A/N: Important Announcements(edited)

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Hello my lovelies,

It has been almost 4 months since I updated any of my stories (barring, Us and Them, that I updated on 21st July (yesterday) after 9 months 🥴).

First of all, I would like to apologize for disappearing like that. I will try not to repeat this ☹️

Now, for my plans (updates and schedule) regarding my ongoing stories.

I have two ongoing stories at the moment, Destinies, Mine (these are my fandom works ie. to say, WangXian/YiZhan inspired books). Objectively speaking, though I have other ongoing (independent) works, the aforth mentioned are the ones that I will discussing today.

Us and Them: Completed.

Destinies: My WangXian inspired science fiction story that I started last year in February. Over the past two months I have been working on it and the rough draft is complete.
I have started republishing it. I will update it twice a week.

Mine: As soon as I finished drafting Destinies, I started with Mine, which happens to be my most challenging project. Since I started writing it, it has always had relatively slow updates because to be honest, it's very difficult to write given the complexity of characters.
At the moment, I am drafting it. I expect to finish the draft by end of September at the latest. After which I will update it regularly.

In case you are wondering why I can't publish faster, the reason is that for health reasons I have to restrict my screen time. If I don't,then my eyes start bothering me. Then there is real life that has the power to ruin our best laid plans 🤷‍♀.

This is me sharing my feelings and reason for my absence from WP. Please feel free to skip. 👇

I would like to share what I went through starting last week of March to May end.

After the ONC results were declared and my independent story, Fated, did not qualify, it hit me hard, especially since I was not given a reason for it. I did not expect it to affect me so much, but it did. Human mind is unpredictable, I guess.

I was so shook up that I thought about giving up writing altogether. However hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to write. Not even a word. Everyday I thought that I will start, but I didn't. It got to a point where I thought why am I even trying. But then something happened and I was pushed to write. (If anyone is wondering what it was, it was the first chapter of the fine print. I rewrote it.) And I felt that it was much better than what it was before I made the changes.

That, somehow, revived my passion and I started writing once again. I can't explain it, but that's what happened.

I wrote a few short stories for starters, but since they were not fandom related, I couldn't bring myself to publish them. The last thing I needed was for my readers and followers to think if I can write short stories then I am well enough to update my ongoing books. Truth be told, I was not there yet.

For some time now, I have been feeling that I shouldn't publish my independent works on my profile. Because I am aware that 99.9% of you have followed me for my fandom works. It's very demoralizing when one has over 1K followers and a story gets hardly twenty reads 🤷‍♀. Keeping this in mind, I stared publishing my independent works on a side profile.
What that means is that I won't be publishing any of my independent works on my main profile, that is this profile. This profile will be my fandom profile and the other profile (my secondary profile) will be my side profile.

Lastly, once again, I would urge all my readers and followers to at least vote on updates if you have enjoyed them. It takes a second and it leaves the writer, who has poured their heart into it, a boost in confidence. Mind you, I am not just talking about my works.

I want to send my love to those of you who have shown your concern and supported me (through DMs and messages) when I was feeling dejected and demotivated. It means more to me than I can put into words.

That's it for now. Don't forget to let me know your preference.

Stay safe and blessed!

For reading till the end, have a random hot gif of ZZH seducing me with his everything 🤤

And WYB attacking me with his everything 💖

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