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To my surprise Lord Fugosa was unusually laughing today, the reason still unknown. Something very suspicious going to happen as far I could decipher. As I mentioned previously I wasn't allowed to go out of the mingshi until I manage to summon all the spirits of Fantasy Island. I wonder what brought him here.

"You'll happy today pretty boy."

"As if ur face is any better to make my day happy. Cut the crap."

His face didn't darken like usual times, instead it was glowed up more before he exclaimed,

"But their face can."

After that it's the unexpected part for me. He dragged a person inside with him that made me stagger for a moment there. It's that person from before..

It's MoranaInDesign ...

But wasn't they already gone? How did he manage to get grip of them? I had so many questions unanswered, however I looked at their eyes as a trail of sparkle was visible previously.

"Remember, I told u we will cross paths again."
Told Mo, without any fear.

"I see you've still got the temper."
Mr. Fugosa, replied with the smirk in his face.

"What do u want again this time?"
I sternly asked, grabbing his collar.

"Aiyoo little boy, guess you're forgetting your position. You're not yet in position to grab my collar like this."

He calmly detached me from himself.

"Ik they helped you in summoning some sort of spirit few days ago. It won't hurt if they summon more. They already agreed, and left is you. And as you know your opinion doesn't matter here."

Before going all I saw was his crappy smirk that made my blood boil.  I tiredly asked the person,

"How did u get caught? And why are u helping me?"

"Oh, none of them I'm actually obliged to answer, but again, for the last question all I can say, is it's for  your betterment. "

They smiled before summoning the spirit along with me.

End of POV, Andy

"Hey, the great spirits of the island

Lend me the powers you've got on your hand

Even if it's just for his malefic need

But that's the only way to make him recede. "

Revealing -

SPIRIT TYPE : Detected

Grade 2 - Illustrated Vector





So basically as it's mentioned they're looking for a place to escape. From Mo's entry it can be seen that there are numerous doors floating around which depicts the different portal kinda thing for every participant. The two of them are out from two different portals and have met each other and now escaping towards the only visible source from where they thought they could escape. The pipes that are connected to them have the chemicals inside them that depicts they're still under the effect of such drugs. Also the hat and the mask, is no longer necessary for my character, since from his viewpoint he has lost everything already. Mo's entry is prequel to the story telling in my entry.

Now coming to my entry, how it's arranged in a sequence way is that, they thought they could escape after going behind that door, however little did they know that there's some bigger danger waiting for them outside. So despite they're out, they found themselves under the control of the island authority (who's face was partially revealed in my advertisement poster initially in first round. ) The threads are depicting how they're still being manipulated by some more powerful force and their nightmare still persisting coz they always wanted to manipulate others. However being manipulated by others is one form of their worst nightmares. Also u can notice few doors floating over them which means, they'll have to surpass the authority's control to escape in real sense. This scene is the sequel of the previous one as u can notice the end of the violet coloured tunnel from where they've been escaping through all these time.



E/N: Although our entries barely matched the criteria as we went for story telling entries rather than just puzzle pieces or matching entries, so yep there was a high chance of disqualification or elimination this round, nonetheless the eternal truth is - WE WERE DEMOTIVATED. 😂

Again the result was lowkey unexpected, as it's really not our strong fields; especially mine.

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