Part 2: A destined meeting

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[A/N:- Mature content. Readers discretion advised.]

Xian's POV

(A few hours ago)

YiJun was gone, or so my mind told me, my heart, however, refused to believe it. Maybe that is why I did not break down there and then.

If Jun was truly gone, I would know, right?

Clinging to that small but strong hope, I decided that even without Jun to guide me, I would fight for what he believed in: humanity, and the only way to do that was to stand with Heavenly Father, my Grandfather; with that in mind, I tried to ready myself to face my Grandfather's anger.

I knew that he hated me and was sure that going to heaven would probably end in my demise. Nonetheless, deep down, I also believed that Jun would never let that happen.

Soon, we left the crowded cities behind. With my limbs and neck shackled in a Golden chain that made it impossible to do anything but follow the battalion of winged celestial beings, there was nothing for me to do except follow them.

The air around us (as we traveled faster than any human-made plane) first turned humid, and a few minutes later, dry and cold. It didn't surprise me. I was being taken to the Heavenly realm, and Jun had told me much about hidden portals that served as gateways.

The icy wind made my teeth clatter while Jun's brethren seemed unaffected. Unlike them, I wasn't one with the cold that tore at my skin. It was then that I caught an angel, who was closest to me, observing me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking under the white mask hiding more than half his face. But a moment later, he made a complicated pattern with his fingers midair, and the rest followed suit. The steep nosedive that we took almost instantly disoriented me. It threw me off balance and pain the likes of which I had never endured, shot from the golden chains, making me double up.

Maybe this was the end, the voice inside me reckoned, even as I fought to find my footing...midair.

I was about to give up fighting for my life when a pair of arms broke my fall. It reminded me of Jun somehow.

"I got you." The masked angel whispered, holding me against him securely before glancing at what I presumed were his subordinates and added authoritatively, "We were ordered to bring him to Father. Only he can decide the boy's fate. He can't escape me with these chains around him."

I noticed that the angel that had rescued me was now hovering a few feet above the ground. The rest were standing with their heads lowered.
The angel unexpectedly laid me down on the cold hard ground. His jet black wings, identical to Jun's, disappeared behind his back, and he continued in the same authoritative tone, "I need to have a word with him before he sees father. Your work here is done. Return to father's side. Don't lower your guard. By taking the boy, we have angered Hei Chi. He is sure to retaliate."

I expected the angels to protest, but they didn't, and one by one, all of them, except the masked angel, took flight and flew into the crack that had appeared in the sky. As the last one disappeared behind the opening, it closed.

The angel's body visibly relaxed, and he glanced at me over his shoulder once before turning his attention back to where the opening was moments ago.

I waited for the angel to do his thing: have a word with me or whatever he had planned, but he just stood there. Heaving.

'What was he waiting for?' I wondered and took the chance to scan the area. I noticed that we were close to the summit of a mountain. The place seemed familiar as if I had been here before, even though I knew for a fact that I hadn't.

"Xian, are you alright?" The angel who had abducted me from The Zhu mansion enquired in a concerned tone concerned. The genuineness of it surprised me.

"Yes," I replied and fell silent.

"I expected you to fall apart when Hei Chi killed Xiōngdi, but you seem to be holding well." The angel's fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword.
"How come?"

Was I imagining, or did he sound a little proud?

When I didn't respond, he turned towards me and offered me his hand.
I took what was offered and decided to bite the bullet. "I can tell that we are not here to exchange pleasantries. Do what you need to do, expect it to hurt, but I am stronger than I look. I am prepared. I will not disappoint you by dying before you have presented me to Grandfather." I stated confidently, and closing my eyes, I braced myself for what was to come.

A snap followed soon after, but instead of pain, I felt warmth flood me as a pair of arms snaked around my waist and the scent of sandalwood filled my senses.


"Xian, I am so proud of you." Jun's breaths fanned the nape of my neck, and my eyes flew open. I leaned away to make sure that I wasn't dreaming and saw Jun, smiling at me.

