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(admit it babiess..this guy is hot af😍)
(someone find me boyfriend like this😂)


"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Kit ask and Ming can heard a shaking in that small one voice.

"What do you think I'm doing??" Ming smirk and walked closer as Kit try to walk away from that tall guy....

But it doesn't take long before Ming burst into a big laugh.

"You should look at your face kid. Back off ..I need a sleep" He said and push Kit away before plop himself onto Kit bed.

"What the fuck- YAHH!!!! THIS IS MY FUCKING ROOM..SO PLEASE GET YOUR ASS UP AND LEAVE THIS ROOM NOW!!" Kit high pitch voice is just like a whisper to Ming. He just ignore the small guy and keep on sleeping. Ignoring the furious Kit that almost want to kill him.


Ming open his eyes and look around. Kit is nowhere to be found.

"Where the hell is he.?" Ming get off the bed and look at his phone. "Its 5.30 a.m. Damn I woke up too early.." He said and open the door . He walk downstair but stop imediately as he heard a loud snore coming from downstair.

"The fuck is that?" Ming walk slowly and find the source from where that sound come.

As he walk the snore getting louder. "It must be from this room." He open the door and gasp.

Its Kit that sleep like a freaking koala hugging a tree trunk ,with mouth open and a loud snore.

"Wow..this is so ...wow..." He close the door and sigh ."Noisy as fuck." He walk to the front door and open it. Walk to his own house that full of mystery.


Kit's pov

I woke up due to my phone that scream nonstop for almost 15 minute now.

I grab my phone beside me and look at the screen the moment I unlock it.

"God damn! 118 missed call from Wayo and 97 missed call from Beam. " I look at the clock. "Fuck!! its already 7.30 a.m. Shit!! shit!! I'm late.." I get off the bed and run to my room.

I take a super quick shower and get ready in 5 minute. I run down.

"Damnit! where my driver??!!!" I scream.

"Sir Kit..I'm sorry Miss Davika ask the driver to send her." my maid said.

"What the fuck...What is wrong with her!!! She has her own but still snatching mine...!! Erghh..!!."

"Need a ride?" A sudden voice make me turn around.

"Great..now send me to school as fast as possible." I hop on Ming bike without thinking twice.

"Hold on tight.." He said. And he mean it. He ride that bike so fucking fast. I have to freaking hug his waist and glue my front to his back. Because I don't want to die yet.

The usual time to reach my school with my driver driving skill is 10 minute.. But today I reach school in just 4.6 minute. What a record!

"How its feels riding a bike with me Kit?" He ask with a smirk

"That was so freaking awesome.. We should do that often.."  I said and jump off the bike happily.

"I can send you everyday if you want.." He raised his left brow waiting for my answer.

"Well..that is a good idea. I start to like you already ..Not 100% ,but maybe 10% for now." I said and wiggle my brows.

He let out a small chuckles and smirk. "Its gonna add up slowly..trust me Kit..have fun at school. See you later." He about to go when I stop him.

"Hey..since my sister took my driver.. I want you to pick me up at 4p.m after I finish school okay?"

"Okie dokey..now..now.. I really have to go.." With that he vanish from my sigh.

I run into the school and saw my two bestfriend waiting for me infront of our class.

"Who the hell is that??!" Wayo ask while pointing his finger acting like a diva.

"Davika boyfriend." I answer while walking to my seat.

"God damn..he is hot.." He add. I got to admit that my friend sometime can be bitch as hell.

I turn to my side and saw Beam that sleep peacefully. "Is something wrong with this guy? He never sleep in class tho.." I said and look at Wayo for an answer.

"Oh wait.. I forget to tell you.. Actually ,his parent..want him to marry someone. And I heard he is rich af." Wayo sit on his seat beside .

"What..are you kidding me.? Why both of you married earlier than me..? And all because of family arrangement. What the hell!!?" I shouted slolwy enough for everyone to heard it.

(a/n : Thats what we call loud Kit /// Kit : You is the one who write it tho /// a/n : Fine)


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