Before We Start...

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Welcome fellow humans, to this poor excuse for a story. Before I do start anything, I just wanted to tell you guys a few things.

1) This does contain spoilers for Steven Universe episodes.

I am one of those people that find it hard to avoid spoilers, (mostly because I actually like them) and whenever something releases early I watch it On-Demand. I have seen the 6th StevenBomb (which has aired on TV by now) and Stuck Together (which was released on the app) as of now.

If a chapter does contain spoilers, I will title the chapter with (SPOILERS) so those who do not want to be spoiled can avoid it. If it has a few minor screenshots and stuff that don't really spoil anything, I won't title the chapter with spoilers, rather I'll write it down in the chapter itself for those that do not want to be spoiled at all.

Whoops, I was rambling, sorry about that...xD

Anyway....That's all I wanted to say, and I guess that's all I'll say right now....

Bye for now, humans! xP

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