."

"Wait, can I at least guess first?" I teased

He seemed taken off guard and stared at me.


"You're an alien and the mother ship is coming back for you."

He stared at me blankly and said nothing.

"Alright, no more morphine for you."

I giggled and settled myself against the pillows behind my back.

"But seriously....I just want to apologize."

"For what?" I asked confused

He placed his hands on the edge of my bed and looked at me intently. It's like for the first time in months I confirmed that I saw some vulnerability in his eyes.

"Well whatever you're sorry for, I forgive you Mr. Calavry."

I said that so he'd stop looking at me like that.

"You don't forgive me." He said, giving a humorless chuckle

"Why do you say that?"

"You call me Mr. Calavry. For peat sakes, you can call me Leo."

"It's not professional."

"We're not in the office though."

"Yeah, but you're still my boss. And it's respectful if I call you Mr. Calavry."

"But Ellie...we were so much closer than that."

"Yeah, we were."

His eyes flitted away from mine.

"I know I really hurt you." He said softly

"It's alright, it's in the past now, and so is what we had."

I heard a hitch in his breath and he didn't look at me.

"You're right. And I'm sorry. I hurt you, and I know I'll have to live with what I did. But I loved you.... I still love you."

My heart jumped in my chest and a warm feeling flowed through me. What in the world was that about?

"No, you loved/love Donna. I was just a place holder or the rebound for your feelings. Deep down you knew you still loved her....and deep down so did I. But that's alright, I have Chris and you have her now...everyone wins." I swallowed

I felt tears pricking the back of my eyes but I blinked them back. I would've looked away but I needed him to see what he did. The utter anguish and pain that he had caused me. Even after two years.... it still stung like I had just found out yesterday.

"I know I messed up Ellie, and I feel horrible about that, even now, even after two long years. I know right now we might not be able to ever fix what we had, but I at least would like to be your friend. Like we were before all of this mess started."

"I don't know if you've been paying attention, but there is no 'us' anymore, nothing outside of boss and employee. Look, you apologized, I've accepted it. It's over and done with, I am so ready to move on from all of that stuff. Don't make me relive that painful past, at the end of the day, you made your choice, and that's that. I really don't want to talk about this anymore."

And that time, I turned onto my side and stared at the wall.

"I know. I deserve everything that I get. But,we have to be civilized....we're both in this wedding, and we both work together. Can we at least put on a show for everyone else? You don't have to like me, I know you don't, but just for right now. And if you still want nothing to do with me after the wedding, I'll leave."

"Leave where?"

"Collinsville. I figure it would do us both some good if I get out of the way."

I turned to him.

"But that's crazy. We're both adults here."

"True, but every time I glance at you, I see the hurt. It's there, it's probably always been, and it's my fault that the newest pain is there. And I'm gonna make it right."

I was quiet and so was he for awhile.

"I'm gonna go...I'll see you at work and for your sparring sessions. I'll text you the address of my new house."

He left quickly and I watched him go quietly.

Now clicking through channels I waited in my bed to see if anyone would show up to come see me. I had read the books I was brought and ate my lunch. So now, I was bored watching basic cable. But at least there was cable. I heard a knock ten minutes later.

"Come in." I said

The door opened slowly and Chris poked his head in with a smile.

"Knock knock."

I smiled as he came in with something behind his back.

"Happy Anniversary." He smiled, producing Irises from behind his back.

"They're lovely."

"Oh but that's not all."

"It isn't?" I asked quietly

He smiled and walked over to me, sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"Nope. I also got you this."

He produced a box from behind his back and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked with a small smile

"Open it and find out." He said

I did so and saw that is was a white gold chain with two overlapping hearts in it. I stared at it for awhile.

"So....what do you think?"

"It''s nice."

His face fell.

"You don't like it?" He asked wounded

"No, no I love it!" I said quickly

His smile was back.

"Good. Le's put it on."

I hadn't worn a necklace since I gave Leo back his Day Collar the last day I was at his house. Ugh, I really needed to stop thinking about the past, it was becoming a downer. He clasped it around my neck and stepped back.

"There. That looks nice on you."

"Yeah. Thank you." I smiled at him

"You're welcome. "

"Sorry I wasn't able to do something special for you."

"That's alright baby. You're alive and getting better....that's my gift."

He kissed my forehead and pushed my hair back


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