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<Olivia's POV>

I don't why nobody trusts Ava any more. She's really awesome. They don't even come out and say why they don't. I would look at her but Adam would kill me. They are even making her group out casts too. I wonder why.

Right now I'm following them to the location. They're going to be there in roughly 1 day. I'm doing it for my own reasons though. Everyone thinks that I'm currently spying on them. They have something planned. I know it, and I'm going to stop it.

<Noah's POV> (Bet you weren't expecting that! Remember he's 11)

There's only three hours of walking left. Uggghh... Soon we'll be out of here. I hate walking. I continue to walk and I feel a sharp pain in my leg. I fall down and look down to see an arrow in my thiegh. I try to stand back up but can't. The pain only intensifies. I'm laying on the ground now. I see Olivia run twords me. What is she doing out here?

"Noah! What happened?!" Olivia whisper- shouted while trying to lessen the pain

"I g-got shot." I reply weakly. I begin to feel light headed. The world goes black.

<Olivia's POV>

Noah goes limp. No more questions. I pick him up and run as fast as I can. I saw the cords and know where to go. Going as fast as I am I, I'll be there in 1 and a half hour. I'm fast.

I reach the house and walk to the door. Here goes nothing. I riase my hand to the door and knock.

<Candy's POV>

Paige went out to hunt. I'm home alone when I hear a knock on the door. Paige? She just left and she would do our special knock. I grab my iron sword and walk to the door, sword at the ready. I open the door to see a very exhausted girl with a boy on her shoulders.

"Please, could you help him?" The girl asks. What would Paige do? I don't know. I head is telling to say no but part of me want to help them.

"O-of course." I say as I help her carry the boy up stairs and put him on my bed. Paige was going to kill me.

"Does anyone else know where we are?" I ask quietly while I attempt to pull the arrow out. The boy groans as I pull it out

"Yes and no?" The girl says "Yes as in they figured it out but no because a outcast group took the only map with the cords."

"Are you in this group?" I ask. Why would they outcast a whole group?

"No but Noah here is. The rest of the group is heading here now, but don't worry. They're not bad, just everyone else are idiots. I'm Olivia by the way." The girl replies kindly. I examian the arrow and gasp and cover my mouth

"What?" Olivia asks. I should tell her

"He can't hear us right?" I ask quietly. She nods "This arrow, the tip has poison on it. That would mean someone shot the arrow and not a mob. We don't have any poison here so it can't be Paige, so someone is out there who want some people dead." I reply softly. I see Olivia staring back at me with a shocked expression. Maybe the person who shot him was the same person sing... Candy thought

"Is there a way to stop it?" She asks

"From the looks of it, the poison is cave spider poison. That would mean that it will ware off but with someone this small, it could be deadly. Even if the poison dosen't kill him, he'll die of simply being to weak. Cave spider can be cured though. You need milk and a glisening melon. We don't have that here. Sorry." I reply softly

"It's okay. You've helped more than I would have thought. I know where to get those things. We'll be out of you hair now." Olivia said standing up

"No, I'll take care of Noah. You just get the melon and milk." I say softly but sternly

"Okay. I'll be going!" Olivia says and she leaves

 <Paige's POV>

I'm currently in a clearing. I've been away for about an hour. I should probably head back. Candy might be worried. Just then I hear voices off in the distance.

"Noah!! You can come out now!! This isn't funny!!" A girl says

"Yeah!!" 3 other girls say. I climb up a near by tree and wait for the voices to reveal themselves. Four girls walk in to the clearing. I pull out my bow and jump down.

"Who are you and what are you doing out here?!" I yell pointing my bow at the girl in the front. They all put their hands above their heads.

"I'm Ava. This is Sophie, Clara, and Jessie." She said pointing to each girl. "We came out looking for two lone survivors. The Evil guy says you got the last Eye of Ender. Is that true?" Ava asks. I lower my bow.

"Yes, we have what you want. Follow me." I say and we walk for a while until we reach Candy's and My house. I give the secret knock and Candy opens the door. She sees the group behind me and asks:

"Would you have happened to have lost a boy named Noah?" She asked quietly

"Indeed we have." Ava said. I looked at Candy confused. In return, she gave me a look that said 'I'll explain later'

"Follow me." Candy said and she led them inside. I follow her upstairs to see a 11- 12 year old boy laying on her bed with an arrow wound on his leg. Candy started talking about a poisoned arrow and milk and a glistening melon and some girl named Olivia. Even Ava seemed confused about this 'Olivia'

"I'm having Noah stay here until he's better. Don't mention this to him no matter what." Candy said to them then walked over to me. She explained everything.

"Oh, okay. They also want the Eye of Ender." I reply. She walks over to her dresser and pulls out the Eye of Ender and hands it to Ava.

"Thanks. I was wondering, would you like to help us defeat the Ender Dragon?" Ava asked. Surly Candy won't say yes

"Uh, sure. I will." Candy said

"If she going then so am I." I say. A girl knocks on the door and Candy goes and opens it.

"Got the stuff?" Candy asks. She must be Olivia...

"Yep!" Olivia says with a smile on her face. Candy walks upstairs and feeds the milk and melon to the Noah. Candy checks his pulse and smiles

"He'll be fine. Let's head to the main base." Candy say and we begin to pack

Here you go! Extra long chapter just for you! I was going to release this tomorrow but I'm impatient today. Winner of last chapters Q was @CandyzCraft with the following answer!!:

My answer to this chapter's question is: My favorite summer activity is obviously doing anything gaming related! I grew up gaming, and it's practically in my blood. Despite my dad growing up while these computer shenanigans were being invented, he knows much less about gaming than I do. :P

Good job everyone! This chapter's Qs is a true or false so next chapter I'll tell you the right answer:

1. Is Indigo a color?

2. Is Razzmatazz a color?

3. Is hkhjsdkgj a color?

4. Is Cyan a color?

Thanks for reading! Pi and goodbye!

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