Puppet, Please!!!

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F. Freddy's POV~

"Puppet. . .", I slowly place my hands on his shoulders, "Look at me. . .", he looks at me but. . . I could only see the yellow highlights in his eyes, "Please. . .", he sighed and gently took my hands off his shoulders and looked at me with no emotion, "I'm sorry, Sir. You must be confusing me with someone else. . .", I shake my head as I felt tears fall, "No! I know you're Puppet!!", he silently watched me. . . I let myself fall to my knees. . .

I stood up immediately and shook him, "PUPPET!! WHAT'S WRONG?!?", he suddenly frowned, "What do you mean?", I sigh. . . I look Puppet in the eye and squeeze his hand, "Don't worry Puppet. . . I know I may not be the best person in a situation like this. . . But I know someone who it. . .", Puppet continued to frown as I smiled of the one person that could help. . .

Lolbit's POV~

I RAN AROUND MY ROOM IN JOY!!!!! PUPPET WAS FINALLY GONE!!!!!! I suddenly heard a loud sob! I ran upstairs to Baby's room to see her on her floor crying," Baby?? What's wrong?!", she sniffed, "P-Puppet's g-g-gone!!!!", I smiled, "I KNOW!!!! ISN'T IT FANTASTIC!!!!!!", she suddenly glared at me. She stood up and got in my face! "I'm going to let you know. Puppet was always there for me, like I was there for him.", she shoved past me. I tried to run after her but as we came to the well... I saw F. Foxy staring at the corner of where Puppet's box use to be. . .

BonBon's POV~

I read through all of Puppet's reports. . . Anything that could help him. . . BUT THERE WAS NO CURE!!!! I felt defeated. . . I suddenly heard footsteps!! I peaked out of my hole and saw F. Foxy staring at the place where. . . Where. . . I CAN'T SAY IT!!!! I LET PUPPET DOWN!!!!! I suddenly heard a phone ringing. . .

F. Foxy's POV~

I stare at the place. .   I couldn't. . . I couldn't bear life without him. I brought my knees up and buried my face. . . "FOXY!!!!!!", I turned around slowly to see Bonbon running at him with a phone! I saw Lolbit and Baby watching us as Baby dries her tears. . . Bonbon handed me the phone, "IT'S FREDDY!!!!", I took the phone slowly and brought it up to my ear, "F. . . Freddy. . .", before I even outer a word, "FOXY!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!", I had to pull the phone away for a moment as his screaming made my ear ringing. . . Once I recovered, I responded, "Freddy. . . What has happened. . .?", he said the words. . . That would bring some life back. . .


Baby's POV~

Foxy dropped the phone and I could see the shock in his eyes. . . I ran over and picked up the phone, "Freddy?!", Freddy started to cry and spilled the whole story!!! I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. . . I took a deep breath and calming told Freddy the plan, "Freddy. You and Puppet. Stay where you are. We're on our way. DON'T MOVE.", I heard him say yes and hang up. I turned to Bonbon, Lolbit and F. Foxy. I inhale, "Wait. Here.", I stormed out of the room and ran into my room. . .

I ran upstairs and dug threw my old chests and threw out anything that was useless to me!! I suddenly felt it. . . I slowly pulled it out and I smiled as tears fell, "I knew I didn't have the hurt to throw you got. . .",

I ran downstairs and I waved them, "THIS IS THE CURE!!!", Bonbon was shocked, "WHAT?!", I knelt down, "What if we used these for him! If music is the only thing that will help him keep him right, then we can turn his Gamer headphones, into his music headphones!!", Bonbon soon smiled and that soon turned into excitement!!! "YES!!!! WE CAN DO THAT!!!!", I cheered in excitement, F. Foxy jumped in the air and hugged himself, "THANK GOD!!!!!!", I was gald F. Foxy was happy to finally get his friend back. . . But. . . He seemed. . . Over excited. . .?

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