Chapter Eleven

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     I watch as the soldier I've only spoken to twice, die before my eyes. I don't know what to feel in this situation, remorse, regret, hatred, or... should I feel a sense of justice? I don't notice how everything's gone silent after the gun shot. All I notice is two troops carrying away Burr's body, leaving a smear of blood across the floor. In the silence, I hear Alex's deep breath that suddenly hitches, all four of us pressed against the cell bars, we saw everything that happened. Herc suddenly groans.
"Aw man, Alex looks like he knows something. I hate it when he knows something and I don't, it makes me feel stupid." Honestly, I can relate to that, but is that all he cares about right now? We just saw someone get murdered and all he cares about is his IQ against Alex's.
     "Who was that?" Lafayette asks no one in peculiar.
     "Aaron Burr. He's something of a martyr for us rebels. He died for our cause, Washington held a funeral for him and everything, or so I hear... but that's all bullshit isn't it? Because now he's really dead." Alex answers.
     "Yeah, I've talked to him before," I say, not really thinking about the words coming out of my mouth. Everyone turns to stare at me, all of them confused. "Uh... well... I mean he's asked me some questions but- that's it I swear!" I immediately become flustered for reasons I can't even explain to myself.
     "What did you talk to him about?" Alex asks. I would rather tell anyone else in the world except for Alex, because I have a feeling he won't appreciate my answer.
     "About... about you." I say weakly. Alex raises his eyebrows.
     "About... me?" he says slowly. "What for?"
     "W-well he's an- was an officer right? So when he asked me a question I have to respond truthfully?" I respond. Behind Alex, I see Herc and Laf nod vigorously.
     "What did you tell him?" Alex says harshly, probably forgetting that Laf and Herc are here and listening.
     "Nothing really! I barely know anything about you!" I shout at him, and this makes me angry, because I do want to know more about Alex, but at the same time thinking about him makes me blush.
     "But did you tell him about what I'm fighting for?! That's valuable and not to mention private information." Alex counters.
     "Oh cut the bullshit Alex! Everyone knows you're a rebel, you're not exactly hiding by shouting about every five seconds." I scream. Alex's face seems to relax for a second, and then it hardens again as he seems to remember something.
     "You should have lied." He spits out at me.
     "You don't get it," I say, and my voice is trembling and I hate because I don't want to show signs of weakness right now. "That's not how it works around here Alex! You have to respond truthfully or you could get killed if they catch you lying, I was in enough trouble already, I didn't need extra helpings of torture."
     "You have to stop only thinking about yourself," Alex says suddenly. "Sure, I don't much like the idea of your death, but before the rebels were captured you could have no idea about the number of people I was trying to protect. Some information you deem unimportant can harm somebody else." Ouch. That hurts, and the worst part is he's right. I haven't been very mindful about other people, have I?
     "Shut up!" Herc suddenly shouts. "You can't say that crap! You don't know a thing about John if that's what you believe. Besides Laf, he's the most caring person I've ever met. He doesn't only care about us, but about things like sea life that others find stupid. You've only behind here for about two months, you don't know how it works around here, but we do, and John is right, you can't lie around here." I don't want his support, I don't deserve it. Alex is right and he is wrong, and is that why he's smiling right now? Because he knows about his rightness?
      "It's touching, your support for one another. So I obviously assumed you were going to come to his aid." Alex smiles.
      "There are both wrongs and rights in this fight, and each of you has a point, but we can't fight each other, not while we're trying to oppose our enemies," Laf says, finally stepping in. Possibly he wanted to see which direction the fight would spiral into before he took a side. "Let's just... forget that this ever happened okay?" Wow. If that's the best solution he's got he must be out of ideas, or energy. Possibly both. But five seconds of silence pass and all four of us become aware that this will be impossible because the soldier that just shot Burr is coming towards us. Almost automatically Hercules and Lafayette step in front of me, blocking me from view of this murderer. This makes me feel worse however, because I don't want them to think I need protection. And I don't want Alex seeing that I do. The guard snorts, rolling his eyes.
"Do you think standing in front of him will help any of your causes?" he asks us.
"What do you want?" Herc challenges, ignoring the question.
     "Your... friend needs to be moved to a different sleeping quarter. The Captain doesn't trust that you won't break the rules together again." Two thoughts come into my mind. A hopeful thought of: Oh good, they don't know I was trying to help Laf, Herc, and Alex escape because if they did we'd all be dead by now. And another more gruesome thought of: Oh fuck.

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