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Author's pov

"Yah Wayo??" Kit waved his hand infront of his bestfriend asking for that guy attention. "Hey..hello...I'm here?? Can't you see me??" Kit noe stand infront of Wayo. But that guy seem like ge is in his own world. He keep smiling like a crazy person.

"Kit..can you please sit down?" Beam sigh and pull Kit hand ,making that small guy sit on his chair.

"But..Wayo is kinda ignoring us.." Kit said and pout. Beam shook his head and look at his bestfriend.

"He just fall in love again..thats all.."

"With who??" Kit furrow his brows and look at Wayo.. " He is cheating behind my cousin??" Kit eyes enlarged as Beam smack his head. "What was that for!?"

"For being an idiot.. He fall in love with his husband moron.." Beam said and look back to his book. "Oh yaa..Today I can't go out with you two.."

"Why?? We always go out together on Tuesday... But why you can't today??" Kit ask with a sad face.

"I have something to do.." Beam said and sigh. Kit just nod his head . He stand up and want to go to the toilet. He almost out the class when he heard Wayo phone rang. He saw his bestfriend pick up the call. Wayo look and Bram and murmur something and Beam just nod. He doesn't want to think anything bad about his bestfriend so he just walk out the class.


"Sorry,Kit.. I can't go..I'm sorry okay.." And thats how Kit is being leave alone infront of the school gate.

"Are you okay Kit?" Korn ask as he grab his young master school bag.

"Let just go to the mall.. I need ice cream.. Wait lets pick someone first.."


"So Julya...since today is our last dat of relationship... So I'm gonna treat you anything that you want ..Just mention it.." Kit said as his hand being placed on the girl beside him.

He ask his bodyguard to waut at the car.

"How about we watch movie first...then we can go and eat..and huy stuff ,if you okay with it.." She said.

"Okay..lets go.." Kit said and walk with his ex girlfriend to be.


"That movie is so good.." Julya said and smile widely..

They now sitting at the restaurant and waiting for their food. Ming smile as the drink arrived. He sip his drink a bit and look at the girl.

"I need to use the rest room for a while.." Kit said and get up. Julya just nod his head and give Kit a smile.

Kit walk slowly to the restroom. But he stop his step as he heard a familiar voice behind him. He look around and saw his two bestfriend with someone. He can't see the other person face because he wear a hoodie and Kit only saw his back.

Kit sit on the table behind them and cover his face a bit.. He want to know why they meet with that person without he even know.

"Look..he cannot know about this okay...you two have to keep it as secret no matter what?"  The person voice is also familiar. Almost sound like ...Ming..

"But..how about her .. She gonna be a problem.." Beam said and I can heard his sigh. What are they talking about..

"Don't worry..about her..I will handle it myself.. you two just have to take care of him.." That guy said again.

"Okay..we promise you..But Ki-

After that everything just go silent. I want to turn my head but I wait a frw second before turn my head. And the moment I turn it ..they already leave.

They saw me???

What is the big secret???

Why can't they let me know???

I'm their bestfriend for godsake ???

I walk back to the table wherw Julya at without going to the toilet. Too many question is running on my mind.


After the date ,I broke up with Julya and go back to my house. I throw myself on the bed and scream when my face is burried on the pillow.

And slowly my eyes getting heavier to open. I yawn and close my eyes. Letting the sleep make me forget everything for a while.

Learn how to love yourself before learn how to love anyone else...😘😘

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