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Day 8,

Apparently, I'm feeling some strange sensations arising inside me. I don't understand, but I don't feel so weak like before. Maybe, it's because of the neutral spirits from healingland aided by Mo. Guess, I'm adapting to the new situation. Thereby I shall finish my task summoning spirits for today.

- End of POV, Andy


"Spirits that want the power of Yin

Shall look out for the mana even it's thin

Want the power? Come forward -

Reveal your true form to claim the reward. "


Revealing -


GRADE 1: Manipulation





Since childhood, Alex Kim has always been intrigued by the history of Egypt. Later, he came to know about their mythology as well. With time he gradually became a book nerd who became interested about different cultures of other countries as well. However, deep inside his heart, there was always an unknown bond with the Egypt and the expansive lonely desert of once, that's been provided company by the serene Nile river, starting from the most glorious days till the days of downfall. The Nile was always there for the desert.

Alex Kim being a hopeless romantic, could only imagine about some unfinished love stories filled with nothing but void in the end in every valentine days starting from his teenage. An workaholic like him never really found purpose why he should actually celebrate the day anyways. 

At his 25th Birthday, he decided to have a small vacation in Cairo, his dream destination he could say. Although modern Egypt contained nothing such ancient scenario, he couldn't help feeling thrilled. In the hotel he was residing, on the 3rd day of his staying there, he received a parcel out of nowhere. It's really surprising to get a parcel in an unknown place, he was really thinking of informing the local cops but felt somewhat curious. Inside the parcel he discovered an exquisite piece of Ruby necklace and an invitation letter to a couple bondfire.

Did this secret person take him as fool who's ready to be kidnapped in some unknown country? Whatever, he threw away the invitation card, but couldn't threw away that elegant piece of jewelry. He kept it on side table and went to sleep. However in midnight when he woke up to drink water, he found something beyond surprising. He found the ruby necklace illuminating a soft hue of crimson. That's something new. In order to see it properly when he took it in his hands it turned more saturated.

"Seth - Seth..."

It's not his name, yet he felt like he's been summoned by the monotonous whispering of someone. He should follow it. He decided, otherwise he feared he'd get addicted to this voice. He went out sneakily, since the hotel was already closed. He looked here and there, to find the voice source and on getting it, he couldn't stop himself from sprinting towards that direction. It's taking him towards the Nile river, the less population side, he's running.

When the voice became more prominent he's in between some shallow forest with spacious ground in between them. He stopped on the sight of a bondfire before him. All he could see was a gigantic person in terms of body apperance wearing something weird over his face, standing behind the bondfire, his face barely visible.

Alex couldn't help approaching him with steady steps, but yet failed to see his face. Suddenly something stroke his mind, he knew this figure. He knew this figure from pages of Egyptian history, wait he's wrong, maybe he knew him before that as well.

In order to see his face properly, he extended the ruby necklace that was glowing brightly like some burning coal. The next moment he knew he felt a soft touch over his face and the voice saying -

"Take back your desert Seth.. Show the world once more, the great era Of Seth.."

"You're - you're..."  Alex stammered in between his words but couldn't complete as he felt warm sensation descending upon his nape from his cheeks.

"Take back what's been yours.. take back your HORUS. You're not allowed to leave me again.."

"Ruby Red was the colour of reincarnation."

E/N: Tbh I know the story seems so crappy and has no plot twists at all unlike my other concepts I've worked upon before, but uhh I was really missing 'Ennead' so decided to make something upon Egyptian mythology and romance.

Ennead is a BL manhwa, that consists of the struggle of God of war and desert Seth, while he was demoted to a demigod for his previously attempted sins. Also it showcased romance (more like obsession) between him and Horus the new king of Egypt. To my assumptions the story is not gonna end well. So a little fanfiction I wrote right there. 😂 I can write more but the story is already so damn long, so yeah-

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