Another surprise and another mission

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Jack POV

I've been in Manecraftia for about a week now, and its kinda peaceful, even at night, the girls have helped me and I've crafted for them, Skelly went out the night after I gave her the new bow, went out and salvaged some equipment and ammunition.

She came back with a .308 sniper rifle and dozens of cartridges, as well as a few magazines of 7.62mm for my assault rifle, spare 10 mm rounds for my pistol and a few weapon attachments.

"You did not have to do this for me, I can do this myself now" I said, she smiled as replied "yo wouldn't have known where to look, there are more a few miles from here but you can get them yourself now".

"Well anyway, thanks" I said and started to work, the girls have become even more friendly to me, there has been a few... ahem... Incidents, were the girls get abit revealing, ITS FUCKING SCARY, trust me on that, yet it I like it.  I was about to attach some stuff to my assault rifle when Vanessa asked "what's that ?" And pointed to the attachment, "it's a Susat, stands for Sight Unit Small Arms Trillux, it helps me shot more accurately at longer distances, this is a torch light" I said whilst pointing at another attachment next to me.

Skelly walked up to me, holding the sniper rifle, "what's this ?" She asked, "that is a .308 sniper rifle, capable of firing accurately af extreme ranges of up to 2 miles, the bullet flys at a speed of 3500 blocks per second, and if I'm honest, I thought you would be interested in it cause I've heard that your a great shot with a bow and this gun is designed to be accurate". I said with a smirk.

She just stared at it, "how... I-I... , Could you show me how to use it later ?" She asked, pretty nervously , but I just waved it off as shock or something, "yes, but I'll have to do it at night, as I'm abit busy right now".

She nodded and put the rifle by my side, then walked off to leave me to fix the attachments on in peace, than after that, I striped and cleaned my pistol, then put it back together in a speed that put the girls in total awe, then added the pistols attachments which were a light and a silencer, I kept the silencer off as I never really need it.

### skip a few hours till night falls ###

The girls were about to go to bed, because I could craft, Silk and Vanessa gave me some string, that I made in to wool, then with wood planks I turned in to beds, so every one had a bed, Cupa had her old bed back and I took a new bed and placed it in the corner.

Only me and Skelly were up, as I promised that I would take her out to show her how to use the sniper rifle, which already had a silencer on it as well as a multi zoom scope, we found a spot about a mile west from the caves entrance, found a hole that over looked a valley, some trees were at the bottom as well as a river and a few cows.

I turned to her, her face looked pale in the moon light, I gave off a brightening beauty off her body, her hair side left slightly with the warm late night breeze, I quickly told her to face the valley a lay behind the rifle, it had the short bipod on the front, set up.

I told her, " ok, you see the cross hair down sight, move till you comfortable, with a good grip on the weapon and I'll adjust the sights, tell me when the sight are clear" I moved a small dile till she said "there". "Good,not he sights are lined up and your target is 400 metres away, I want you to hit the closest cow on the right, that's tomorrow's dinner, shot it in the head" I said.

She fires, but the shot misses by an inch,"it okay, just steady your breathe, aim hold breathe and squise the trigger until you get slight resistance, then breathe out half breathe then squise the trigger fully but don't let go of the trigger straight away". She nods in acknowledgement, she pulls back the bolt, ejects the spent round and closes the bolt, which chambers a new cartage.

She holds her breathe, squishes trigger half way, breathes out half a breathe, pulls the trigger fully.       The gun knocks back quietly, the cow falls, it's head has a small hole in it, "good shot" I say, she turns to me, let's go of the rifle and leans in, she closes her eyes and kisses me on the lips, not a small peek but a long, soft and passionate kiss,our tongues met in the middle, it lasted for a few moments but I loved it, "damn, you a good kisser, I wonder what else your good at ?" She said with a bit of excitement in her voice, " don't get any ideas " I say to her as she bites her bottom lip.

Just then, I saw movement in the valley, a small group of four girls were running to the cave, chased by a zombie pigman, I knew that zombie pigmen lived in the nether. "come on"I said the Skelly as I slung the rifle over my back, and ran, I looked at Skelly, "run to the girls, I'll deal with the pigman", "ok, just be careful" she says, I nod and sprint straight for my target.

One of the girls falls and the other 3 stop and face her, Skelly got to the girls and stood between the girl on the ground and the pigman, which didn't notice me running at it, I drew my combat knife, held it with the blade under my hand, I got closer, it turned his head at me, squealing a shriek ai I jumped from the small mound, blade raise above my head, and brought it down with all my strength, the blade went straight through its skull and its brain, killing it instantly.

3 of the same, wearing green dresses and a slime hat, I guessed they're slimed,obviously.                         One look like they eldest, roughly 19, another looked 17 and the last looked 15/16. The fourth girl looked the same age as the youngest, 15/16, but wore a 2 peice bikini with a hat that looked like a magma cube. "Gelli, it that you What's happened ?"'asked Skelly in a worried tone, to the eldest slime, Skelly !!! Thank heavens we found you, it's our cousins in the nether, they been found and imprisioned !" She turned to the girl on the floor, she said " flame told us and we've come to tell you but the pigman came and chased us, thanks for your help" she notices me cleaning my knife and placing it back on to my webbing's chest rig.

"Umm, w-who is this ?" I turn to face her and said, "I'm jack" I say as I held up a salute, "he's a human, came here a week ago with all the others, they were the ones fighting the the mob armies, he is the last survivor as far as we know, he even saved Cupa from dying". Said Skelly, 

Flame, the small magma cube girl was holding her leg, "ow, I think I wacked my leg on a rock and it very cold, please help me" I took my top part of my uniform off, it one suit but can be parted for cleaning and repair, I wrap it round her, put my webbing back on, and picked her up, "a true gentleman" Skelly said.

We got back to the cave, place flame on my bed as well as Gelli and her sisters and woke everyone up and told them everything, well, not the part with me and Skelly kissing, I'm not in the mood to die just yet thank you very much.

"Now" I said, as I got everyone's attention, as I grabbed my gear, "it looks like I'm off  on a HELL of a rescue mission !" They just stared at me " are you crazy,or brave ?" They shouted.

"I'm the only one who can do this, trust me there is not other option, not up for a debate, and we are also running out of time. Flame, where were they taken to ?" I said as I turned to Flame.

"They are at a fortress called the "Citadel", they will be killed for how they look very soon" she said with an innocent tone in her voice. She started to cry.

"That settles it" I grab my ammunition and assault rifle,and ... Cupa hands me a map and shows me where we are and where the portal is, "take care and don't die or I'll never forgive you" ."I'll be back by tomorrow morning" she hugs me and kisses me, then they all do the same, except Gelli, her sisters, who just shake my hand or give me a hug, then Lame hugs me and cries " you'll get them back, won't you ?" "Yes" I say as I run out the door in to the night.

I'm in for one "Hell" of a mission.

A/N hi everyone, thanks for reading my story, I will try to release at lease one chapter a day or week and thank you REKKA-GURL21 adding my book.

Un till the next chapter, enjoy.

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