Laurelyn One-Shot #1 Part 1 (Costume Party)

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Hey guys! For my first sort of one-shot/short story, I will be writing a Laurelyn (Katelyn and Laurence) fanfic!
Laurence's POV:
Aphmau decided to set up this couples costume party thing. Everyone goes to the costume party in couples. Not necessarily as lovers, but just as partners. Aphmau is going to randomly pick partners today, and I'm really nervous about it. I'm hoping that I get someone decent. Aphmau thinks Zane is great, but I haven't really gotten to know him, so I don't want to be paired up with him. I also don't want to be paired up with Kawaii~Chan, because she will probably be trying to get Aphmau and Aaron together the whole night. We have to dress up as a pair from a movie or TV show. If I got Cadenza, then I would have lots of different ideas. So, it would be cool if I got her. I've always had a crush on Aphmau, obviously, so it would be nice if I got her and we dressed up like a couple from a movie.

I don't want to get Dante or Nicole because I honestly want them to go together.

Oh, and I DEFINITELY don't want to get Katelyn. Ugh. Katelyn hates me, heck, it's like she hates everyone. She can be funny at times, but I know that she is the devil as a woman. She is cold, harsh, and well, she's knocked me out about 28 times, and I honestly don't want to get knocked out again. I mean, Katelyn isn't so bad. She is pretty cute; not as cute as Aphmau but cute. She is fiesty, and I like fiesty. Yet, there is a point when fiesty becomes scary and dangerous, and Katelyn has reached that point. If I get her, then the whole night, I'd be counting the seconds that I'm still alive.

"Hey Laurence! It's time to go to the partner choosing thing!" Garroth said. He was standing in the doorway.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and finished tying my shoes.

"Okay, let's go," I replied. I stood up, and followed Garroth out the door

*at the choosing thing (What would you call it?)*

"Okay, we will all go in a circle clockwise picking partners. If you have been chosen, you will sit down," Aphmau said. Everyone nodded and then Aphmau continued, "I guess I'll go first."

Aphmau reached her hand into the top hat we were using, and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. She slowly unfolded it and read it out loud.

"Garroth!" Aphmau said, smiling. Garroth grinned, and they both sat down. Then, we continued to pass the hat around.

Kawaii~Chan got Reese, Dante got Nicole, and Travis got Lucinda.

Then, Zane pulled one out and he got Michi.

It was my turn. I could get Cadenza, Aaron, or Katelyn. It would be fun if me and Aaron went together. We could dress up as Nino and Adrien (I can't spell. Please, someone help me!!) from Miraculous Ladybug. I'm just hoping that I don't get Katelyn.

Dear Irene, please don't let me get Katelyn! I pulled the slip of paper out and unfolded it with my eyes closed tightly. Finally, I slowly opened my eyes to see who I was paired up with. There was one single neat name written on the scrap of paper.

Oh gosh, I got Katelyn, lucky me! (Sarcasm)

I tried not to groan or sigh or complain.

"Katelyn," I said, sticking the piece of paper in my pocket. I sat down, without glancing at Katelyn.

"That means Aaron is with Cadenza. The party is on Friday, and today is Wednesday so you have three days to figure out everything with your costumes," Aphmau said.

Everyone got up to leave except me, Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, and Cadenza.

"Aw! I had so many plans if I got you! We could've dressed up as Elsa and Anna from Frozen! The only question is, who would've you been? Elsa or Anna?" Cadenza said, smirking.

"He would be Elsa for sure. Her dress matches his eyes, so he'd look so pretty in it!" Aphmau teased.

We all laughed and shared a couple of more jokes, but then Cadenza had to leave. I was left with the residents of the home. Now I had to talk to Katelyn about our costume.

"I know, I know, let's go over the rules first. Number one, let you hang out with your BFF, Nicole, all night. Number two, no touching you. Number three-" I started to say.

"Why did I have to get you of all people? I mean, at least I didn't get Travis, but you still make me want to punch you in the face," Katelyn remarked, interrupting me. I had to force myself not to gulp.

I stayed silent. In most cases, I would make a flirtatious joke to her, but I knew that I would be dead meat if I did.

"Ugh. What are we going to do anyways?" Katelyn asked.

I couldn't help it. I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Well... We could dress up as Rose and Jack from the Titanic," I said with a smirk. I turned her way and winked.

Man, I was too much like Travis.

"Oh darling, you would be perfect as Rose!!!" Katelyn said sarcastically. She bawled up her fists so I would notice. I rolled my eyes.

