Sins : Pride and Lust

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{Note :- Mild mature content. I am not marking it since it will spoil the flow of the chapter.}

YiJun's POV

I always choose the tallest building as my abode, our adode. I am an archangel, and a powerful one at that, I need to be on top...always.

Forsaken by my father, I have become, heaven's number one target. So, I choose to do, what anyone in my position would. I run. And I hide.
I conceal my aura, making it impossible for anyone to trace me.

Eighteen years ago, I had rebelled. Eighteen years, and one day ago, he  had come into my life, and time had flown.

There is an emptiness...a darkness that haunts me,my every waking hour.

I am always awake, I never sleep. Angels don't sleep. If we sleep, we can't listen to prayers, we can't guide, we can't protect. Thus, we don't sleep, father had made sure of that, when he created us.

I look at myself in the mirror and all I can see is a dirty disgusting creature staring back at me. For what I see in the mirror is not myself exterior... not my body. What I see is my soul.
I am tainted... Disgusting...Soiled.

If father were to look upon me now, what would he think? I wonder, would he take me back?
No, he won't, something from deep inside me speaks for him... Reprimanding me for what I have become.

Where there was loyalty once, now, there is only desire...a desire to have, what does not belong to me. I hate myself more... more than I already do... but I can't stop. I have never been able to stop. Never been able to stop myself from wanting him to be mine.

I want him to rebel, I want him to disobey me. At least, that will give me a chance to touch him on the pretext of punishing him. Alas, he never does, he is a good boy.

Nothing fills my heart. I hate what I have become. I hate what I do. But I continue to do it. I have no choice in that matter. I have sinned. I know that I have. But I know I will continue to sin... I will continue to taint myself....for him.

I hear a knock on the door, and hope that it's him. But I know it isn't. I know it's the whores that come to me every night. Wanting me to love them.


I don't love them, and I know that they are not stupid enough to think that what we do on my bed between sheets in the middle of the night is love.

No, they are not here to be loved, they are here to get fucked. They want to feel my power as I make them moan and call my name...all night long. I am an Archangel after all.

I watch, as three ladies enter my room and walk towards me. Lust, clear in their eyes. They stop next to my bed and beckon me.

I smirk. They know nothing. I don't come when called. I was once, the heaven's sword. Do these women really think that their fragile mortal bodies and delicate hearts can tame me?

No, never.

I lift my finger towards a curvy one and gesture her to approach me. She is new I notice, I haven't had her before. She blushes and walks towards me before crouching down next to my lounger. I lean towards her and cup her face. I observe.

Brown eyes, red lips, milky white skin and high cheekbones.

No one can compare to him. On one at all.

My hand moves lower, leaving featherlight touches on her slender long neck.

No, no one comes even close.

My hand settles on the nape of her neck and I pull her face closer to mine, "Do you know my name?" I ask her, my breath mingling with hers.

She nods.

"Say it." I order.

"YiJun." She says sounding timid and shy.


Nothing, she is nothing like him.

I let go of her neck and before she can complain, I pull her in my lap. She yelps and blushes harder.

I lean in once more and place my mouth over her collar bone. Rose, mint and vanilla... and something else. It smells nice, but I know it's fake.

I tear off her top garments exposing her chest and cup one of her perfect looking breasts.

I chuckle internally. Is nothing about her real?
Yet, it doesn't disgust me. Actually, it doesn't matter. She, doesn't matter.

She looks at me with uncertain eyes. She is probably wondering if I know of all things the things that are fake.

I give her a gentle smile. It's fake. I don't smile. No one has seen my smile. No one, except him.

I nod when she looks at my pants, and she gets to work, ridding me of my lower garments.

Her eyes widen as she takes in my impressive hard length and hesitantly wraps her fingers around it. She looks at me asking for permission once more and I give it.

She starts moving her hands trying her best to make me moan, make me call her name. I realize then, that I have been rather ungentlemanly. I was being served, and yet, I didn't even know her name.

I fondle her breasts and she moans. What can I say, I am good with my hands.

"What is your name?" I ask her as she continues to stroke me and I lean in, inhaling her fake scent once more before kissing her neck.

"Dai." She answers breathing heavily and throws her head back. I tear off what little clothing covers her modesty and remove her fingers from around me.
She whines, clearly disappointed. It's not fake. Her disappointment is real.

I lift her in my arms as I stand and carry her to my bed and lower her on the luxurious mattress. I look at the other two women who had not spoken even once upon entering my room and gesture them to make themselves comfortable on the bed.

They obey. They know how this works. It's not their first time with me.
I lower myself on Dai and take her lips between mine, ravaging them. I urge her to open herself to me, and she does. And I take, I take till she is calling my name and cumming.
I don't stop, I move on to the other two and take from them too. And they willingly offer.

None of them will forget this night. None of them will forget me. But I have already forgotten. For they mean nothing to me. They are insignificant. So, what I did with them, was fake as well.

I feel empty.

There is a knock on the door. It's him. I pull the curtains around my bed, effectively hiding the naked bodies and my shameful act. I wear my black bath robes to cover my nakedness and open the door.

I smile. It's real.

"How can I help you, Xian?" I ask the young boy standing in front of me. He doesn't meet my eyes. He knows what I was doing now, unlike when he was younger. When he was younger, I could just lie to him and get away with it.

I am busy, Xian. 

I need some time alone, Xian.

I am taking care of these aunties, Xian.

When he was younger, he thought I was perfect. He adored me....Not anymore. Now, he turns to me, when he needs me to fight his demons. He seldom makes eye contact with me now.

He shifts his weight from one leg to another.

Shy. Hesitant.

I can feel his heart racing. I give him a few moments to calm down and gather his thoughts while I wait patiently for him to ask what he wants to.

Finally, he looks up at me. And once again his beauty pierces my very soul. Alluring almond shaped eyes, rose bud shaped lips, a thick mane of jet black hair, sharp nose, high cheekbones, milky white skin and long slender neck, all inviting me to touch and taste.

Real, beautiful....MINE.

I nod, encouraging him to go on and he speaks. His voice full of shame and hesitation, "Jun, I am scared. I had the nightmare again. Can you sleep with me?"

{Note :- I did mention that this story is going to be dark 😅😅😅

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Have a nice day.}

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