I cupped his face and his reassuring fingers interlaced with mine, "I am not dreaming, am I?" I asked barely over a whisper, but he heard me nonetheless, like always, and replied, "You aren't. I am here."

I stepped away and gave him a once over, and he caught on to what I was thinking almost instantly, "My prince, I am fine."

I shook my head. I knew that he was lying; I was sure of it. Even if my eyes couldn't catch the injury, my heart could feel the pain. We were linked, him and I. "Grandfather hurt you didn't he." My eyes stung from holding my tears at bay; I caught the melancholy look in his eyes.

"Now is not the time for discussing such matters, Xian. Right now, I need you to listen to what I have to say; the future of the three realms depends on it."

With that, Jun took my hand in his and pulled me into the thicket. After walking for a few minutes, I realized that the masked angel had not followed us inside.

Jun must have noticed me. "That was Jian. My youngest brother." He clarified. "He is on our is your mother." He added. His fondness for my mother was visible in the way his eyes twinkled.

Jun, was she one of the reasons you were so reluctant to accept me...accept us?

Soon we stopped. A few meters away, I could see a fence of sorts. It was made of bamboo, and try as I may, I couldn't see what lay past it.

"What is this place?" I demanded, and he smiled. "I knew you would be able to see it!" My angel grinned. "It's a sanctuary of sorts for angels. This place is invisible to humans and demons alike. When any angel loses his strength, he can seek entrance here and recuperate."

"Oh." I contemplated, and a moment later, as we entered the simple dwelling, I voiced my query. "Will Hei Chi be able to see it?"

"Did he tell you who he is?" Jun asked, surprised, and I nodded.

"I don't think so, but I can't be sure. Hei Chi was an archangel once, but that was eons ago. I guess it depends on whether he still has his essence." Jun sighed. "It's hard to believe that father kept Hei Chi's truth from me...from us. I always thought that I was the first. Apparently, I was created to fix a mistake. Isn't it ironic that I fell too?" He asked rhetorically. His eyes were distant. What all had he learned in his time in heaven, I wondered. It led me to another train of thought, something that had been bothering me since Hei Chi's confession, "Would you still have promised to protect and serve me if you knew who I was...would you still have fallen?"

Even though I had tried to sound casual, Jun caught on to my concern and insecurities. He pulled me to him and brought our foreheads together, "My prince, it doesn't matter where you came from. I am just glad you did. And even if I knew then, I would still have made the same choice. As I told you earlier, I had fallen long before I fell from heaven." He ruffled my hair, like always, "Never doubt my love for you, Xian."

With his feelings for me reaffirmed, my heart soared once again. Suddenly his chaste touches were not enough...not nearly enough.

Without giving him a chance to come up with excuses, I pressed my lips to his. As expected, he went stiff for a moment, but I knew it wouldn't last. I licked the corner of his lips before going in to capture them again.

I heard him gasp. I chuckled on the inside and braced myself for the consequences of rousing the beast. A heartbeat later, Jun had me pinned to the wall with my body caged between his arms, "Xian, you always pick an inconvenient time; why?" He demanded, searching my eyes.

I cocked my head, a gesture I knew he was soft for, and replied as innocently as possible, "I haven't seen you for a week. I missed you."

A growl from deep within his chest reminded me how much he always restrained himself, but today I was not in the mood for mercy. I looked around the circular space and whispered, "This might be the last time we get to be alone, please..." I bit my lips, realizing that I had perhaps gone too far. I was proved wrong almost instantly when Jun embraced me. "I missed you too. I promise that no harm will come to you. I will protect you at all costs." He reassured me like always before throwing a bolt of light at the entrance.

Jun tilted my chin up. His eyes lingered on my lips as if contemplating how to proceed. I could see the very instant he made up his mind, and without hesitation, claimed my lips.

We kissed till I was out of breath.
Jun let my lips go, only to pepper kisses on my jaw and neck. He was like a thirsty man who had found an oasis in the middle of the desert.

