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We didn't reach our goal,  but I was going to upload a chapter yesterday but didn't have time so here's a chapter now.

*Magically  back when Clara walked off*

"Sure you di-" Clara started to say when she walked around a corner and saw a dark figure in front of her. She instantly screamed and felt a pain in her head then her world went black.

Clara awoke chained to a wall in what looks to be a huge castle with about 100 other people. She saw the same guy who got everyone in this predicament in the first place.

"Ah, everyone's awake! Now who would like to know why they are here? Everyone? Okay. You are here as 'Extra encouragement' for the others to complete the game. Once a day I will pick one of you to be hypnotized and they will be my servants. If you are not freed of the hypnotism within 5 days, you will become a brain dead servant who only knows to serve. Okay!?" The evil man said. Some began to cry.

That night, Clara could hear the foot steps of a player. Then he came in to view. He had short brown hair and had on sport shorts and a minecraft t-shirt. He began to walk towards her, for she was on the end of the wall.

"Hey. My name's Roper and I'm here to rescue you." the boy whispered. He tried to break the chain but didn't succeed. Soon they could hear the foot steps of the evil man.

"Got to go. I'll come back tomorrow." Roper whispered then left.

"Who was in here!?" the man said. He looked over at Clara. "Tomorrow, you are the first to be my slave!" He screamed and exited the room. Clara began to cry. She would never make it out. She would never see her friends or family agian. There had to be a way out. Maybe...

*To Roper's group*

"But Sky, they have them! I saw them! I almost got one out and I won't leave them there to die! I heard his plan. If they are his slaves for more than 5 days they will go brain dead for ever and will never see thi-" Roper began to say to his group leader, skydoesminecraft.

"I know but I am not going to risk more lives to only save 100." Sky replied, annoyed.

"But that's 100 people who have families and friends in reality. 100 people will lose that if we just leave them there!!" Roper argued

"I am in charge of 5 peoples' lives and I will not lose a single one." Sky replied sternly. Roper exited the room angrily and started to head to his room which he shares with a girl named olivia, none other than Sky's sister. Fun...

"Hey Roper! How'd it go?" she asked excitedly

"I almost rescued one person but I had to leave before I got caught. I'm going back tomorrow with who ever I can get to go with me." He replied frustrated. His best friend was in there and he was going to get him back.

"I could've gone with you!" Olivia said

"No, you couldn't. Sky didn't want to do it in the first place so if he found out I took you I'm pretty sure he would kill me." Roper said in a 'Duh' tone.

"I guess you right.. Well goodnight!" she said cheerily and the two went to sleep

Sorry for uploading late! Guess what? I need more good charecters!! So to the comments you go!! Hope you enjoyed!

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