Part Four: Orange and Blue

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Frost speaks - Another World

Hello again. I would like to introduce all of you to my other two companions in another world. I do not go there so often, but I will make an exception for today.

That's Orange right there. He's a ginger cat and he tends to be more laid back than Blue, a wolf.

I usually celebrate Christmas there by leaving gifts in a chest. I even built a chimney for the occasion.

Orange, you may go ahead and tell your story now.

Orange speaks - Life

Hello there. I assume that Frost had just told me a little about me, so I will spare you the formalities. Unfortunately, my story is unexciting compared to Blue. I recommend you to prepare a blanket.

I lived in a birch forest, which was located near a jungle. I was born in the jungle like many other cats, but I never favoured that biome.

I chose to live in a birch forest that it seemed more calming and relaxing than the jungle. What's wrong with the jungle? Nothing really, but my family abandoned me there.

Since I did not know them for long, I felt no sadness, only resentment at their actions. Despite the fact that living alone had its benefits, I felt lonely and I secretly hoped for company.

One day, I caught sight of a human house and I headed to it. Frost brought me in and took care of me pretty well if she wasn't too busy in her home world. At least I'm left alone with my comfortable carpet.

I see you are finally awake. I'm sure Blue's story may excite you more than mine. Just don't ask about her past - she hates that.

Blue speaks - Adventures on the Mountain

I was an adventurous dog. Back when I was young and foolish, I took part in many life threatening activities. For this story, I will be talking about the time I scaled a mountain.

Initially, I was not allowed to come due to my age. I pestered the instructor for hours until she gave in, with the condition of staying close to her throughout the climb.

We stopped and made a temporary camp in a cave. That night, our supplies were raided. The raiders took all of our iron tools, which were vital to climb up the mountain.

Without my instructor's consent, I tracked the culprits down. The culprits were zombies who made a top secret base in the mountain for some strange project.

I infiltrated their base without thinking and I was lucky not to get caught. I found out that the zombies were building a weapon to dominate our world.

I decided to destroy their plans despite the risks involved. I could potentially fall into the boiling hot lava which melted the iron ore and burn to a crisp.

Somehow, I triggered a TNT explosion which destroyed their contraption and unfortunately, alerted them of my presence. I was captured but my instructor rescued me, with the help of some humans who shut down the zombie's project entirely.

I rather not to live that again as I got to keep Orange company. I know he secretly likes attention. It's getting late, so I can't tell you anymore stories. Hope you can visit us again soon!

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