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"Say it dr" he said. "No" I said. "Well.. I will give you three chances ... Say me the truth or be ready for the punishment and believe me it's not gonna be easy" he said and I blinked my eyes multiple times. "No jimin" I said and gulped. " second chance" he said. "Let me gooo" I whined but he tighten his grip. His face is closer to mine and I can feel his hot breath brushing my face. "Say it" he said. "Are you blackmailing me" I asked. Suddenly he pressed his lips on my forehead. I widened my eyes. "Now tell or you are gonna regret " he said . "No jimin leave me.. I already have a fiance " I said. He sighed. "This is your last chance.. look at my eyes Dr.. Say I hate you ..then I will never bother you" he said and my heart stopped. My phone buzzed but I didn't care about it. "Jimin.. leave me please " tears bulid in my eyes.
"Tell dr" he said.

"I love you " I said. A tear escaped from my eyes. I started sobbing and he leave me . "Good You can go now" he said . I looked at him in confusion . "Why aren't you going " he asked. I wiped my tear and left the room.

I looked at the call . It was from minji. I called her back. "What's it" I asked . "Dr... is there anything wrong.. why it sounds like you aren't ok" she asked. "Tell me why you called " I asked. "Dr... we got an evidence and it shows the one who tried to kill jimin is dr Jackson " she said. "Wwhat.....?" I asked her ."Yes dr... I will send you a vedio..check it " she hung the call. I got a notification suddenly and checked it. It was true. Noooo.. I can't believe it. I feel like my knees going week. I hold the pillar to support. Tears formed in my eyes.

My phone buzzed . I wiped my tears. Anger grew on me when I saw Jackson's name on the screen. I attended it . "Baby.. are you free today.. let's go on a date" he spoke . I kept silent and gritted my teeth. "Babe..." he called . "I am coming Jackson " I said and hung the call. I turned and saw jimin standing there. "Where are you going " he asked. "None of your business " I said. "Dr..." he called. I run downstairs suddenly. He followed me. I took my car and went.

Later evening ,
I was staring at the sea ... the waves are high.. as there is a chance of heavy rain. Suddenly a car stopped. Jackson stepped out of it . He came to me and hugged me tightly. I felt uncomfortable being with him.

"Oh you look so tired baby" he said . I looked at him with teary eyes. "What happened " he asked. I kept silent . "Oh seems like you missed me.." he said and tried to place a kiss on my forehead. I pushed him and he stumbled backwards. "Are you mad at something " he asked . How is he fooling me. I scoffed.

"Mr. Jackson... how could you " my voice cracked. I took a deep breath. Tear is flowing from my eyes. Suddenly rain started to fall. "What babe" he asked. "You are a criminal Jackson.. you tried to kill him" I said. "Baby.. what are you Telling I can't understand " he said and I scoffed. "Enough Jackson... its enough.. stop your drama" I said. I showed the vedio to him. He looked at with straight face. His smile faded. "Yn.. leave it" he said . He put his hands on my shoulders. "No Jackson .. you are not a are A sinner" I said. He laughed. "Do you expect me to be a saint...? Huhh???" He slowly raised his voice. I flinched at him . He gritted his teeth. "Jackson why did you " I asked. "They paid me fool... they gave me a huge amount " he said like it's not a matter at all.

"But.." I said. "But what.. huh?" He asked. "Do you expect me to reject that deal like a fool .. well yn.. I want money. And the person I tried to kill is not a good person though " he said. I grabbed his collar and gritted my teeth. "Don't say anything about jimin" I said . He pushed me and chuckled. "Why are you so desperate about him.. did you sleep with him..or forgot about me.." he shouted. I looked at him . I didn't expect this ."Well I will do that" I said firmly . "But anyway iam gonna marry you.. After that you can go anywhere.. I just want you for a night " he said. My heart broke into pieces. "Don't you love me Jackson " I asked. We both are soaked now due to rain. "Love my foot " he scoffed. I went to him and slapped him really hard. I took the engagement ring and throw it in his face. "What are you doing " he grabbed my arms. "Iam breaking this marriage " I said and turned.

"Yn..." he yelled. "You are gonna regret for this baby..." he said. I raised my middle finger to him . I went to my car and drove. I don't know where am I going.

I have been driving for 2 hours. The sun set and its dark everywhere. My clothes are still wet. I was crying so badly. Jimin called me several times. I didn't attend it.

It was midnight. I went to my house. I saw my dad sitting and watching a show on TV. "Well done dad.." I said and he turned to me. "Why are you wet" he asked. I smirked. "I came to say you that we broke up" I said . He looked at me in confusion. "Your only decision which iam proud of... well that also went in vain dad " I cried. He came to me. He hugged me. I hugged him back. "Did he hurt you" he asked and I nodded. "You are my champ.. Don't cry.. I will find another millionaire for you" he said and I gritted my teeth. I pushed him. "You are not gonna learn a lesson " I said . Soon I left my house and drove the car.

I drive the car to jimin's House. I stopped the car. I laid my head on the steering wheel and cried.

Jimin's pov:

I was worried about her. I heard the sound of her car. I looked through the window and saw its her. I am really mad at her. I didn't bother to go down .

It's Been 2 hours and I didn't saw her come to me. I thought she went to her room. I went to her room and found she wasn't there. I came downstairs and saw the door is locked. Oh dumb me ... maybe she is staying outside still.

I hurried and went out. I saw her nowhere. I saw her car. I looked around for her. I went to her car and saw that she was lying .. her head on the steering wheel. I went and knocked the window several times . she didn't open . A fear built up in my mind. I pulled the handle and to my surprise it wasn't locked .

"Dr... " I shrugged her shoulders. She raised her head and looked at me with teary eyes. I felt my heart broke into pieces seeing her puffy eyes and red nose.

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