Chapter 8

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I didn't know what to react. A spy?!

"But who do you think is a spy...?" I asked Sir Blaise... or whatever his name was.

"I don't know."

"Whoever the spy was, we have to be careful of our actions and plans." The girl with the red hair said.

"True, and that brings me up to the next point."

"What could it be, sir?" Nev asked.

He then pressed the remote again.

The flat screen then revealed a news channel reporting an anti-Project campaign over the capital of North Minecraftia, Perlough.

"The government is currently hunting for more Projects. The military is searching Perlough for more Projects. That means that Operation Lightning could be put into effect anytime."

"What are we supposed to do about it...?" Ray told him.

"Our intelligence team has spotted a base that houses at least 200 Projects held in captivity somewhere near Perlough. If we could break in and free the prisoners, we should be able to delay Operation Lightning."

That made sense. Freeing Projects out of the government's control can delay Operation Lightning due to the lack of Projects being held.

"However, breaking in is no easy job. The base itself is heavily guarded by guards and hired men and technological weapons. It can be a pain when you try to enter the base."

I suddenly reminded myself that I was a Project that was experimented on.

I suffered loneliness.

I lived through the rage and pain. I lived through suffering.

They treated me harshly, and I felt like I want to poison myself.

But I didn't want that happen to other people, which makes me want to help others.

I'm doing this, for my family, whether if they are alive or dead. I really hope it wasn't the latter...

"It's up to you on how to break in and out," Blaise added.

We nodded.

"By the way, you three..." He pointed to the three people who helped us, "will become part of Team Olympus."

The girl with brown clothing widened his eyes, as if to say, "wot?"

"What are your names?"

The girl with the red hair answered, "This is Milarite," she gestured to the silent woman, "and mine's Athaliah."

"And I'm Jayden, or Jay." The boy with a hoodie told us.

"I'm Ray," Ray the idiot said, "and this is Nev, a baka, to be honest."

"Don't call me an idiot, Ray the Turd!" She retorted.

"Okay, stop."

Everyone went silent.

"I'm Storm, and this is Leonardo or Lion." Storm introduced.

"I'm Persephone, but just call me Seph if you want..." I told them.

"I love Seph!" Ray exclaimed. I looked at him, as if to say 'stop-being-an-idiot'. I saw Athaliah glare at him too.

Nev grinned, "Was that literal?"

"I mean, I love the name! I swear to Notch..."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. Typical, idiotic Ray.

"So now we cleared that up..." Blaise started, "Nev, your team's mission is to free the Projects held captive there. Questions?"

"Yes," Nev answered.

"What is it?"

"Why am I leader again?" Nev whined. Blaise just shrugged.

She rolled her eyes, "How helpful."

"That's it from me. Meeting adjourned," Sir Blaise concluded as we stood up.

As we exited the room, I followed them back to the elevator. Elevator music greeted us again (someone please remove the elevator music for Notch's sake!) as we waited.

We then heard a stomach growl.

Ray held his stomach, "What? I'm hungry?"

"We all are," Nev commented, "In fact, I'm always hungry."

"I can relate."

The elevator stopped at 2B, which is basically one floor below the surface.

A huge maze of quartz tables, birch chairs, and Projects crowded the entire floor. I assume this is the canteen then.

Ray immediately jumped into the end of the line. We just came along.

Prepare for an hour of waiting, everybody.

* * * * *

After what it felt like eternity, we finally got our own food.

We managed to find our way despite the maze of tables and chairs.

I sat down next to Storm.

I ate my steak. It's been a while since I ate one of these. The researchers usually give me potatoes, if not spider eyes and poisonous potatoes.

But potatoes are good too.

"Wow... So silent..." Ray commented.

"I know, right?" Storm agreed. I drank my water.

"So, Ray, do you have a crush on Seph?" Nev suddenly asked.

I spat my water, "What?!"

"I swear to Notch! Don't ask that question!" Ray blurted out.

"I have the right to ask that 'coz I'm the Ship Chancellor!"

"In your dreams, idiot."

"So, Athaliah," I told her, "I got curious. How did you and Milarite meet?"

"Oh, we met after Sir Blaise assigned us to our rooms. And Milarite and I got assigned to the same room by chance." She explained. Milarite nodded in agreement. I noticed that Milarite sits oddly.

Lion wiggled his eyebrows, "It would be so nice if Ray and Seph got assigned to the same room."

Nev spat her water, "What?"

Athaliah glared at Lion, "Dude, seriously?"

"Don't even bring that up, please!" Storm commented.

Lion surrendered, "Okay, okay!"

We talked with each other. I find it amazing that we just met and we already came close, though not as close as triggering me.

We finished our meals and our convo, so we went out of the cafeteria and walked out.

"Team Olympus, please come into the office."

Here it goes again...

* * * * *

Jayden (GamingWithJay)

"So, everyone here is present?" Sir Blaise asked. We nodded.

"So, I called you here because we received more information about the base near Perlough."

I then recalled Perlough. I do remember that it's the capital of North Minecraftia. I've never been there, but I wanna visit it sometime...

Sir Blaise then grabbed a piece of paper.

It was a map of the entirety of Minecraftia.

He pointed to the city of Perlough, "This is Perlough. Our intelligence team have discovered the coordinates of the base."

"Neat," Ray commented.

"However, as I said before, it is heavily-guarded. You will see guards at every corner of the base. It's up to you on how to break in, but please come back safely."

"Will do," Nev replied.

"If you're ready to go, there is a plane waiting for you outside."

We stood up. Well, that was a short meeting.

But this is gonna be one heck of a mission.

* * * * *


The President sat at his office again, stressed out from his job. He knew he had been working so hard lately.

He logged on to his computer and checked his emails.

"1987 new emails... Great," he sarcastically commented.

He checked one of his emails.

Mr. President,

We have collected enough Projects. Shall we begin Operation Lightning?

He thought about it, then typed his reply.

He scrolled down again, and he checked another,

Mr. President,

Our attacks have failed. But we did get some new information...

That three of them is classified as Alpha Projects.

Attached to the email was the images of Alpha Projects.

"Alpha Projects... Interesting..."


So, that's an update.

More suspense :O

Will Team Olympus' mission be completed? What are Alpha Projects? Will Operation Lightning begin? Find out next time on Minecraft: Arctic Fox!

Thanks for reading! And please don't forget to follow (ha), comment, and vote! All of those will be greatly appreciated!

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