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With a creak sound I opened Mingshi as a shiver electrified my spines. My lungs that could help me in breathing perfectly fine before, protested to do so anymore as I struggled to enter the room. As if this wasn't enough for the worse transformation of my health that I felt a tentacle wrapping around my waist and gobbling up my hands like some handcuff. His dirty grin made me feel like my ears been rotten.

After we entered Mingshi, the door was shut down behind us, with no possibility of being opened again. I sighed in despair.

"You wanna see your new companions?"
Asked him, the long nail of his index finger piercing slightly through my nape skin. I nodded, already known about the fact that there's no escape now.

"So eager.."
Commented him before chanting something in language unknown to me and with that appeared the most horrendous things in front of my vision that I've never seen before.

-End Of POV, Andy


The spirits are classified according to the difficulty level of summoning them inside the mingshi. (i.e difficulty level of composing the covers)



These spirits are easiest to summon and weakest among all the available spirits inside mingshi. That's the reason they're assigned with the rank of GRADE 6.

The spirit elements don't contain any variation and mostly dependent upon the "FONT" or "TEXT SLAP" element.

NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 6 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.



These spirits are easier to summon however got slight difficulties in the procedure of summoning them. Although they're stronger than the grade 6 spirits, they're considered as pretty weak when it comes to gaining powers from them.

They've variation in their spirit elements and requires "MINIMALISTIC" work in the process.

NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 5 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.




These spirits seem stronger in appearance but are actually mediocre in terms of power. The procedure of summoning them is slightly harder than the previous two grades.

They've got 3-5 spirit elements in general but that can vary sometimes. They've the unique trait of "BLEND" amid their spirit elements that makes them looks stronger.

NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 4 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.




These spirits are quite hard to summon and is termed as quite rare one amid all the spirits present in mingshi. These type of spirits can be achievable seldom, nonetheless not hardest to summon. They're assigned with the rank of "GRADE 3" and henceforth provides higher than just mediocre power.

Although they've got very less spirit elements in general however what makes them tricky, hard to predict and different from just text slap is their trait of "TYPOGRAPHY".

NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 3 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.




These spirits bear the weakest appearance of all however however is actually the second strongest in terms of power. They're very hard to summon and can be summoned via hardworking of several hours. They're assigned with the rank of "GRADE 2" however lacks in some prospects when it's compared to grade 1s.

The difficulty part about summoning them is that, the summoner need to create the spirit elements all by themselves as their speciality is determined by the feature of "FULLY DRAWN" or "FULLY ILLUSTRATED" without help of any external spirit elements.

NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 2 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.




These spirits are hardest to summon as perfection of summoner is required to achieve them for terms of power. These spirits are mostly attracted towards individuals with high 'Yin' power and is likely to respond if such a person is summoning them. They're assigned with "GRADE 1" because they both strongest appearance and as well as strong curse power.

The speciality of this spirit is that their spirit elements to be "MANIPULATE"-d perfectly in order to gain their full powers and that's what makes it hardest to achieve because manipulation of spirit elements require years of continuous practise.

Nature of The spirits:



Nature of The Spirits:



Nature of The Spirits:



Nature of the Spirit



NOTE: Above displayed spirits (covers) are the previously summoned grade 1 spirits that has been residing inside the dark room.

Till now Mingshi contains the highest number of Grade 1 spirits and that's the reason for Lord Fugosa to arrive here.


"Hope now you can understand why I need you?"


"Hope you won't forget your promise."

"I won't."

"What it is again?"

"I promised to be your slave and their summoner until I manage to free Mister Damian from your malevolent grip."


E/N: 💀😭 This section will be out of roleplay and storyline where I'll communicate will readers and honestly what kind of kinky stuff am I even representing atp? 💀 The first 18+ portfolio ever is being created 😂😭


Theme Inspiration: It's a secret💀🗿
Spirit Classification inspiration: Jujutsu Kaisen


Spirit Elements: Resources used for making the covers.

Nature of Spirits: Genre of Covers

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