Dare #32 and #33

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Me: Hey guys!

Lukas: Why are we here early?

Me: Because I have to introduce our new character! You better pay attention Ivor!

Ivor: Why?

Me: Because it's... HARPER!

Harper: Hey guys! *sits next to Ivor*

Ivor: O//////O

Me: *smirking* Alright guys, our first dare is... BWAHAHAHA!

Jess: What?

Me: We get to have a snowball fight!

Jesse: What's so bad about that?

Me: One of the snowballs has a potion inside it, and whoever gets the potion thrown at them gets to wear a dress for the next five dares!

All the Guys: WHAT?!

Me: You heard me, anyways, get throwing!

*Everyone throws snowballs, and Ivor gets hit with the potion one*

Ivor: Owww!

Me: Well, I suppose that you have to wear a dress for the next five dares! 😏

Ivor: O//////O I never agreed to this!

Me: Too bad! Get changed princess!

Ivor: *grumbles and goes to the bathroom to change*

Me: So... would any of you guys like to talk about your crushes?

Jesse: Well, we all have girlfriends not cru-

Me: Oh Harper! Why don't you tell us your crush! *cough* Ivor *cough*

Harper: Do you need a cough drop?

Me: Yes please!

Harper: *gives me a cough drop*

Me: Hehehe... so... what's taking Ivor so long?


Jess: I'll go check on him. *walks to bathroom and opens the door, seeing Ivor holding my hairbrush and singing Count on me by Bruno Mars*


Jess: Woah, Ivor...

Ivor: *jumps* At least give me a warning before you come in!

Jess: Fine *walks away*

Lukas: So... what's he doing?

Jess: You go check!

Lukas: *walks to bathroom* IVOR?!

Ivor: Shush... this never happened...

Lukas: Hold on... *magically poofs disco ball into the bathroom*

Ivor: Now shall I continue?

Lukas: I'm joining you!

Lukas and Ivor: YOU CAN COUNT ON ME LIKE 1 2 3!


Ivor: *rushes out* I'm not singing, Lukas is singing!

Lukas: What?! I'm not-

Jess: You have an amazing voice Lukas.

Lukas: Aw, thanks Jess!

Jess: No problem Lukie!

Me: Awww!

Ivor: See! He was singing!

Me: That dress color really compliments your eye color Ivor.

Harper: *giggles*

Ivor: O//////O

Me: Anyways, the next dare is... drumroll please!

Axel: *falls through the ceiling onto the drum set* I'm ok!

Me: I wasn't asking... you deserve it!

Axel: Aww, why?

Me: You always fall on top of Lukas, and Lukas is Jess's Bae!

Axel: It was only three or four times.

Me: Anyways, our next dare is that we have to... Eat some cupcakes! One is poison, one is fire resistance, and one gives you butterfly wings!

Everyone but me: YAY CUPCAKES!

Me: Yep! Dig in!

Everyone but me: *rushes to get a cupcake*

Winslow: Reagan can I have a Chocolate one?!

Me: No Winslow Bae, chocolate isn't good for cats!

Winslow: Aww...

Me: Enjoy your cupcakes guys!

Lukas: Why aren't you eating one?

Me: Because I'm the host. Plus, I'm having some stomach issues right now...

Aiden: *mumbles* Unfair!

Everyone: *eats their cupcakes*

Jess: OW!

Lukas: JESS!

Jess: *grows magical butterfly wings and flies away into the sunset*

Me: she'll be back soon...

Ivor: Yes! Chocolate!

Axel: Ewww! I got fire resistance!

Olivia: I got vanilla!

Petra: Chocolate

Jesse: Vanilla

Aiden: Chocolate

Maya: Chocolate

Gil: Vanilla

Lizzie: Chocolate

Dan: Vanilla

Winslow: Vanilla

Reuben: Vanilla

Benedict: Vanilla

CaptainSparklez: Chocolate

Stacy: Chocolate

Stampy: Vanilla

Harper: *choking*

Me: Well, she got poison!

Ivor: HARPER! *helps her*

Harper: *spits out cupcake* Thanks Ivor

Ivor: Um, no problem. O//////O

Me: Hehehe...

Ivor: *whispers* Did you do that on purpose?

Me: That's for me to know and for you to wonder! Bye!

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