Part 2: Revelations

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Xian's POV

I can't believe it has been a week since I entered the Zhu estate. After that first night when he tried to influence me, Hua had not played any tricks.

On the contrary, he has been the most perfect host. Even Qing, except for hanging out with me- which we do a lot- hasn't tried to toe past the friend zone, which is to say that she has not come on to me.

Hua had insisted on buying me a set of everything I might require to make myself home, and when I had refused, he had urged me to go home and get it.

I didn't want to go back, lest he finds something that might throw a wrench in our plan by making him suspicious. Nonetheless, I had to do it. I knew that refusing would not help our cause either.

When I finally arrived home, I was surprised to find it empty. There was no sight of Jun anywhere. Even the milk I had left on the counter two days ago had gone stale.

An unsettling feeling coiled in my stomach, and I threw up the hearty breakfast I had had barely an hour ago.

Feeling sick and lightheaded, I picked up random things and dumped them inside the backpack that I had brought along with me.

Where are you, Jun?

I checked the secret compartment where Jun kept his sword and found it to be empty as well.

Another wave of nausea hit, but my stomach was empty. I clutched my chest and sat on Jun's bed, remembering our last private moments together.

I love you, Jun. Wherever you are, I hope you are well.

I took a bath to get rid of the stench of vomit after scrubbing the whole place clean. As soon as I was done, I returned to Zhu estate, where Jiang was waiting for me.

My best friend threw himself at me as if we were meeting after ages. "Dude, where have you been?" He demanded, pulling me aside and giving me an agitated glare.

"I will let you guys catch up." Qing chirped and left us alone.

Jiang's eyes turned concerned when we were out of Qing's earshot, "Are you alright? You don't look so hot."

Though Hua and Qing were acting like the perfect hosts, I kept reminding myself that that was only a facade. I told Jiang that Jun had left to take care of private matters and that I would see him when college started.

As expected, he offered to house me, but I refused, citing that I did not want to bother his parents.

Jiang, however, did not buy it. When he left, he seemed upset. He probably thought I was hanging at the Zhu's to hook up with Qing. Unfortunately, I was in no position to clarify my stand.

Every evening Hua returned home and insisted on having dinner together. The care and concern he showed me almost had me believing that he could be reasoned with. I would have bought his act had he not tried to abuse his power and control Jun's body just to confirm his doubts.

During meal times, I never brought up Jun. Hua didn't mention him either. In fact, after that first morning when he had told me how Jun had postponed their appointment, Hua had not tried to get me to talk about Jun at all.

I tried to focus on my studies to prepare myself for the second semester. It was nearing faster than I could study for. Jun had already taken care of all the official matters; all I had to do now was shift into my dorm at the start of the academic year.
Though Hua never brought up Jun, he did like to talk about Jun's books.

From what I could tell, he had read them all and was often keen on discussing them with me. Hua was especially interested in knowing how I felt about the underworld and its various occupants Jun had described in his books. During those times, I wondered how Hua saw himself.

Just like every other night that I had spent at Zhu's, I go back to my room after dinner, but just before I am about to change, I hear a knock on the door.

"Xian, can you join me just for a few minutes in the study?" Hei Chi requests. I can sense hesitation in his voice. I am tempted to refuse, but then he adds, "I spoke to YiJun today."

My heart skips a beat. However, I am aware that showing my excitement would give me away. "Can't it wait till tomorrow? I am tired." I reply, sounding nonchalant, even though all I wanted was to throw the door open and ask him what they had spoken about.

"It's urgent, Xian. It won't take more than a few minutes." He urges, and I wait a few seconds before agreeing reluctantly. "Fine."

A few minutes later, having changed into my pajamas, I enter the study and find Hua waiting for me with a plate of my favorite cookies and a glass of milk with steam rising from it.

Does it surprise me? Absolutely, but it scares me as well. Over the past week, I have tried to stay positive. When I had stepped into our home only to realize that Jun had left, I had concluded that Jun had probably returned to heaven or had gone into hiding. What hadn't sat well with me was the fact that Jun hadn't bid me goodbye.

Did I not deserve to know his plans?

Or, was he scared of something else?

Was I not even worthy of holding him in my arms before he went to fight for us?

Or,  had the seer told him something that had turned him against me?

You won't abandon me, would you, Jun?

"Xian, come in." Hua's deep raspy voice pulls me out of my musings, and I take a seat in front of him.

He must have noticed me eyeing the refreshments. He taps the desk and smiles, "They are for you. He told me that they are your favorite."

"I am not in the mood." I lie; my mouth waters.

"Don't take out your anger on them. The cookies haven't done anything wrong, have they?" He pushes the plate and the glass towards me and gestures to give it a try.

My resolve crumbles. I had come to associate the combo with Jun and how he made me feel. I take a bite of the delectable confectionery, and it melts in my mouth. My eyes flutter closed on their own accord, and the recollection of the taste of Jun's lips overwhelms me.

"Your father had a sweet tooth too, you know?"

My mind clears as Hua's words sink in. "Excuse me?" I retort, "Jun is not my father."

Hua nods, "I know. I am not talking about YiJun. I am talking about your father."

I snort, "Mr. Zhu," I lean back on the chair, "Even I don't know who my father is, so how can you?"

Hua's face grows solemn. "Xian, I need you to be honest with me now." He reaches for my hand, but I instinctively draw it back.

"What are you doing?" I bite out, rising from my place.

Hua holds his hand up, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I won't do that again."

I nod and return to my seat. I am sure Hua can see that I have my guard up.
He fidgets with his fingers, but his eyes remain fixed on me, "Xian, when you heard voice for the first time, how did you feel?"

"I don't follow." I fringe ignorance, hoping he will drop the subject, "Anyway, what does that have to do with my father?"

"You are right," he agrees, "Xian, what I am about to tell you may come as a shock to you, but every word of it is true. I promise."

He takes my silence as an affirmation to go on and proceeds, "Xian, your father was not like others. He was like me."

"Like you, as in filthy rich?" I quirk my brow, and he laughs softly; shaking his head, he continues, "No. He was an angel, the kind YiJun has described in his books."

Of all the things, of all the lies that I had expected Hua to sprout, this wasn't how I had expected this conversation to go. My mind goes blank, and I stare fixedly at Hua, whose face in this moment was an open book. A book ready to answer all the questions I had ever wanted to ask.

I take a moment to calm myself and another to plan my next move.

Somehow, it didn't feel like Hua was lying, and if he wasn't, then I wanted to hear his truth. After all, a coin has two sides, and I knew everything that there was to know about heaven. Maybe the time had come for me to understand more about the underworld.

I lean back on my chair; I school my features into one of casual curiosity; holding his eyes, I state, "Let's suppose I believe you for a moment and presume that all that Jun has written is true, then that would mean that you are an angel. Tell me, Mr. Zhu, how is an angel allowed to stay in the mortal realm?"

{Note:- That's it for this update.

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