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<Candy's POV>

I awake in a man- made house, but whose? I get up to see myself still in a cage. Yayy... I see the girl sitting in a chair looking right at me.

"Well, well. Look who's finally up." She says snidely

"Why do you want me here?" I ask louder than usual

"Oh, nothing really. Just making it easier for them to pick." she said smirking

"Pick what? What do I have to do with that?" I ask

"Nothing." She replies smugly. I sigh and sit down.

<Paige's POV>

I walk into my tent looking for Candy. I find her not there. Just then I hear comotion outside. I walk over to Ava.

"Have you seen Candy?" I ask her, hoping she knows

"No, I thought she was in your tent." She replies

"Crap." I reply, worried

"What? Is she not here?" Ava asked

"She wasn't." I reply

"Maybe she went for a walk or something." She replies calm

"Maybe. When are we going to the wither?" I ask, trying to get my mind off it

"Tonight, I think. I'm assembling the whither now." She says and goes back to building the thing which is almost done. I hope she comes back soon..

<Candy's POV>

It's been an hour since I sat down. I've had to 'dance' once more for the lady's entertainment. It's just delightful I can tell you that. She hasn't given me anymore information yet. I hope every ones okay.. The man walks in and whispers to the lady then walks out.

"What did he say?" I ask not expecting to get answer but ask anyway

"Nothing really. He says that the players are getting ready to fight the wither so he's going to watch and when he's done he's going to announce the little 'Extra requirement' to them." She replied smirking "I'm sure they'll be thrilled about it!"

"You're not going to tell me anything are you?"  I questioned

"What are you talking about? I'm telling you stuff!" She replied, playing dumb

"Not really..." I mumbled quietly. There was a boom and I knew the wither fight had begun. About an hour later the booms ceased.

"Ooooo!! It's time!!!" She said as she pulled out a crystal thing. An image of the base was displayed

"Wouldn't want us to miss this know would we!" She said exited

<Paige's POV>

The man appeared during the fight. The fight is now over and he is about to announce the final requirement.

"You've all done a great job in these past 6 months! Now to announce the final requirement! This one was thought up by my dearest: 3 people must stay here to get the others out. My dearest has already picked out one. Now step forward." He said. It hit me hard on what he meant. Candy, he is talking about candy...

No one steeped forward for a few moments. Then, a boy stepped forward, followed by a girl. I didn't want to leave Candy, but reality was soo close... I felt a flash and it was too late...

I awoke in the place  minecon was held a few months ago. People began to pull out their cells to call loved ones or the police. I just sat up and stared at the wall. I was back, but one of my best friends was stuck..

Dang you school! Anyways, NOT THE LAST CHAPTER!! I need your characters!! Please? Anyway, going to release some info about the sequel in When I am bored soon. I would just like to thank you all for the support this book has gotten! I got 30 more followers than I ever thought I would!

Anyways, thanks for reading! Give meh characters!! Pi and goodbye!

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