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"Bela you are overthinking "

"No mahir.... "

"Bela please "

"Mahir listen to me"

"No you are just chanting the sentence"

"Mahir i have seen them with my own eyes"

"What you  have seen bela"

"That raghav was....was..  Staring at maira"

" So... "

" Mahir he was staring at her. Can you believe. He was staring at maira the way we stare at each other "

"So you accept you stare at me"

"Mahir... *blushing *

Mahir snaked his arm around her waist.
" Tell me senorita do you stare at me "

"Wait.... Hahhahh....... What you said...... Hahaa........ Seno......... Haha..... Senorita.. " Laughing Countinously.

"Why are laughing bela"

" Mahir that was so cheesy "

" No it was not cheesy  you are unromantic "

" What you said I am unromantic.... Wait..... Wait..... Now I got it you are changing the topic" * giving a death glare to mahir.

Mahir ( oh shit I am caught. Please god save me).

"Actually... B... Bela...

" No  mahir tell me  what is there between raghav and maira. I know you know something. That is why you were changing the topic. Now tell me truth otherwise you are going to regret lieing to me for lifetime "

"Actually they are dating"

" Oh  and since when you know this"

" When he just started dating "

"Why didn't you told me.? "

" Mmmm i.. I... Was..

"That means you were supporting them "

They were having their conversation  just then raghav came in with maira.

"Di i want to tell you something"


"Actually...... I.... Am dating........ Maira" He instantly closed his eyes because he thought he is going to get a slap from his di but he heard something which shocked him.

" Are you serious about her"

" Yes di. Very serious "

" Why didn't you tell this earlier"

" Actually I was scared how will you react "

"Now you are not scared"

" I can't hide anything from you for long. I love you di and can do anything for you. "

" Raghav i don't have any problem with your relationship until you both know your limits. "

"What...  Thankyou thankyou  thankyou  so much di. I love you. "

" I am proud of you at least you told me everything unlike some people who just keep on lieng  "  Glaring at mahir.

While mahir was looking at the whole scene with wide eyes and mouth open.

Raghav understood that mahir was in danger so to save him he said
" Di i only told mahir jiju not to tell you anything  then. Please forgive him"

" Okay only because you are saying "

Raghav went to mahir and hugged him.

" Jiju so now you can't blackmail me And our deal is over now that means I can disturb you whenever I want in your practical classes ".

" Dear Mr. Dowry you forgot that now even I can also disturb you  in your practical classes.
Recall you must have studied Newton's third law in your school"

Mahir  came out of hug and winked at him while raghav smiled sheepishly and left from there.

After  4 years.

A cute small boy was running and Bela was chasing him.

"Dhruv baby please come here. You have to get ready for uncle's wedding."

" No.......... No... Mummmm"

" Baby please. See I am tired now"

Bela sat on the sofa and mahir came and picked up dhruv.

He sat on the sofa beside Bela while dhruv was sitting  on his lap playing with his shirt button.

" Baby see your mumma is tired. Please don't make her more tired alone. Let's team up and then irritate her. You irritate her in day time and I will at night.
And winked towards Bela.

"Mahirrr     ........ Give me my child you are spoiling him"

" Bela. "

" Mahir if you can help me then most welcome but if you can't then get lost "

" Okay sweetie wait I am helping you "

______________________________________In evening

The most awaited day was here finally raghav and Maira was getting married.

Behir ; vishrant ; sumi and their other friends cheered for them.

When marriage rituals were over.
" So how are you feeling Mr. Dowry "

" Jiju i am thinking about my practical classes "

" Listening to you I have also started to think about my practical classes "

" So what say jiju.....

They picked their respective wifes in their arms and kissed their foreheads.

"Papa....  Kicheeee"

Everyone laughed at dhruv's statement.

Mahir and Bela went to him and kissed him.

Dhruv also returned a sweet kiss to them.

....................Happy Ending....................

Please ignore  grammatical mistakes.

  Thank you so much for kind                  support and immense love. ❤.

Hope  you all enjoyed reading the story.

My other works include:-

                A kid played Destiny. (Behir)

               Yours since Forever. (Behir)

            It has always been you

You will find all the books on my profile  Rose9972  .

Do give it a try if you are interested in my work.

Thanks for reading ❤.

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