Chapter Twenty

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"Who-!" I shout, and turn around so fast that Lafayette loses his grip on me and slam into the stone wall. The flickering torch light lights up the face of the man who placed a hand on my shoulder. Half of me expects him to be Alex, but it's not Alex that comes into my view. It's Seabury.
"You!" Laf shouts. "What are you doing here?" I push against the wall and stagger back into place next to Lafayette, glaring at Seabury.
"I w-wouldn't shout for h-help if I was you." he stammers. Then he pulls something from the inside of his cloak. It's a gun. There's a stunned silence and then Laf let's out a choked laugh.
"Don't be foolish. Even if you shot one of us, the other would attack you." Laf smirks.
"H-he's injured, right?" Seabury murmurs, and the points the gun at Lafayette's head. "Laurens was w-whipped. H-he won't be able to fight back." His hands are shaking so much the gun drops a few inches and is now pointing at Laf's neck instead.
"Y-you wouldn't dare!" I shout, trying to sound a lot braver than I am. "You're just as unhappy here as we are. You won't kill us."
"There's nothing I wouldn't do anymore." Seabury whispers, his eyes are wild, and the gun drops in degrees again.
"You don't have to do this," Lafayette says, sounding unconcerned. How does he do that? "We know you've lost as much as we have, the rebels can protect you. Come with us." Laf stretches out his hand, willing for Seabury to take it, to help us find Hercules. Then a bullet goes through Lafayette's body.

"Ouch." I say. And Washington looks up at me, surprised.
"What was that? Are you hurt?" he asks.
"Well yeah, but... that was intuition I think," I answer. I can't shake the feeling that something terrible has happened, well, more terrible than everything else that's going on. "Do you- do you think that they're trying to find us?"
"I'm not so sure... I don't know what Hamilton's doing in this situation. Maybe he's trying to gather all the remaining survivors and take them some place safe. Or fighting back. I don't believe that he's coming for me," Washington says. "But, you know your friends better than me. Maybe they've convinced Alexander to help, or maybe they're coming here on they're own."
"I know. I know they're coming. But... that's what bothers me." I respond.
     "Why should it? They're true friends if they want to help you." Washington states.
     "But... they might get into trouble. Or hurt. Or... worse." I say, shaking my head. Washington nods to show that he understands but doesn't pursue the subject.

     "You thought you'd just waltz up here without consequences? Fools!" a British solider shouts, and I raise my head so fast that it hits the back of the wall.
     "Ow!" I shout. Through watering eyes I see two people get thrown into the cell, then the door slam shut. I wipe my eyes and look down at the two people in front of me. My breath hitches, and I dash over to them, kneeling down at Lafayette's side. John props himself up on one elbow, and turns to see me. Then, following my gaze glances down at Laf, who's unconscious. His eyes widen in horror.
     "Oh fuck... I... I didn't think it was this bad." he whispers. He quickly gets up to sit beside me. There's a bullet wound on Lafayette's shoulder, and he's losing a lot of blood. I quickly check his pulse and breathe a sigh of relief.
     "He's still alive... for now, what do we have to work with?" I say to John.
     "Pressure and shirts." he replies. I curse under my breath, and then pull of Laf's shirt to see the damage better. And I almost wish I hadn't. It looks a lot worse here, and he's bleeding more freely now that his shirt is out of the way. His flesh around the wound is ragged and pink, and bruised. Checking his other sigh I see the bullet didn't go all the way through his body.
     "Is... is the bullet still inside?" I murmur.
     "I... I think so." John says. Everyone in the room is watching us, even Madison, all with pity in their eyes.
     "We don't have any way of getting it out!" I say frantically, and I feel as though I'm starting to lose my head. Stay calm. I tell myself. A silent voice comes from across the room, John and I turn our heads to see Madison, standing up and watching us. This dude freaks me out, we look exactly alike. Whatever, now is not the time to think about this.
     "I might be able to help," Madison says. "I studied nursing for a while before... before I was sent to the mines. I don't really have anything to work with but... I could try anyways."
     "Yes please." I say gratefully. Madison nods, kneels on Lafayette's other side, and gets to work.

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