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The next morning I had just woken up realizing just who's bed I was currently occupying. I sat up naked, noticing the empty space next to me and that it was still lukewarm. But his scent was as fresh as if he had just been there a minute prior. I inhaled the sheets that touched his body and held onto them like they were him. I never knew I'd feel like this again, so in love and full of life. Last night had been as great as my very first time with him in Italy and it reminded me of how I really felt for him before all of this mess started. I was glad we reconciled.

Gathering the sheets around me, I padded around the room gathering my nightgown and slipping it on before walking out into the kitchen where he was sitting, reading the paper and drinking some coffee.

"Hey." I said quietly

He looked towards me, his eyes widening a bit before replying in return.

"Hey yourself. You sleep well?" He asked with a smirk

"Yep. You?" I asked as I went over to the coffee maker to make my own cup.

"Like a baby."

"Good to hear." I commented, adding cream and sugar

After that it got a bit quiet as I went to go join him at the table. I could tell he was really deep in thought.

"What's the matter?" I asked him

"Nothing....I'm just thinking about last night."

"What about it?" I asked, taking a drink

"I feel like I forced you in a way. I doubt you came to my room to do what we did."

"What, you mean fuck? Leo, it's okay to say it. we're adults here." I chuckled

"You think that's all we did?" He grimaced

"Well what else would you call it?"

"Making love Els. That's what it actually was."

"Oh. Well, no, you didn't force me to do anything. Although that isn't what I came to talk to you about, it's okay the way things went."

"Really?" He asked me

"Of course."

He stood up from the table and walked over to me.

"What?" I asked as he stared at me

"Stand up." He asked me

I complied with no hesitation and he guided me over towards the middle of the table, commanding me to bend over.

"Hands on the table." He commanded quietly

I did so and I felt his hand trail up and down my back going towards my butt and then going back up towards my neck.

"Are you mine?" He asked in a low voice

"What?" I asked, not sure if I heard him right.

I felt him lean down to my ear and whisper once more, "Are. You. Mine?"

"What does th-"


The first hit reverbed off of the walls of the kitchen, making the overall experience of the first hit more memorable.

"Answer the question pet, are you mine?" He asked once more.

"Of course I am."

"Say it."

"I'm yours Leo." I said quietly

"Good. Now I can punish you."

"For what!?" I asked


I felt my core start to throb and wetten.

"For running away from me last night. Tell me Ellie, what did you do that was wrong? Let's start with the first reason."


"I'll give you a hint: You threatened to leave Collinsville correct?"

"Yes but-"

"Did you threaten to leave me and everyone else?"



I was pitched forward a bit, letting out a breath as I braced myself for the next hit.

"You also ran away from me physically as well to the beach in the middle of the night. God knows what would've happened if I hadn't followed you!"

"Leo, this is a safe neighborhood."


"Don't sass me woman! You could've been hurt, and your safety is paramount to me."


"You're not ever going off by yourself like that again, understand me?"

"Yes, Leo." I whimpered, tears coming into my eyes

"Yes what Ellie?"


"Yes Sir!" I yelled at the intensity of the last hit

"Good girl."

I felt my night gown being bunched up and then I felt him inside of me again, buried up to the hilt. My insides immediately clenched him and he groaned.

"You're not gonna leave me again Ellie, I'll make sure of that!" He grunted as he pounded into me

All I could do was lay there and take it like a champ. God I loved it when he treated me like this! He was full of such anger, and all it did was make the fucking more enjoyable. I felt a smack on my ass and I cried out as he continued.

"Are you gonna leave?" He asked

"N-no." I whimpered, lost in the sensations

"Do you love me?" He asked calmly

"Yes, yes I love you. I've always loved you, I've never stopped." I whimpered

Since when was his dick a truth serum? Damn I was telling him all of my secrets.

He slowed down and pulled out of me, turning me towards him quickly. I was panting and my core was throbbing as I watched him watch me. I swallowed harshly and looked down, wiping my tears quietly.

"You know I can't stay mad at you when you say that stuff."

"Wait, that was you being mad at me? I'd hate to see what happy is like."

He scoffed  and wiped the remaining tears from my face and kissed my forehead before pressing into me again, and involuntarily I wrapped my frame around him. He lifted me up and started pistoning in and out of me ferociously as I cried out his name and my wails echoed off of the walls. With one final thrust, he emptied himself into me and then let me down not gently as I felt his seed seeping down my thighs. Thank God for birth control.

He turned away from me and walked out of the room like nothing had happened as I collected myself.

"By the way, that was fucking sweetheart." He quipped

He laughed and went into the other room, shutting his door behind him.


I felt alive again. I felt so happy at this moment. All I knew is that after last night, things were definitely gonna change. It really was interesting how she thought she had the upper hand. If she only knew just who truly held the cards.

My how this would be fun.

There was a knock at my bedroom door about an hour later.

"Who is it?" I smirked

"You know it's me genius. Can I come in or what?" She asked


She walked into my room and sat down onto my bed.

"We have dress rehearsal today at twelve at the church. Brandi just called me."

I looked over at the clock and saw it was 10:40.

"Well we need to hurry and get dressed. It takes twenty minutes to get to the place."

"Well I'm gonna go shower and I'll leave you to it." She said


She left out of the room and then a great idea popped into my head. I was about to have a little more fun before we left this house.

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