"-And you would be Jack?"


"Puhleez! We all know that I would be a better fit for Jack because I'm so handsome."

"You're going to continue annoying me all day, aren't you?"

"Yes. It's really fun," I said. I sat down next to her on the couch.

"It's also fun to punch you."

"Eh, worth it."

"You may not be Jack, but you sure are a real Jack**s." Katelyn turned her body to face me. Her knees were slightly pointed towards me.

"Thanks," I said with a fake smile.

"Ugh I hate you."

"Love ya too, Katelyn!" I said sarcastically. I glared at Katelyn. Katelyn glared back.

If looks could kill, I would be dead.

Then I continued on to say, "Don't you hate everyone though?"

"I don't hate everyone."

"Name someone you don't hate. Oh, and it can't be Aphmau."

"Why not?"

"-because everyone loves her. She's just perfect. Nobody can help but like her."

"You're really in love with her, aren't you?"

"Yes, now answer my question."

"Nicole. I don't hate Nicole."

"Anyone else?"

"I don't mind Aaron."

"Of course. Everyone also loves Aaron."

"Cadenza is pretty chill. I'm also pretty cool with Lucinda, as long as she doesn't use potions on me."

"Okay, so maybe you don't hate everyone. You hate most people though."

"Listen Laurence. I'm just an extreme introvert with a bad temper and not to mention, I'm part grumpy cat. I mean, I don't actually hate anyone. I'm just annoyed easily."

"Really? It sure does seem like you hate me."

"No, I don't hate you. You're actually pretty fun; Annoying, but fun."

"Thanks Katelyn. Jeez, I think that's the nicest thing you have ever said to me," I said. I smirked for the millionth time, and for the first time, I actually had hope. I had hope that maybe this costume party won't be so bad after all. If it was just going to be me and Katelyn bantering playfully throughout the whole night, then I would be fine with that.

Katelyn rolled her eyes, but surprisingly didn't go all Hulk on me after I made that remark. Katelyn grinned for a second, but she immediately shook it off.

"Now let's plan out our costumes. We are definitely not going as Jack and Rose," Katelyn said.

"Well, maybe we should think of things we actually both like."

"Well, I like Once Upon A Time. Have you seen that?"

"Nope. Do you watch the Flash?"

"Yes, I do. Yet, I'm guessing you want to be the Flash. That ain't happening. I am the only one here capable of being the Flash," Katelyn said, flipping her hair.


"You can't make costumes from that show."

"Something Disney?"

"Eh, Disney is kinda cliche. I'm betting a lot of people will dress up like Disney characters."

"ARE YOU AGAINST DISNEY?!?!" Katelyn scooted closer to me, as if to say that I was being to loud and I could talk quieter because she was close to me.

Katelyn laughed. "Overprotective fangirl much? Ha! Actually, I love Disney. I just want to be original. We could dress up like something Disney, but it has to be unique. No Disney princesses, and we can't be Minnie and Mickey."

"Something Marvel? Technically that's Disney."

"Who would we be?"

"Hawkeye and Black Widow."

"Why them?" Katelyn questioned. Katelyn's knee brushed my knee and stayed there for a moment before she realized it and pulled back her leg.

Oh, I don't know Katelyn. Maybe because you would look hot in leather. Just saying.

Katelyn must have read my thoughts.

"Ugh. Never mind. What else can we be?" Katelyn asked. Katelyn turned to face the wall in front of us instead of looking at me.

"Something from Star Wars? I don't know if you like Star Wars but-" I started to say.

"YES! I love Star Wars soooo much!!!" Katelyn shrieked. That's the first time that I've seen her fangirl. Katelyn looked back at me, but then she returned to her position, realizing that she just fangirled.

"Fangirl much?" I mimicked. Katelyn rolled her eyes for the millionth time.

"I'm being Princess Leia. She's bad**s," Katelyn remarked, still grinning.

A smirk developed on my face. I think everyone could guess what I was thinking.

"Suits you. However, if you are being Princess Leia, I'm being Han Solo," I said.

"Well, I guess they both constantly tease and banter with each other. Han Solo is kinda a flirt like you. As long as you follow rule number 2, don't touch me, then you can be Han Solo," Katelyn said. Katelyn then looked off into the distance at something, as if to hide her face.

"Deal. I'll see you later, Princess," I said. I stood up and bowed my head. I was expecting Katelyn to instantly glare at me, but surprisingly, she didn't. Katelyn actually stood up to her feet, smiling a genuine, joyous smile. It was a kind smile; A strange change from the side smirks she gave me.

