Part 2 :- The Unsaid

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YiJun's POV

It's three am, and Xian has still not let go of my hand. If anything, he has managed to pull it more securely around himself, and put his hand on top on mine, making it impossible for me to take it away from his body without waking him up in the process.

It's alright though, I was not planning to leave his side tonight anyway.

On nights like these, I feel truly blessed. With the one whose existence is everything to me, tucked safely next to me, I feel happy... I borrow these moments...these nights, and tuck them safely with the memories I cherish the most...all of my most precious memories, star my Xian.

I leave a breath feeling warm... his warmth is the only thing that has ever been able to make he feel even remotely alive. My Xian....what I would give, to have a life with be with you.


I close my eyes, and try to calm my heart that, is threatening to leave my chest, second time in a span of just a few hours.

Forgive me, Sister....Forgive me, Xian. For my immoral thoughts.

Thoughts of my sister's face as she hands her son over to me, swim in front of my minds eye, and I feel like punishing myself yet again.

It is once again a promise, a promise made to the boy whose bed is mine for the night, that stops me from physically hurting myself.

I hear Xian murmur something and I turn to look at him. I move closer, leaning in, I turn my ear towards his mouth, and stay there.

Silence falls around us once again and I almost move away, but just then, Xian murmurs again. Only this time I hear what he says.

'Please... Please... ' I hear him say desperately.

Is he having a nightmare again?

I move away, and try to take my arm back. But his grip tightens, 'Please... ' He begs, louder this time. Getting slightly worried, I sit up and turn him to face me.

"Xian, wake up." I say, shaking his shoulder slightly. I give him a moment to wake up, but he continues to mutter. I start to panic a little when I feel him start to tremble.

"Xian!" I call his name louder, and cup the side of his face with my free hand, "Wake up. Open your eyes, my boy."

I notice as his temperature drops, and I can't take it anymore. I pull my hand out of his grip.

"Don't... please don't." He begs and tries to grab my hand.

I turn to the side table, and take the bottle of water. Uncorcking it, I sprinkle water on his face, "Wake up!" I exclaim. His body temperature mirrors mine now.

Not good.

I lift him up in my arms, and rush to the bathroom room. I hold him up against myself, and switch on the shower. I shielding his body from the first jets of cool water, I move away when the temperature of the water goes up.

"Xian....please." I beg, holding him in front of the shower. Water hits his chest and runs down his body. I adjust the nozzle and reduce the force. The next stream of warm water hits his face, "Ah!" He yelps. Disoriented, he looses his footing.

He doesn't fall... I don't let him fall... I have never let him fall...and I never will.

I pull him in by his waist, and he throws his arms around me instinctively.

"It's okay. You are alright. I am here." I whisper in his ears as he buries his face in my neck. I realize that his temperature is returning to normal. I shut off the shower.

"Xian, you are fine now." I say, trying to pull his arms away from around my neck. He shakes his head, and holds me tighter.

"Xian?" I ask.

He lifts up his head a little and whispers, "Please, just a few more minutes." His lips graze the shell of my ear, making me feel hot all over.

Stop... Push him away. My mind begs... But this time I chose to ignore it. I nod, giving in to my need to feel his warmth, and pull him closer by the waist.

'I am just comforting him', is what I tell myself.

'Lying is a sin, Jun.' Xian's words come to my mind... I should listen to these words... I should pay heed to them... But I don't.

He gasps at my unexpected move, and I feel his heart racing.

Now... Do it now... Push him away... It's not too late.

I continue to ignore what I know to be right, and I feel myself drowning in the wet warmth of Xian's body.

"Jun... " Xian whispers, breaking the embrace and I thank Father, for once again taking the matter off my hands.

The young boy cups my face between his palms, and looks into my eyes as if he will find what he is looking for, in them.

His hands slide over my shoulders, and he smiles.

'He is alright now.' My mind informs, and I let go of his waist. He sways a little, but grabs my shoulders for support.

"Let us get out of here." I say, walking him out of the washroom.

"Sit." I say, guiding him to his study chair and making him sit on it. I walk to his wardrobe, and grab an oversized shirt and baggy pants.

"You are wet. Here, change." I say, passing the cloths over to him.

"Jun, you are wet too." He informs, and I look at myself.

I smile, "I will be right back." I say, and turn to leave but he holds his wrist.

"Don't leave. Wear something of mine." He offers.

I nod and go through his wardrobe. Almost everything of his, looks my size, once again stressing the fact that Xian was indeed not a child anymore... He was almost a man.

I pick out an oversized shirt, and shorts for myself, and make my way towards the washroom.

"Jun, we are both men. The bath is wet. You can change here." Xian suggests.

"Mn." I agree, and with my back to him, I strip. I wipe myself and put on Xian's shorts. 'I must make sure that he dries his hair.' I think to myself and grab the shirt.

"Jun?" I hear Xian call my name... It sounds different somehow...deeper... rougher.

"Mn?" I ask, and less than a second later, I feel his fingers on my back, and the heat from his body collides with my exposed back.

{Note :- Cliffhanger 😅😅😅😅
Sorry.... ❤🤗

Please let me know how you guys are liking the story so far.
The next update will be in Xian's POV.

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Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.}

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