He rid me of my shirt and continued his ministrations, caressing me, kissing me wherever he found purchase. I felt like I was floating. I didn't know where heat ended and where passion began. Every fiber in me felt loved...treasured.

Soon, I was laid as bare as a newborn. Our eyes met for a moment. I knew Jun could see consent in mine, but I saw conflict in his. "Hey," I called as he averted his gaze and made him look at me, "I understand." Sitting up, I hugged him, "It's not time yet. I understand if this is all..."

"No." He interjected and brought our lips together in a searing kiss. His fingers glided over my hips before sliding between my legs. Wrapping his fingers around me, he started stroking me. With every move, he brought me a step closer to completion.

He leaned away, and hovering over me, he smiled. It almost did me in. Almost. "I love you." He confessed; the scent of sandalwood permeated my very skin and settled into my soul. I knew then that if ever a time came when we couldn't be together, I would still have a part of him with me, something that was entirely mine.

"Me too," I replied. Too embarrassed to voice my thoughts, I guided Jun's mouth lower, hoping he would get the hint, and boy, was he fast. Before I could brace myself, his lips engulfed me. All of me. I bit my lips hard. The pain was the only thing holding me back from coming undone right there and then. Unconsciously, my fingers buried themselves in Jun's thick mane, urging him to finish what he had started, and he obliged as always.
Despite hoping to drag it longer, I spilled within what felt like seconds and hours at the same time. Nothing mattered except us; we reveled in our togetherness.

He sucked me dry like a pro and captured my lips again in a deep tantalizing kiss that left me dizzy yet wanting more.

He leaned away for a bit, and his eyes mapped my body, making me feel shy, exposed, and embarrassed all at once.
"Xian," he breathed. His fingers followed his eyes and stilled over my heart before moving lower. He sat between my legs once again, contemplating.

"Jun, I want this," I affirmed, and ignoring my rising apprehension, I bent my legs and parted them, abandoning shame and exposing myself.

Jun let out a shaky breath. "I know. But are you truly ready for this?" He asked. His long slender fingers danced over my hips before sliding under them, cupping my cheeks, and parting them slightly.

I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes.

Was I having second thoughts?

Why was I afraid?

What was I afraid of?

This was Jun, my soulmate.

Everything in my mind screamed, begging me to back out. I couldn't understand why. However, when I opened my mouth, all that came out was, "Yes, I am ready."

Why did I lie?

Was I afraid that if I did not follow through, Jun would be upset...upset enough to think that being with me was a mistake.

Exposed like this, at Jun's mercy, I decided that what I was feeling was something similar to cold feet. It was silly. This was Jun; my Jun.

The scent of sandalwood dissipated all of a sudden, and I was being covered in a familiar fabric.

My shirt.

I snapped my eyes open, "Jun, what are you..."

My query was drowned between our lips. And just as fast as Jun had undressed me, he did the opposite.

"Lying is a sin, Xian." He spoke softly, giving last touches to my hair, before kissing my forehead. "As much as I want to be with you, my prince, you always come first. Your consent, your feelings, what you want, all of it is important to me. You...are important to me. And you are entitled to change your mind....anytime. Xian, do you think so little of me?"

I shook my head.

He took my face between his palms. "What I want, what I have always wanted was your heart and your love. I already have it, my prince. You don't have to go against your heart...ever. I love you, and no one can change that." He held my gaze and stressed. "Nothing you do can change what I feel for you. Do you understand?"

I understood then that he had read my heart.

How could I have been so stupid!?

"I am sorry." I muttered, and he shook his head, "Don't be sorry. Just be yourself." His arms snaked around my waist, and I slumped into him. We stayed like that for a while before he spoke again, "Xian, the heaven's barriers are failing. There is every chance that Hei Chi has already found a way to infiltrate it. He was just waiting for you to join him, work for him."

It didn't make any sense. I was just a mortal. Why did he want me?

