Chapter Thirty-one

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     "You look strangely happy." Hercules comments as he bends down to pick up firewood for tonight's fire. During the fire, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson will announce our plan for fighting back against the British.
     "So sue me." I answer, tossing a stick into the pile we're creating.
     "I'm just saying. I haven't seen you smile in forever, what's the occasion?" he says. I can't help but let my grin widen, and Herc now looks panicked. "John, what's going on?"
     "Maybe I'm just happy today," I say, standing up with a particularly sharp stick in one hand. "Is there something wrong with that?"
     "No," he says quickly. And his hands dart to pry the stick from my grasp. "Not at all."
     "Jesus Herc, you treat me like a child." I reply, rolling my eyes.
     "I'm sorry it's just- you know what it is." he answers, dropping the stick onto the others.
     "I... I do," I bite my lip guilty, "I'm sorry I put you through that but- I... I told Alex and he..." I trail off not knowing how to continue. What is he doing for me? Or should I look at the perspective of what's he done for me?
     "So that's it," Herc mutters. "Okay that clears that up." he starts toss all the sticks into the trash bag he's been carrying around. I rush up to his side to help him.
      "Wait what? What did you just decipher from that?" I question him. He turns to me and I see him giving me a weird smile.
     "You have a crush on Alex."
     "What?! I- no- it's- it's not- he's my... my friend!" I say furiously to him, and I can feel my whole face turning red.
"Yeah. You can try to hide it, but I've known you too long. Laf knows as well. Nothing gets past him." Herc laughs, and elbows me in my chest, and then walks off, leaving me to wonder if I really do like Alex.

The fire circle is located in the largest clearing the forest the rebels call their home. The fire pit is in middle, with benches encircling it. It's around 8:00 pm when we all trudge towards the flickering flames, and take our places around the fire circle. As I slide into my seat, I spot Alex talking with Washington in front of the fire pit. I catch his eye, and give him a warm smile with he returns.

"Tonight," Washington shouts over the chatter that's been filling the clearing. "We will discuss what actions we should take against the British. Mr. Jefferson, if you could give your opening statement." As Jefferson steps into the gaze of the crowd, I can see Alex glaring pointedly at him, and I can't help but notice how Alex left his hair down. It falls around his shoulders in waves, and it's kind of cute. But I shouldn't be focusing on that right now, tearing my eyes away from Alex, I stare at Jefferson instead, who's already started speaking.

"Well, as all of you might have guessed, our numbers are pretty low," he announces to the crowd. "But the British have low numbers as well! Several well placed spies have reported zero movement coming from the quarry, and others have noted that even when there is activity, nothing dangerous is going on. I suggest we prepare for a week or two and then attack!" Low cheers from the crowd. Some people (mostly Jefferson's rebels) are standing up and whistling as well.
     "Thank you Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Hamilton, do you have anything to say on the subject?" Washington says as soon as Jefferson is finished. Alexander nods and takes Jefferson's place in the spotlight.
     "My reports show our numbers are about two hundred, and the British have about roughly the same amount. If we were to attack now, the causalities would be severe. We've already lost... quite a few people," he cuts off to glance up at Eliza and Peggy, who are sitting together and holding hands, their faces still shadowed by grief. "I suggest we don't attack the British until we're one hundred percent sure of victory. We can't lose anymore people by attacking whenever we feel."
     "I don't believe this." Hercules whispers next to me, and I turn to see him frowning down at Alex.
     "I know," Lafayette says, who's sitting next to Herc. "He's actually advising us not to attack for once. Strange... isn't it?"
     "I think he's brilliant." I smile, my cheeks going pink. I avoid Herc's eyes by staring down at my knees.
     "It's okay to show how you really feel, John." I hear her, plain as day, as if she's sitting where Herc should be. I look up quickly and see my friend staring down at me with concern in his face.
     "You good?" he asks, placing on of his hands on my shoulder. I realize I'm shaking. I nod and turn my attention back to Alex.
     "We can fight," Alex says to a few people who have stood up to shout at him. "But we're not ready, we're not prepared. And two weeks isn't going to change that."
     "And how long do you suggest, Alexander?" Washington questions Alex, loud enough so all of us can hear.
     "Well, if we're counting in all the time it will take to gather supplies, recruit more people, and train the ones we already have... I would hazard to guess about a year." Alex answers.

     "A year? Jesus Hamilton, you can't be serious. We can do this in two weeks, I'm telling you." Jefferson says, rolling his eyes and taking a step towards Alex.
     "And I'm telling you, Jefferson, that we're going to be no closer to being ready in two weeks. A year might not even be enough time," Alex sighs and rubs a spot on his forehead. "Look- we don't know where that idiot Captain ran off too. We don't know what he's doing, but we better believe he's recruiting more people, and we need to do the same. We'll be perfectly safe here while we're doing so."
     "Then we should arrack while he's gone! This is the perfect opportunity to-"
     "To waste time! We can't win without destabilizing the Captain, and we can't do that without knowing where he is!" Alex retorts, but before Jefferson can open his mouth, Washington cuts across both of them.
     "Thomas, Alexander is right. We're simply not ready." And turning to the crowd, he dismisses us to our sleeping quarters.

     I'm not able to sleep again. These last few nights have been terrible even though I've escaped the British. But at the same time, if I don't get sleep, Hercules or Lafayette will notice the circles under my eyes and then they're going to start to get worried. I roll over and try to fall asleep, and that's when I finally notice the rain that's been pouring down over our heads. Which a jolt in the region of my stomach, I sit up so fast my head spins for a second. When I can see again I turn immediately to Alex's and breath a sigh of relief to see him still laying in his bed. But, even though he's asleep, it's like his body can tell there's rain outside and he seems to be shivering. I don't know what to do for him, I can't just leave him like this and it would be kinder not to wake him up. I think for a moment and then finally come up with a solution.

     Hopping out of my bed, I tip-toe over to Alex's bunk. I can hear his shakes breath and know I can't let him wake up. I tentatively reach out my hand to grasp his, and I notice how he seems to calm down a little. Without giving it a second thought I climb into his bunk, and laying down next to him I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer. I'm starting to wonder about the cleverness of my actions when Alex turns around in his sleep, and lazily seems to throw his arms around my neck. And I suddenly realize I can't feel him shaking anymore, and I know I can't leave him alone, not now, not while he's finally calm. And this time, I'm not doing it for myself.

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