Part 1 :- Something Forgotten

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YiJun's POV

'What is he doing?' I wonder at his light touches.

"Xian?" I ask, trying to turn around.

He puts a hand on my shoulder stopping me, and a second later, I feel his lips, where his fingers were moments ago.

Shivers run down my spine and I hold the wardrobe frame.
"Xian... " I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady.

Can he hear the desperation in my voice?

Luckily he stops, but almost immediately, his cheek comes to rest on my back.

'Why is he crying?' I wonder, feeling the wetness on his cheeks. I can't hold myself back anymore. I turn.

Unexpectedly, he steps back looking... Guilty?

"A Xian..." I start to say, and my hand rises to wipe his tears, when he cuts my words.

"Jun," He says, wiping his tears quickly, and in a tone full of hesitation, he continues, "Can you tell me about your family in heaven?"

I am not ready for his questions, I look at his hair that is dripping wet and my eyes fall on a wayward drop of water that falls on the side of his face and makes its way down his slender neck.

No. Stop.

I tear my gaze away from him, and grab the towel from his hand.

"You know I don't like it when you don't take care of yourself!" I scold him, trying to change the subject.

I can't bring myself to look at his eyes. I put the towel on his head and continue scolding, "You know I have a busy day tomorrow... You know I have to attend an important ca... "

"Jun, why am I yours?" He asks, once again not allowing me to complete my sentence. He looks at me expectantly. There are questions, clearly visible in his eyes.

I try to look away, and once again he steps closer, cupping my face he asks, "You have always called me, your boy. What does that mean?"

"Xian!" I yell, hoping it will scare him. Hoping he will step away.

It doesn't scare him and he doesn't step away!

He closes his eyes, and steps closer.

Don't. Please don't.

When I feel the heat radiating from his face, on my neck, I realize that I am shirtless.

"Xian... " I whisper now, but he continues to lean in, till his lips are on the nape of my neck.

'Push him away, Jun!' My mind commands, and my hands land on his forearms. But before I can push him away, he uses the voice he had used earlier.

"Don't you dare push me away, Jun." His voice unwavering.

Strong... Commanding... Mine.

I nod, and pull my hands away.

Why did I do that!!?

His face hovers over the nape of my neck before the tip of his nose comes in contact with my bare skin.

"Sandlewood... " He mutters and looks into my eyes, "Answer me, Jun. Who am I, to you?"

I know he is not ready to know what and how we came to be here... here among the humans, and I am not ready to revel it either, but I find myself incapable of staying silent. I find myself incapable of refusing him. So I repeat what I had told him a couple of years ago.

"You are my sister's son." I answer, and if looks could kill, I would be a very dead Archangel, because Xian's eyes are throwing daggers at me.

"And?" He presses on.

"I promised her that I will protect you from everyone and everything."

"And?" He asks stubbornly, folding his arms over his chest.

"Xian, I have already told you all there is to know, there is nothing else." I tell him, trying to end the discussion.

"Do we have the same blood?" He asks, his brows knitting.

Where did this question come from?

I try to recall the conversation that we had had earlier and I recall that I had not told him anything about how we the archangels, had come into existence. So I decide to answer his question.

"No. My sister, brother and myself, we were all created by the Heavenly Father....We don't bleed... I mean, angels don't bleed."

"But you do." He says, taking the palm of my hand between his. The same one with the scar on it.

'My punishment, for hurting, My Xian.' I am reminded once again of that day when I had hit him.

"You bleed, I saw you bleed...You bleed because you fell...isn't it? And you fell for me..Trying to protect me." He adds, closing his eyes.

Yes, I did fall for you, Xian. But I regret nothing. I will fall for you again and again, if that means that I can protect you.

He opens his eyes, and pearl shaped tears leave his eyes, staining his cheeks.

I know what he is thinking. He is blaming himself for what I did, to redeem myself from the sin of hurting him.

Something in me breaks, and I pull him into my arms.

"Xian..." I say, pulling him closer, "It was not your fault. It was my choice and I made it willingly. Do you understand?" I ask, stepping away...putting space between us, before my mind wanders where it shouldn't.

I cup his face, and wipe his tears, "Please, let me take care of you first. I promise I will answer all your questions tomorrow."

Something shifts in his eyes and his eyes fall on... my lips??

Surprisingly, he smiles and walks towards the bed, pulling me with him.

"Ok," He says, gesturing me to sit on the bed.


"You said you will take care of me. Sit." He instructs, and I climb into the bed like a good little soldier, and sit on it, ready to receive my next command.

He giggles, and climbs into my lap!!!

"Xian!" I exclaim trying to push him away.

"Jun," He says, holding me in place, "Take care of me." He adds, passing me the towel, and moving closer, till our lips are an inch or so apart.

My heart starts racing. And I gulp. I close my eyes and start drying his hair.

You must be wondering why I did not put up much of a fight, right?

Simple, I was afraid. I was sacred that he will use the voice again... The voice that was making me go week in my knees. The voice that was taking away my will to refuse him. The voice that for some reason, wanted me to kneel to him.

I don't kneel to anyone. I am not made that way. I let go of everything, when I fell from heaven. But the one thing that I could never let go of, was my pride.

I am an Archangel. And I kneel to no one except my father!

But... his voice... it was... it was powerful. And till the time I don't understand what has brought about this change in our power dynamics, I decide to give in to his less threatening demands.

He hums softly, as I continue to dry his hair. I try to think about the countless wars that I had fought. The hundreds of demons that I had killed. The sinners that I had punished. I think of the pain and suffering that I had wittnessed.

I think of anything and everything, that is not Xian, and his hums and moans of satisfaction as my hands move over his head.

'Too much. Way too much.' My mind warns, as my eyes fall on his lower lips....that he is bitting.

Why is he doing that!?

Is he hurt somewhere?

Why is his heart racing?

I gulp and clear my throat, "All done." I inform, hoping he will get off my lap.

"More.. Jun... Please." He requests and stops torturing his lower lip, that is now red and swollen.

Do you want me to kiss it better for you, Xian? ....NO!!!

I look at the time.

4.00 PM.

"Xian, I have a long day ahead." I say, handing over his shirt, "I am really sleepy." I add, and yawn.

He smiles again. And I think that he has agreed to my request.


He throws his arms around me and whispers, "Jun, you are getting old."

"Mn?" I ask.

"Jun, you forgot to wish me happy birthday."


I mentally kick myself.

I didn't get anything for him this year....How did I forget!?

"Jun, where is my gift?" He asks, his lips grazing the nape of my neck.

I hold back a moan.

I don't understand what has brought about this change of attitude in Xian.

He is just very close. Surely, his lips are touching me accidentally...that has to be it right?

I wrap my arms around him, "Sorry Xian, it slipped my mind. What do you want?" I ask, trying to rectify the situation.

He looks at me with innocent eyes and asks in an uncertain tone, "What can you give me?"

"Anything."  I answer confidently.

His face instantly brightens and the smile he directs at me, at once makes he realize that I had messed up.
That I had been played.

Cunning... Wicked... Mine!

{Note :- That's it for today's update. Hope you guys are liking it so far.

I want to thank each and every one of you who nominated for Mine in fantasy category, in the Reader's Choice Awards. ❤

Please Vote to show your support for this update if you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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