"I'll see you later Laurence," Katelyn said, patting my shoulder. Yet, Katelyn did not leave right after she said those words. Her eyes met mine, and they lingered for a second or two before they flicked away. Katelyn, who usually acted like a grumpy teenager all the time, never looked at me straight in the eyes. This was the first time that I really saw Katelyn's eyes.

They were similar to mine. However, even though the light blue color of my eyes was slightly dull, Katelyn's was not. Her eyes were soft, and kind. Before, I always saw them as bland and cold "cubes". Now, as I saw them, I saw the shimmer in her eyes. They were darker around the edges, so it was as if her eyes were an array of colors.

Never had I looked at someone's eyes so close. Her eyes were beautiful. Her long eyelashes looked good with them. I couldn't help but want to stare into them for longer. Yet, then Katelyn looked away and headed upstairs.

"G-Goodbye," I stuttered. I was still a bit surprised at how I was so drawn to Katelyn as she left. The second she left, I already missed her playful and witty comebacks and jokes. I missed her smirk.

Why was I over thinking this so much? Why was I actually nervous about this?

My spine shivered, and my legs felt like Jello. My palms were slightly clammy because I was getting nervous about this party.

I'm never nervous about anything. I'm Laurence of Meteli, the over confident flirt.

I shook off my thoughts and shrugged as Katelyn closed the door to her room.

Then, I heard the bell ring. I was a guest in Aphmau's house, so I didn't think I should answer it.

Kawaii~Chan came in from the kitchen and opened the door.

It was Garroth.

"H-Hey Garroth!" I said. I stuttered again. I pushed the creeping thoughts in my mind away.

"Did I just hear Laurence st-st-st-stutter? Maybe you shouldn't be near me as much. Maybe stuttering is contagious," Garroth joked. He sure was in a happy mood. Well, why wouldn't he be? He's going with Aphmau to the party. I would be happy to if I went with her. After all, I love her, and she's the only one that I've had true feeling for.

"I-I h-have G-Garroth dis-disease!" I shouted.

After Kawaii~Chan let Garroth in, she went back into the kitchen, leaving me and Garroth alone in the living room.

"Have you and Katelyn decided what you are going to do? You sure did stay here for a while talking to her," Garroth said.

"Yeah, most of that time I was trying to figure out if Katelyn would kill me. Anyways, I'm going as Han Solo and she is going as Princess Leia," I explained.

"She really agreed to that?"


"Interesting," Garroth said, smirking. Garroth was REALLY happy. When he was super happy, he acted more like me.

"Not really. I kinda have a list of rules to follow."

"Did she punch you at all during the conversation?"

"No," I answered.

Garroth's grin became wider.

"Dude, you need to calm down. You are smiling wider than Travis does when Katelyn doesn't punch him at all for an hour."

"I'm not just smiling because of Aphmau, Laurence. I'm smiling because I think I know something you don't."

"-And what is that Mr. I'm-so-smart?"

"Never mind all of that. Do you wanna go grab some smoothies tonight with Katelyn and Aphmau?" Garroth said.

"Don't change the subject."

"Never mind. I don't even think I'm right. It doesn't matter. Now, do u want to come or not?"

"Of course I want to come! A peach smoothie and Aphmau, I'm in!" I exclaimed. Yet, as I made the remark about Aphmau, the words seemed to lose meaning. As if, I was glad that Aphmau was coming, but not in the way I usually did. Something was happening.

Garroth snickered. "Okay. I'm assuming that Katelyn just went into her "cave," so do you want to text and ask her if she wants to come?"

"I will, Garroth. Now let's go home, watch Fairy Tail, and eat so much popcorn that we will get a belly ache," I said. I grabbed my phone and keys from a side table and followed Garroth put the door.

"Bye guys!!!" Kawaii~Chan shouted as she heard us open the door.

"Bye Kawaii~Chan!" Me and Garroth said in unison.

I felt some sort of internal struggle in me. I didn't know what it was. I tried to keep my mind off of it, but the thought kept crawling back into my mind. I tried to push it away, but I couldn't. In the peaceful silence of the walk back to our house, I couldn't distract myself. I really needed to watch something to keep my mind off of it.
If you haven't noticed already, I was trying to make this a one part one shot. I mean, one shots are supposed to be one part. Right?However, I can't do that. I'm sorry that I'm doing multiple parts. I hope you guys have a fantastic day! Love ya! Bai!

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