MCD Sleepover Pt. 4

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Intro 😂😂😂
We are adding a character today! She is one of my friends on wattpad! She is singsong2004
You should go check her out and her Aaron and reader story!
And in this we will call her SingSong, or SS.
SS: *magically appears out of nowhere* Yo!

R: Yo! Wassup?

SS: Hey guys!

L: Ummmm.... Who is this, Ryan?

D: Oh, that is SingSong. I followed Ryan just right now and I noticed that she was followed to her too.

L: You had time for all of that in one minute?

D: Yup.

A: Ryan, is this the guest that you were talking to me about?

R: Yeah.

L: Well SingSong, it's nice to meet you. I'm Laurence.

SS: Yeah I know I know. I kind of watch the show of you guys on YouTube.

R: *gives SS fist bump* SingSong, we are playing truth or dare, and Garroth just fainted because him and Aphmau kissed as a dare.

SS: I know that too. Did you forget that you wrote about this on wattpad?

R: Oh yeah...

SS: and remember we were talking about it when the Unigons attacked?

R: Ok, I get it. Now, are you going to play or not?

SS: Sure.

R: Since you are new here, do you want to go?

(Garroth wakes up)

G: ummm... Guys???? what happ- oh yeah. *turns bright red again*

L: Goodmorning Sunshine!!!

D: *breathes heavily and whispers* Larroth shall not sink...

L: I ripped up your teddy bear while you were out.

G: NOT MR.FLUFFLES!!! YOU WOULDNT DARE!!! *tackles Laurence*

L: Gar-Garroth! I'm just joking! Get off of me!!

G: *gets off* ok, let's keep playing

SS: Dante, truth or dare?

D: Dare.

SS: *maniacal laugh* I dare you to go put on a dress and some makeup, go run outside, and yell: "I'M A PRETTY PRINCESS" and continue to yell it as you run down the street.

D: Fine, but where am I going to find a dress and some makeup?

A: Kawaii~Chan!!!!

KC(Kawaii~Chan): Aphmau~Sempai, Kawaii~Chan was baking cookies for the guests! Why did you disturb Kawaii~Chan's sweet rainbow cookie making process?

A: Kawaii~Chan, do you have a dress and some makeup that Dante can borrow? He realized that he really likes your fashion sense, and he wants to try it out.

KC: Dante? Really?

D: No, it's a dare.

KC: oh, ok, then take whatever you want from Kawaii~Chan's closet. *walks back to kitchen*

D: Ugh. *goes upstairs*

10 minutes later...

R: Drumroll please!!!

(Everyone pays there legs)

R: The new and improved Dante!!!!

(Dante walks out in a big pink ball gown, a tiara, a hot pink hair wig, pink diamond hot heals, and fabulous makeup)

G and SS and A and L: *bursts into laughter*

R: Dante, you look fabulous!
*pulls out phone*
Pose Dante!!! I'm sending this to Nicole! She's gonna love this!!!

D: NOOOO!!! Ryan, you wouldn't dare!!!! *glares*

SS: That's what you get for saying that GARMAU sucks on wattpad. Garmau shall not sink!!!

R: ok, I'm done snapping photos. Get your butt out there princess Dante!

D: *stomps out the door with everyone following*

L: *pulls out phone and starts to take video secretly*

R: Nice Laurence. We're sending that to Nicole too, right?

L: Of course we are. After all, that is our mission in life as ninjas, right?

R: Ha! Of course, Tiger.

L: *smirks*

(Dante runs down the street)

D: IM A PRETTY PRINCESS!!!! IM A PRETTY PRINCESS!!! Im a pretty princess... (Sees Zane watching in horror)

(Burst into laughter)

Z (Zane): What is going on here?

A: Nothing Zane. We are just playing some truth and dare. Do you want to come join us?

Z: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. But if you guys try to do anything fishy....

A: We won't. Just come on!

(All go inside)

SS: Well that was fun, but I have to go. I'll be back. I just have to go before the Unigons find me.

Everyone: Bai!

SS: *disapeers*

G: You know Ryan, I'm glad that we met you and SingSong.

R: I'm glad that I met you guys too, and I'm sure SingSong would too.

L: Aren't you super glad to meet moi?

R: *giggle* Yes, of course I am, Tiger.

L:  *smirks*
I Love you guys! Bai!

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