"Xian, you are the progeny of two archangels. I mentioned once that I can never father a child, remember?"

I bobbed my head, and he continued, "Our seed can't be held by a human. We were created that way. Father never anticipated two archangels getting...close." He averted his gaze, and a faint blush rose to his cheek. "Xian, what I am trying to say is that no one can predict what you are capable of. Added to that is the fact that your father is a fallen who had embraced darkness." His dark orbs found mine, "Do you understand what I am trying to say?"

"Grandfather thinks I will take what is his...he is feeling threatened," I replied, and he pursed his lips in reply.

"I understand. Anyone in Grandfather's position would do that, isn't it? I am sure once he meets me, he too will love me." I said, trying to cheer him up, and it worked. He smiled fondly and took my hand in his. "Xian, I know you must have a lot of questions about..."

"It doesn't matter." I replied confidently, "I know you wanted to meet me here for a reason, and you were going to tell me what it was before I distracted you. Jun, what did you want to tell me?" I enquired, and he told me everything.


(A few minutes ago)

The hit I had taken in Grandfather's stead had left me drained. My limbs ached, but compared to what I had prepared myself for, it was nothing.
I try to warn Grandfather, but he ignores me. Stubbornness, I see, runs in our family.

Soon, things take a turn for the worse, just as I had suspected when Hei Chi advances on him with a confident grin on his countenance. "You have lost the ability to wield your precious Qūzhújiàn, haven't you, father?" There is a challenge in his voice. My eyes drift over to the supreme leader of heaven to gauge his reaction, and I am shocked to see his hands trembling.

A split second later, a force, something akin to a push, washes over me. It leeches the pain out of my limbs and invigorates me. However, I continued to stay down and wait for the cue, just like I had been told to do. Yes, things had not gone according to plan, but I still needed to play my cards right.

Jun, where are you?



A manic laugh makes me glance at Hei Chi, who is chuckling soundlessly. It catches me by surprise that the one who looked out of control was not the king of the underworld but the ruler of heaven.

What should I do, Jun?

"Hei Chi, do you think that you can wield it?" The Jade Emperor challenges. "Only a true celestial being can channel its power. If anyone else dares, it will destroy them."

Hei Chi's smirk turns dark, "Do you think I don't know that, father?" He asks, his tone mocking. "But where there is a will, there is a way."

The Jade Emperor narrows his eyes. I can sense fear in them. "You can't kill me. If I perish, heaven will fall and-"

"Human realm will join you." Hei Chi adds, waving his hands like trying to get rid of an unpleasant stench. "Father, why should I care about them, hum? You created them; it is only fair that they join you as you fall from your mighty throne."

"I loved you like a son."

"Yes, you did, but only till I served you unconditionally. Love based on conditions it really love? Love is unconditional, father. You have never loved anyone but yourself."

"How dare you!?"

"Oh," Hei Chi's eyes widened comically, "Father, I am just starting, and you are already offended." He cowers down as if in fear before standing tall. His eyes turn cold, and the scent of cinnamon engulfs the three of us.

I wait for it to make me dizzy and expect to be compelled by Hei Chi to do something against my will. However, the scent doesn't affect me at all. I rejoice for a moment, then a doubt enters my mind. Perhaps I was not the target but a mere bystander.
My fears are confirmed a heartbeat later when Hei Chi closes the remaining distance between them and breaches the Emperor's personal space. He places his hands over his father's shoulders and commands, "Father, you have had my wings for far too long. It's time you give them back to me, don't you think?"

{Note:- I know, you guys are probably not satisfied with how things happen, but I felt like this scenario was needed, not only because the story demanded it but also because a lot of young adults and teens read fan fiction and I guess, I wanted to show them that it was OK to say No even if they loved their partners.

It's the right time when you are ready. If your partner loves and respects you, he or she will wait. And if they don't or they try to force you, thank your lucky stars that you stopped before doing something that you most probably would have regretted.

Phew! Now that I have gotten that off my chest I feel so much better 😁

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